
Playing With Words (New Curriculum English For Grade-7)

Playing With the Words


Look at the following illustration and in pairs/groups ask and answer the following questions. You can choose any option and share with the class why you have chosen it.
নিচের চিত্রটি দেখুন এবং জোড়া/গোষ্ঠীতে জিজ্ঞাসা করুন এবং উত্তর দিন নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্ন. আপনি যেকোনো বিকল্প বেছে নিতে পারেন এবং ক্লাসের সাথে শেয়ার করতে পারেন কেন আপনি এটি নির্বাচন করেছেন.

Question: a. Do you like or dislike cricket?
Ans: I like cricket because it is very thrilling.

Question: b. Do the players appear to be spirited or spiritless?
Ans: The players appear to be spirited as they are enjoying.

Question: c. Are the two teams friendly or unfriendly?
Ans: Yes, they are friendly.

Question: d. Are the audience happy or unhappy?
Ans: Yes, they are happy.

Question: e. Are they supportive or unsupportive?
Ans: They are supportive.

Question: f. Are the seats comfortable or uncomfortable?
Ans: Not so uncomfortable.

Question: g. Do you agree that playing sports like cricket helpful for making friends? Why?
Ans: Yes, I agree. As cricket is played together, it helps us to make friendship.


Now in pairs/groups, read the note given below and divide the words into prefixes, root or root words and suffixes. Then, do pair/group checking. One is done for you.
এখন জোড়া/গ্রুপে, নিচের নোটটি পড়ুন এবং শব্দগুলো ভাগ করুন উপসর্গ, মূল বা মূল শব্দ এবং প্রত্যয়গুলিতে। তারপর, জোড়া/গ্রুপ চেকিং করুন। একটি আপনার জন্য করা হয়.

Word Prefix Root or root word Suffix
Dislike Dis Like No suffix
Spiritless No prefix Spirit less
Unfriendly Un friend ly
Unhappy Un happy No suffix
Unsupportive Un support ive
Uncomfortable Un comfort able
Disagree Dis agree No suffix


In pairs/groups, read the passage given below and discuss what prefixes and suffixes you will add to the underlined root words to make the sentences meaningful. Note that you may need to add only prefixes or suffixes, and for some words you may need to add the both.
জোড়া/গোষ্ঠীতে, নীচের অনুচ্ছেদটি পড়ুন এবং কী কী উপসর্গ রয়েছে তা নিয়ে আলোচনা করুন এবং প্রত্যয়গুলি আপনি বাক্য তৈরি করতে আন্ডারলাইন করা মূল শব্দগুলিতে যোগ করবেন অর্থপূর্ণ মনে রাখবেন যে আপনাকে শুধুমাত্র উপসর্গ বা প্রত্যয় যোগ করতে হবে এবং এর জন্য কিছু শব্দ আপনার উভয় যোগ করার প্রয়োজন হতে পারে.

Prefix Root words Suffix Word
enjoy ing Enjoying
watch ing watching
perform ance performance
play er player
win dow window
near ing nearing
proud Ly Proudly
wel come Welcome
happy Ly Happily
test ing Testing


A. Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Example word Your words Your sentences
Re doing again Restart recharge, rehearse 1. Mom needs to recharge her mobile phone.
2. I will definitely rehearse my role as many times as possible.
pre before/earlier Preorder Prepare, preview 1. I prepared for the examination.
2. Let’s see the preview of the movie and then decide to watch it.
En in/ within Enlist Enclose, engender 1. Please enclose the file in the envelope.
2. Air pollution engenders the lives of birds.
Un, Dis, Non, Ir, Il, In/ Im The opposite of something or someone Dishonour Improper, Irregular 1. Your behavior was improper.
2. He is very irregular.
Anti against/ the opposite of someone or something Antibody Antisocial, anticlimax 1. Try not be an antisocial.
2. We planned a good holiday but the rain ruined it. What an anticlimax!!
Mis incorrect/ wrong Misspell Miscalculate, mistake 1. I miscalculated the outcome.
2. I made a mistake.
Non not/no/none Nonstop Nonsense, Nonprofit 1. What you are saying is nonsense.
2. School is a nonprofit organization.
Uni one Uniform Unique, unify 1. Her approach is unique like we expected.
2. Common interests unify us all.
Co together/with Cooperate Coordinate, Coincide 1. He coordinated the whole thing.
2. Our birthdays coincide.
Sub under Subject Subway, submarine 1. Have you ever travelled in a subway?
2. I have never seen a submarine in real life.

B. Suffix

Suffix Meaning Example word Your words Your sentences
Able The adjective form of the word achievable comfortable, capable 1. The seat is very comfortable.
2. I am capable of leading my study.
ion, tion, ation condition/ result/ process situation Action, Realization 1. Every action has a reaction in some way.
2. After the realization of his wrongdoing, he apologized to the class.
ive The adjective form of the word active Constructive, communicative 1. Try to do something constructive and meaningful.
2. We need to learn communicative English.
al, ial The adjective form of the word cordial Approval, influential 1. I am waiting for your approval.
2. My mother is very influential in my decision-making.
y The adjective form of the word lucky Sleepy, tricky 1. She is looking sleepy.
2. It is a tricky question.
ly The adverb form of the word quickly politely, confidently 1. Speak politely.
2. Present/write your thoughts confidently.
Ness state/ condition politeness Brightness, calmness 1. The brightness of the full moon is beautiful.
2. I always love the calmness of the starry night.
Ous possessing a quality virtuous Courageous, vigorous 1. Her courageous move added more glory to our nation.
2. His vigorous effort resulted in his success.
Ful Full of careful Beautiful, careful 1. Full moon is always beautiful watch.
2. Be careful when you cross the road.
Ing making continuous tense writing Listening, speaking 1. I am listening to music.
2. Look, who is speaking!!


Answer key to activity 2.5

a) new
b) group
c) added
d) prefixes
e) end
f) suffixes
g) meaning
h) opposite


Column A (Words) Column B (Antonyms)
Accept Refuse
Alive Dead
Advantage Disadvantage
Deep Shallow
Easy Difficult
Divide Unite
Add Subtract
Brave Coward
Complex Simple
Destroy Create
Full Empty
Huge Tiny


Word Prefix Antonym
1. Happy Un Unhappy
2. Connected Dis Disconnected
3. Pleased Dis Displeased
4. Plucked Un unplucked
5. Appear Dis Disappear
6. Fair Un Unfair
7. Obey Dis Disobey
8. Responsible Ir Irresponsible
9. Regard Dis Disregard
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