
Playing With Words (Activity: 2.9 & 2.10 for Class 7 According to New Curriculum)


In pairs/groups, read the following text and write the antonyms of the underlined words using appropriate prefixes in the given table. Then, share your answers with the whole class. One is done for you.
জোড়া/গোষ্ঠীতে, নিচের লেখাটি পড়ুন এবং এর বিপরীত শব্দ লিখুন প্রদত্ত সারণীতে উপযুক্ত উপসর্গ ব্যবহার করে আন্ডারলাইন করা শব্দ। তারপর, শেয়ার করুন পুরো ক্লাসের সাথে আপনার উত্তর। একটি আপনার জন্য করা হয়.

Be Respectful to Others

It was a (1) happy day for Anik. His mother had been charging her mobile phone. After 30 minutes, she noticed the charger was (2) connected. She was (3) pleased because the phone had not been fully charged. “Who has disconnected the charger?” asked his mother. “It’s me” Anik answered nervously, “I (4) plucked your mobile phone and added my Tab for charging. If the Tab is not charged timely, the games (5) appear!” “This is (6) fair, Anik” his mother added, “My son, don’t (7) obey me! I told you several times that you must ask me before doing it. Besides, an electric charger should be handled carefully.” “Sorry, mom for my (8) responsible behaviour. I’ll never (9) regard you.” “That’s okay Anik” his mother replied. Though it made him unhappy, he understood he should think about others.

Word Prefix Antonym
1. Happy Un Unhappy
2. connected Dis Disconnected
3. pleased Dis Displeased
4.plucked Un Unplucked
5. appear Dis Disappear
6. fair Un Unfair
7.obey Dis Disobey
8.responsible Ir Irresponsible


From this unit, you have learned many words, their synonyms and antonyms. Now, prepare a poster in a group of 5-6 with all the words you have learned from this unit. Then write their synonyms and antonyms. Finally, hang it on the wall for others to learn.
এই ইউনিট থেকে, আপনি অনেক শব্দ, তাদের প্রতিশব্দ এবং বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ শিখেছেন। এখন, 5-6 জনের একটি দলে একটি পোস্টার তৈরি করুন যা আপনি এখান থেকে শিখেছেন এমন সমস্ত শব্দ দিয়ে ইউনিট তারপর তাদের প্রতিশব্দ এবং বিপরীত শব্দ লিখুন। অবশেষে, এটি অন্যদের জন্য দেয়ালে ঝুলিয়ে দিন শিখতে.

Words synonyms antonyms
scold reprimand praise
supportive encouraging discouraging
create generate destroy
remove eradicate replace
permit allow prohibit
unlike dissimilar to Similar to
instead in lieu as well
seem appear / look like disappear
likewise similarly dissimilarly

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