
Opinion Matters (New Curriculum for class 9 English)

Opinion Matters

Activity: 1.1.1

Image: 1

The fact: This illustration depicts the mangrove forests. These mangrove forests are usually grown in saline, muddy and partially waterlogged areas. Due to the saline soil, the roots of these forest trees are quite scattered and cannot go deep into the soil. Indonesia, Brazil, Australia, and Niger account for 43% of the world’s mangrove forests. Located in Bangladesh, the Sundarbans is the single largest mangrove forest in the world and is recognized by the world as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
My thoughts on the mangrove forest: Personally, I find these different and unique forests a rare creation of nature. It protects us from many natural disasters. We need to protect our Sundarbans by any means. Also, the mangrove forest inspires me to fight against all odds and make my own place in the world.

Image: 2

The fact: The image describes the National Memorial of our country. It is the symble of the sacrifice of our freedom fighters. It's situated at Savar in Dhaka in has seven towers and it is 150 feet high.
My thoughts on the mangrove forest: I think, the national memorial symbolizes the sacrifice of the real hero of our country. Going there we bow our heads to the myrters of our liberation war and language movement. To me it is built to respect the myrters of our country.

Image: 3

The fact: Bangabandhu satellite 1, is no doubt a great achievement for Bangladesh. It is the first communication satellite in Bangladesh. It is named after by the name of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman – the father of the nation. By having its own satellite, Bangladesh has become the 57th country in the Global Space Society. It was launched in 2018 by the American satellite launching company SpaceX through the Falcon-9 rocket. It was launched from Florida USA. Hales Alenia Space satellite manufacturing company designed and manufactured it. The cost of this project is 2,765.66 crore taka.
My thoughts on the mangrove forest: I believe that the satellite will help us in the communication system. It has made our communication faster. Our countery will be able to earn foreign currency.This success will encourage us to pursue progress in various fields in the future.

Image: 4

The fact:Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish-born American inventor and scientist. He was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He is the best known for his invention of the telephone, revolutionized communication as we know it. His interest in sound technology was deep-rooted and personal, as both his wife and mother were deaf.He acheived many awards in his life.Heied on August 2, 1922, Beinn Bhreagh
My thoughts on the mangrove forest: According to me, Alexander Graham Bell is one of the most reputed scientists. He plays an important role in communication. The persons who are deaf have been able to get hearing power for the inventor. We will remember him forever.

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