
Rules of Affirmative to Negative in Bangla ( Transformation of Sentences)

Affirmative to Negative With Examples

1. বাক্যে Only/Alone + ব্যাক্তিবাচক হলে তা উঠে None but বসে। আবার Only/Alone + বস্তুবাচক হলে তা উঠে Nothing but বসে।
উদাহরণঃ Aff: Anger is only a vice.
Neg: Anger is nothing but a vice.

এবার নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালো করে চর্চা করঃ

Rishad was alone alive in the accident.
Only Rana will fall into my pit.
Only poverty is responsible for this.
Bangladesh is the only darling child of nature.
Only the cook told him.
A computer is an only blessing on earth.
Happiness is only a psychological thing.
Life is only the sum total of moment.
Only an emotionally balanced person keeps it under control.
Only education gives us the light of knowledge.
Only the boys who work hard can shine in life.
Only Allah can help us. He alone can solve this.
Only a patriot can be so noble.
Poverty is the only cause.
Only the qualified candidates should apply for the post.
Only he can play good cricket.
Only the science students can apply for the post.
Only they can do the work.
Only he can speak English here.
He ate only the plainest food.
Only the pure man in heart could be perfectly just.

2. বাক্যে Only + সংখ্যাবাচক হলে তা উঠে not more than/not less thanবসে। আবার Only + স্থানবাচক হলে তা উঠে Nowhere but বসে।
উদাহরণঃ Aff: I bought only a few chocolates for my daughter.
Neg: I did not buy more than a few chocolates for my daughter.

এবার নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালো করে চর্চা করঃ

He has only two handsets.
I have only one pen.
The duck had only one leg.
I will buy only a pair of shoes.
You came here only at four.
She has only one doll.
He has only ten marbles.
We have only one football.
Rana will sell only ten toys.
Only one person can use it at a time.
I have only six nails.
Jet planes were only a few years old.
The widow has only two goats of her own.
He is only four.
I had only one drink.
I need only a minute.
Tom had only one leg.
Tom spoke only French.
I guess it’s only a fair.
I only slept two hours.
I have only one sister.
He had only 100 dollars.
I have only a few books.
I slept only two hours.
I spent only three dollars.
I ate only three cakes.
He only ate one shrimp.

3. বাক্যে Must/have to/ has to থাকলে তা উঠে can not but/can not help + verb+ing বসে।
উদাহরণঃ Aff: We must realize the fact.
Neg: We cannot but realize the fact./ We cannot help realizing the fact.

এবার নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালো করে চর্চা করঃ

I must come forward against corruption.
He must go from one house to another.
We must protect them.
We must read many books other than text books.
We must educate our girls to forward the nation.
She must take care of me.
We must read many books other than text books.
You have to yield to your fate.
We have to obey our parents.
You must care them.
You must yield to your fate.
I must go to the bathroom.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Children have to go to school.
You have to drive on the right.
Schoolchildren have to wear a uniform.
John has to wear a tie at work.
I must go now.
I must stop smoking.
You must visit us soon.
He must work harder.
I must do this right now.
I have to file reports every week.
We have to get up early.
She has to work hard yesterday.
They have to arrive early.
You have to arrive before 8.
They have to work so hard.
We have to work overtime.
She has to attend the presentation.
She must use such horrible language.
You must play with fire.
You must drive more than 25 mph.
The children must go into the street.

4. বাক্যে Had to থাকলে তা উঠে could not but /could not help + verb+ ing বসে।
উদাহরণঃ Aff: I had to love my country.
Neg: I could not but love my country./I could not help loving my country.

এবার নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালো করে চর্চা করঃ

We had to depend on it.
We had to leave it undone.
Nila had to drop the letter.
He had to write music.
They had to hate the selfish.
Rina had to tell a story.
I had to see a bird.
He had to like the bird.
Ali had to open the window.
Sabina had to sing a song.
The man had to buy a shirt.
There had to be more.
It had to be the new baby.
Even your parents had to come up to see you.
She had to stop thinking about the past that way.
She had to get a car as soon as possible.
She had to regain control.
She had to get back there and see what was in the building.
One way or another, she had to get into that building.
All this time he had to remain strong for his mother.
Something had to be done before he got them both killed.
I had to hail a taxi.
They had to edit the film.
He had to think for himself.
He had to pay a high rent for his farm.
We had to ration out the little that was left.
The police had to be called.
To defend myself, I had to tell a lie.

5. বাক্যেরSub টি Every +----- দিয়ে শুরু হলে Every উঠে There is no/ There was no বসে + Every এর পরের শব্দ + but + -------------- অথবা, Every উঠে There is no/ There was no বসে+ who + helping + not + ------------------------
উদাহরণঃ Aff: Everybody distrusts a liar.
Neg: There is no body but distrusts a liar/ There is nobody who doesn't disturb a liar.

এবার নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালো করে চর্চা করঃ

Everybody is conscious of health.
Everybody wants friend.
Everybody disliked him.
Every living thing needs pure air.
Every nation can prosper giving importance of education.
Every patriot works sincerely and honestly in normal course of life.
Every student is helped by our teachers.
Every student needs computer.
Every woman likes it.
Everybody admires of him. Everybody attends a Baishakhi Mela.
Everybody dislikes him.
Everybody in our village loves him.
Everybody in our village loves him.
Everybody loves him.
Everybody should be conscious of his health.
Everyone lives in society.
Everyone can prosper in life with industry.
Everyone will admit this.
Everybody hates a liar.
Everybody hates a liar.
Everybody obeys the will of God.
Everyone likes a flower.
Every man wants to be crowned of success.
Every rose has a thorn.
Every building has iron.
Every cloud has silver lining.
Every tree is known by its fruits.

6. বাক্যের Subটি Every +----- দিয়ে শুরু হয়েও যদি Verb টি has / had হয় তাহলে, Every উঠে There is no/ There was no বসে + Every এর পরের শব্দ + has/had উঠে without বসে ।
উদাহরণঃ Aff: Everybody family has TV.
Neg: There is no family without TV.

এবার নিচের উদাহরণগুলো ভালো করে চর্চা করঃ

Every rose has a thorn.
Every building has iron.
Every cloud has silver lining.
Every tree has its fruits.

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