
Passive to Active Voice

Passive to Active করার নিয়ম

১। By এর পরের অংশকে Subject + বাক্যটিতে যে Tense এর Helping Verb আছে তার আগের Tense ধরতে হয় + Subject কে object + --------------
He has been called here by them.
They have called him here.
২। বাক্যটি Continuous Tense হলে By এর পরের অংশকে Subject + Helping Verb + Being উঠে যায়+ Ving + Subject কে object + ------------------
It was being done by us.
We were doing it.
৩। বাক্যে Modal Verb থাকলে,
By এর পরের অংশকে Subject + Modal Verb + be উঠে যায়+ V1 + Subject কে Object + ------------

He must be given the chance to do it by her.
She must give him the chance to do it.
৪। বাক্যে By না থাকলে Subject হিসেবে We/ People/ Somebody/ Someone/ Authority ধরে নিতে হয়।
English is used in all countries in the world.
People use English in all countries in the world.

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