
Completing Story on Receiving the Frontline Fighter

Receiving the Frontline Fighter

Dr. Maliha Islam had been working at the Corona Unit of the hospital for last 7 days. Finishing a long hectic week, she left the hospital and started for home. She was really exhausted both physically and mentally. Now, she had to return home to meet her family and get some rest. However, she was a bit worried about how her community would react after seeing her returning from work. All already knew that she had been working with the corona patients for the last few days. The hospital authority gave her a ride home. Dr. Maliha nervously entered her residential area. She was worried that her neighbors wouldn't let her enter the neighborhood. However, a big surprise was waiting for her. When she reached her home, she saw her family members and neighbors eagerly waiting for her there. They had flowers and placards in their hands. The whole place is filled with the joyous sound of applause. Everybody was addressing her as the “frontline fighter and real hero'. Dr. Maliha couldn't believe her eyes. She became so overwhelmed that tears of joy ran down her cheeks. People honour the real heroes. And who could be more heroic than our doctors during the COVID-19 pandemic? Indeed, it is the most memorable experience that Dr. Maliha had.

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