
Exercise On Suffix & Prefix Exercise For JSC


Exercise On Suffix & Prefix For JSC

Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable sufix, prefix or both.


1.      As human beings we should gain some moral qualities. In fact, (a) — (moral) is one of the (b) —(great) virtues. (c) — (moral) hampers all (d) — (develop) works of a country. So, morality should be (e) — (practise) since one’s (f) — (boy). Educational (g) — (institute) can play important roles in this regard. This (h) — (ward) quality helps a man to be noble. (i) — (noble) is another virtue. This virtue can (j) — (rich) a man’s life.

2.      Our education remains (a) — (complete) if we do not learn good manners. In our behaviour with others we must be (b) — (respect) with others. We should never (c) — (behave) with anybody because our (d) — (conduct) may hurt others. We should not create any (e) — (necessary) quarrel with others. The (f) — (important) of good manners is (g) — (measurable). (h) — (real) a man of good manners is a gentleman. We should try to learn good manners from our (i) — (child) and grow up (j) — (proper).

3.      Ladies and gentlemen, (a) — (come) on board Flight BG 88 to Bangkok. We are (b) — (current) third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in (c) — (approximate) seven minutes. Please (d) — (fast) your seat belt and secure all baggage under your seat or in the (e) — (head) compartments. Keep your seats and table trays in (f) — (up) position for take-off. Please turn off all (g) — (person) electronic devices, (h) — (include) laptops and cell phones. This is a (i) — (smoking) flight. Thank you for choosing Bangladesh Biman. (j) — (joy) your flight.

4.      There was a poor farmer in a village. He had a (a) — (wonder) goose. She laid a (b) — (gold) egg everyday. The farmer sold the eggs in the market and maintained his family well. But he became (c) — (greed). He wanted to get all the eggs at a time. He wanted to become rich (d) — (night). He could not control his (e) — (tempt) and cut the belly of the goose with a knife. (f) — (Fortunate) he found no eggs inside it. His (g) — (sad) knew no bounds. He became (h) — (repent) for his foolishness. He realized that (i) — (excess) greed leads to (j) — (destroy).

5.      The importance of television is beyond (a) — (describe). It is like a stage where (b) — (perform) are seen and heard. It gives news on (c) — (nation) and international matters. Television has a great educative value. It teaches the (d) — (literate) and students. It (e) — (large) our knowledge. It has broken the wall between the educated and the (f) — (educated). Television has some (g) — (merits) too. So, television programmes should be (h) — (careful) produced so that it can never be (i) — (harm) to us. People who have the (j) — (involve) with production of programmes must be rational.

6.      (a) — (Honest) is the best of all virtues. An honest man is always (b) — (truth). He is never — (harm) to anybody. Nobody is (d) — (satisfied) with him. On the other hand, everybody (e) — (likes) a (f) — (honest) man. People remember an honest man (g) — (respectful) even after his death. Without (h) — (honest) peace and (i) — (happy) is (j) — (possible).

7.      Money is the means of leading (a) — (world) life. (b) —- (short) of money makes our life (c) — (deplore). We cannot lead our life (d) — (proper) for want of money. But there is (e) — (difficult) in earning money. Our peace and prosperity are (f) — (depend) on proper (g) — (utilize) of money. Spending money in an (h) — (proper) way can lead us to the path of (i) — (destroy). So, we should be (j) — (care) in spending money.

8.      Kazi Nazrul Islam is very (a) — (known) to us. He is a great writer. Besides a (b) — (write), he is also a (c) — (sing) and dramatist. We got (d) — (inspire) during our Liberation War from his Be writings. His (e) — (contribute) to Bengali literature has made him (f) — (mortal). He started his early age with great (g) — (hard). Once he had to work in a bread (h) — (make) shop for his (i) — (live). Now, he is our (j) — (nation) poet. He breathed his last in 1976.

9.      Dhaka is the (a) — (big) city of Bangladesh. It is (b) — (dense) populated. As it is the capital of our country, its (c) — (important) is great. Dhaka is a (d) — (beauty) city. The (e) — (beautify) process of Dhaka is still going on. Those who live (f) — (out) the city have a (g) — (fascinate) to visit Dhaka. I was very (h) — (desire) to visit Dhaka. At last I fulfilled my (i) — (aspire) last year. I became pleased seeing the (j) — (attract) buildings.

10.  Our freedom (a) — (fight) fought (b) — (brave). Their (c) — (dedicate) is an act of (d) — (inspire) for us. They have become (e) — (mortal). They have brought (f) — (dependence) for the country through their (g) — (mass) sacrifice. They were also (h) — (courage). Now, we should not (i) — (honour) our valiant freedom fighters in any way. Our freedom has not come to us (j) — (automatic).

11.  The tourists are enchanted with the natural beauties of Bangladesh. The moderate climate is very (a) — (enjoy). Our tourist spots are very (b) — (attract) but there are (c) — (adequate) arrangements for their development and (d) — (maintain). The tourist spots should be (e) — (modern) and (f) — (communicate). Moreover, the (g) — (safe) of the tourists must be (h) — (sure). Foreign tourists have developed a (i) — (nature) attraction to our country. (j) — (spite) lack of requisite arrangements, the number of these tourists is increasing day by day.

12.  (a) — (persevere) is a great virtue to be (b) — (success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life become (c) — (success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d) — (fortune). Remember that the successful people are always (e) — (act.) So, try to be persevering. (f) — (sincere) is another important virtue that (g) — (able) a person to accomplish a job (h) — (appropriate). Student life is the (i) — (gold) period of a man’s life. One should not (j) — (use) this period of life.

13.  Humayun Ahmed was a (a) — (fame) novelist of our country. His novels gained a huge (b) — (popular). The main (c) — (attract) of his novels was the treatment of (d) — (psycho) and sense of humour. (e) — (special) his Himu and Misir Ali are two (f) — (ordinary) characters in Bangla literature. Besides a novelist, Humayun Ahmed was also a (g) — (drama) and a film (h) — (direct). Thus, Humayun Ahmed has achieved an (i) — (parallel) position in our (i) — (culture) world.

14.   (a) — (free) fighter is a (b) — (war) who took part in our War of Liberation in 1971. The (c) — (dependence) of our motherland was (d) — (dear) to a freedom fighter than his life. He joined the war (e) — (willing). He had no (f) — (might) weapons with him. But he had strong moral courage. He was (g) — (main) a guerrilla (h) — (fight). He attacked the enemy from an (i) — (known) place and then (j) — (appeared).

15.   (a) — (literacy) means (b) — (ability) to read and write. It is compared to (c) — (dark). Overpopulation, financial problem, lack of (d) — (aware), high (e) — (grow) rate of Popular etc. are responsible for illiteracy. It hampers all (f) — (develop) programmes of a country. Though govt. has taken many steps to remove illiteracy from the society. Still the measures are (g) — (adequate). Govt. needs to set up more (h) — (educate) institutions, make reading materials (i) — (avail) and ensure employment after the (j) — (complete) of education.

16.  Early rising is the habit of (a) — (get) up from bed early in the morning. An early (b) — (rise) can enjoy the (c) — (fresh) of the morning air. He can hear the (d) — (melody) songs of the birds. Again, he can start his day’s work (e) — (early) than others. An early riser does not suffer from (f) — (physic) problem very often. He need not go to any (g) — (physic). Thus, an early riser enjoys (h) — (vary) benefits and leads a (i) — (peace) life. So, we all should form this habit from our (j) — (child).

17.  Mobile phone is a (a) — (wonder) gift for us. It is a recent (b) — (invent) of modern science. It has become an (c) — (avoid) part of our life. (d) — (True) speaking, mobile phone is now part and parcel in our (e) — (day) life. Nowadays, there is (f) — (hard) any person who doesn’t use mobile phone for essential (g) — (communicate). Our time and energy are (h) — (large) saved by the use of mobile phone. Mobile phone often becomes (i) — (harm) to our young generation. (j) — (Addict) to mobile phone leads the young generation to ruin.

18.  (a) — (Truthful) is a great virtue. A truthful person is very (b) — (help) and pious. On the other hand, people always (c) — (like) a liar. A liar may be (d) — (success) in life but his success doesn’t last for a long time. A truthful person may not be (e) — (wealth) but he leads a very (f) — (peace) life. He doesn’t run after worldly (g) — (achieve) but he can (h) — (joy) true happiness in his life. So, we should be truthful in our practical life. An (i) — (truthful) person is hated by all. So, a person devoid of truthfulness is really (j) — (graced) in society.

19.  Most of the students get (a) — (nerve) about examinations. As a result, they often forget the answers they get by heart. They fail to answer the questions (b) — (proper). Many parents put undue (c) — (press) on their (d) — (child). This in turn makes them all more (e) — (tense). During the exam, there are (f) — (vigilators). They are (g) — (exam). The students who are (h) — (regular) in their studies, cannot do well in the examination. They are the (i) — (teach) who watch over them in the exam. In fact, students should be (j) — (study) from the very beginning.

20.  My mother is very (a) — (affection) to me. She always tries to (b) — (rich) my knowledge, (c) — (courage) me to become industrious and (d) — (come) the problems in life. She is not only my guide but also my (e) — (advise). She desires to improve my (f) — (look) by receiving proper education. When I face any (g) — (difficult), she extends her (h) — (help) hand towards me. I can claim that she is an (i) — (common) type of mother. We should not be (j) — (grateful) to a mother like her.

21.  Mr. X is our English teacher. He comes of a (a) — (respect) family. His (b) — (polite) is known to all. He manages the class very (c) — (nice). He never feels (d) — (happy) to solve our problem. He can sacrifice his own (e) — (happy) for us. He attaches much importance to our (f) — (educate). He teaches us to hate (g) — (honest). He advises us not to do anything (h) — (wise). He does not like to lead an (i) — (disciplined) life. He believes that excessive greed gives rise to (j) — (contentment) in life.

22.  Guests are (a) — (traditional) (b) — (welcome) in our country. Sometimes special (c) — (arrange) is made for their (d) — (entertain). Sometimes we feel embarrassed to entertain an (e) — (welcome) guest. Our people are very (f) — (friend) and open-minded. They are very (g) — (co-operation) as well as (h) — (hospitality). To tell (i) — (frank), our people feel (j) — (comfortable).

23.  Blood (a) — (donate) is a noble act. But many people are (b) — (willing) to donate blood because of their cheap (c) — (mental). Donating blood can save the life of a (d) — (die) patient. The government should (e) — (courage) people to donate blood (f) — (free). Otherwise, we will be (g) — (able) to save the lives of serious patients which is very (h) — (graceful). In the developed countries, people donate blood (i) — (willing). They treat blood donation as a sign of (g) — (devote) to their country.

24.  My father is a (a) — (realist) person. He is (b) — (progress) in thinking. I have never found him (c) — (responsible) in any activity. He hardly (d) — (behave) towards anyone. He is (e) — (deep) concerned about our surroundings. He thinks about (f) — (vary) problems of our country. The problems like (g) — (nutrition), overpopulation, (h) — (employ) make him sad and thoughtful. He also feels sad at anyone’s (i) — (sincere) work. (j) — (Conduct) towards others shocks him greatly.

25.  Bangladesh is our birthland. It is small but (a) — (beauty). It is an (b) — (agriculture) country. Most of the people of this country (c) — (direct) or indirectly depend on agriculture for their (d) —(live). Many important industries are (e) — (depend) on agricultural products. Every year (f) — (nature) disasters damage our crops. (g) — (Fail) of crops causes sufferings to the entire people. The (h) — (farm) suffer most. We gained our (i) — (dependence) in 1971. We should not be (i) — (loyal) to our motherland.

26.  (a) — (Persevere) is a great virtue to be (b) — (success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life, become (c) — (success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d) — (fortune). Remember that the successful people are always hard-working and (e) — (persevere). So, try to be persevering. (f) — (Sincere) is another important virtue that (g) — (able) a person to accomplish a job (h) —(appropriate). Our life is (i) — (complete) if we lack this rare quality. A nation becomes (j) — (capable) of going ahead without being hard-working.

27.  An (a) — (healthy) man leads a (b) — (pain) life. He cannot enjoy (c) –– (happy). He suffers both (d) — (physical) and (e) — (mental). He passes his days with (f) — (happy). His life is very (g) — (misery). He is (h) — (active) too. A healthy man, on the other hand, though not (i) — (wealth) can enjoy a (j) — (peace) life.

28.   (a) — (Truthful) is the (b) — (great) of all human virtues. We must (c) — (courage) the habit of speaking the truth from our (d) — (child). Everyone (e) — (honour) and hates a liar (f) —(wholehearted). A (g) — (lie) is not accepted in a society. His judgments and thoughts are (h) — (value). A liar may prosper in life, but his prosperity is (i) — (pure) short-lived. He is always (j) — (honoured) in society.

29.   (a) — (Nation) Memorial (b) — (symbol) the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the Liberation War. It is an (c) — (achieve) which is (d) — (measurable).  Our freedom fighters showed their unique (e) — (hero) in the war against the well-armed soldiers of Pakistan. The Pakistani soldiers killed our people (f) — (merciless). They continued atrocities in (g) — (associate) with the local (h) — (collaborate). However, they were defeated in the end. If we are (i) — (respectful) of this sacred place, it will mean (j) — (betray) to our nation.

30.  Everywhere Pahela Boishakh is observed (a) — (traditional). People wear (b) — (colour) dress. Many (c) — (art) arrange various programmes. The well-known (d) — (sing) sing on this day. People pass the day through (e) — (enjoy). They become (f) — (forget) of (g) — (monotony) life. The day is very important for our (h) — (culture) life. The day is observed by all people (i) — (respective) of caste, creed and status. Actually, the day is welcomed by the nation (j) — (spontaneous).

31.  An ideal student is (a) — (care) about his (b) — (responsible). He is a (c) — (follow) of great men who became(d) — (success) in (e) — (world) life. He has (f) — (able) to be successful because he is (g) — (merit) and (h) — (industry). An (i) — (responsible) student can hardly shine in life. In fact, students are the future (j) — (lead) of a nation.

32.  (a) — (Deforest) is going on in our country. It means (b) — (destroy) of forests. People are cutting down trees for housing or (c) — (cultivate). Thus, they are making the environmental (d) — (pollute). To make up the loss of trees we need (e) — (afforest). Loss of trees will be (f) — (danger) for our country. Our (g) — (develop) will be (h) — (serious) affected if we don’t plant trees. Absence of trees (i) — (danger) our life seriously. Almost all of us are (j) — (aware) of the harmful effects of deforestation.

33.  (a) — (Literacy) is a curse. For having (b) — (adequate) institutions, all citizens of our country do not get proper (c) — (educate). As a result, they remain ignorant about nutrition, technology, etc, and so they suffer from (d) — (nutrition) and many other problems. The (e) — (govern) should take some steps to eradicate the problem. Because, no (f) — (develop) is possible keeping most of the people (g) — (literate). Illiterate people do not know how to use scientific method in their (h) — (respect) fields. Our independence will be (i) — (meaning) if we fail to make our mass people literate. In the advanced countries, the issue of illiteracy is beyond (j) — (imagine).

34.  (a) — (Overeat) is not a good habit. It means eating (b) — (excess) food. Some people (c) — (occasional) eat too much. It results in (d) — (digestion) which is (e) — (injure) to health. People suffer from (f) — (digest) trouble because they cannot resist their (g) — (tempt) for overeating. They are (h) — (tolerant). (i) — (Fail) to resist this bad habit gives rise to many problems. We should have strong willpower to (i) — (come) this problem.

35.  Success in life depends on the proper (a) — (utilize) of time. It is known to all that life is short but art is long. Those who waste their (b) — (value) time in (c) — (idle), reduce the time of their important work. And (d) — (punctual) is another great virtue of human beings that (e) — (rich) human life. Everybody should imitate it. If you take lessons from the (f) — (biography) of (g) — (success) persons, you will learn that they did not make any (h) — (waste) of time. An (i) — (punctual) man cannot shine in life. He has to (j) — (go) much trouble in the long run.

36.  Teaching is a noble (a) — (profess). In the classroom, a good (b) — (teach) acts like an (c) — (act). He teaches (d) — (moral) among the students. Moreover, he makes the students (e) — (dated). He also advises them to avoid (f) — (fair) means in the examination hall. A teacher is thought to be the (g) — (build) of a nation. So, he must be (h) — (selfish) and devoted to his work. A teacher is part and parcel of the (i) — (develop) of the country. S/he is, so to speak, a (j) — (nation) asset.

37.  A railway porter is a hard-working person. He is a day (a) — (labour). He loads and (b) — (load) the goods of a goods train. Besides, he is very busy at the (c) — (arrive) and (d) — (depart) of trains. He is an (e) — (literate) man. He does not want to receive the (f) — (fix) amount of fee for carrying the luggage of the passengers. During the (g) — (festive) he demands a very high charge for his (h) — (serve). A railway porter is (i) —(basic) a poor man. Actually, his (j) — (finance) condition is very deplorable.

38.  Trees are (a) — (use) to man in many ways. They are (b) — (company) in our day-to-day life. It is (c) — (possible) to build our homes, furniture, etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (d) — (nature) calamities. It (e) — (strength) the soil. If we cut down trees at random, there will be ecological (f) — (balance). So, tree (g) — (plant) programme should be extended for a better, (h) — (happy) and healthier life. In the (i) — (advance) countries, the percentage of areas occupied by forest are (j) — (comparative) high than that of the poor countries.

39.  Bangladesh is a small country but it has a large (a) — (populate). Most people here live below the poverty line and cannot therefore afford to educate their (b) — (child). Many poor children either drop out of school just after a few years or (c) — (simple) do not go to school at all. Despite this situation we have far too many students to educate (d) — (compare) to the number of institutions (e) — (avail). Bangladesh needs more schools, colleges and universities to provide for the increasing number of students. But owing to (f) — (finance) and resource constraints, the (g) — (govern) cannot fund the requisite number of (h) — (education) institution. To boost up the (i) — (education) situation in the country, more priority must be given to this sector. For this, more fund should be (j) — (allot).

40.  A good student is (a) — (mind) of his studies. He is (b) — (respect) of his (c) — (teach). He does not (d) — (honour) anybody. He is free from (e) — (conduct). He is (f) — (study). He is not (g) — (sincere) in his study. He maintains (h) — (punctual). A good student will be the future (i) — (lead) of his country. So, s/he may be termed as the symbol of the (j) — (develop) of his country.

41.  Haji Mohammad Mohsin is famous for his (a) — (kind). He was born into a (b) — (wealth) family. He was an (c) — (married) man. He was a social (d) — (work). He had a great (e) — (contribute) to (f) — (educate). Everybody knows about his (g) — (donate). We are not (h) — (grate) to him. He spent lavishly for the (i) — (develop) of education. The educational institutions (j) — (establish) by him still speak highly of his selfless activities.

42.  (a) — (Child) is a (b) — (gold) period of life. Children in this period are free and happy. Their mind is not filled with (c) — (jealous). They are not (d) — (revenge). They love (e) — (interrupted) joy and merriment. It is a matter of regret that our children are made to (f) — (part) in (g) — (politics) violence. They are made (h —- (picket). Children are, by nature, (i) — (harm). It is our (j) — (fail) that we cannot guide these innocent children on the right track.

43.  Newspaper plays a vital role in modern civilization. It publishes important news and views of home and abroad. A student must have the habit of reading newspaper. Mere (a) — (book) knowledge is not sufficient in the competitive world. A newspaper helps him to (b) — (rich) his general knowledge. Being (c) — (ignore) of the current affairs, he cannot take part in the talks and discussion. So, a newspaper has its own (d) — (educate) value. But sometimes, there are false and (e) — (part) reports in the newspaper. We should accept the good reports and avoid the bad ones. False news can (f) — (lead) public opinion. It may create chaos and (g) — (discipline) in the country. Journalists should publish true and (h) — (fact) news. Newspaper also plays an (i) — (import) role in the overall development of a country. Without the knowledge of newspaper, our mission in life remains (j) — (complete).

44.  Patriotism means love for one’s country. It is a (a) — (power) sentiment and is wholly (b) — (selfish) and noble. A patriot puts his country first, he can sacrifice even his own life for the sake of his country. His (c) — (ideal) gives him courage and strength. But false patriotism is (d) — (danger). Even it leads to war and (e) — (suffer). People having no (f) — (patriot) feelings, can do any harm to (g) — (nation) integrity, solidarity and (h) — (sovereign). The life of a man who has no patriotism is (i) — (glorious). An (j) — (patriotic) man is like a beast.

45.  Health is wealth. A man with (a) — (sick) lives in miseries. In order to possess good health and remain (b) — (physical) fit, he has to avoid (c) — (healthy) food. It is not good to eat from the roadside (d) — (vend). None should drink (e) — (pure) water. But our school-going (f) — (child) have (g) — (fond) for buying foods from such vendors. This is a very (h) — (harm) habit. We the elders have a noble (i) — (response) to convince our soft-minded children about the negative effects of those polluted food items. Otherwise, the future of our nation will be (j) — (certain).

46.  Education is the process by which our mind develops through (a) — (form) learning at a institution like a school, college or university. It is mental and (b) — (intellect) training which provides opportunities for growth and helps to (c) — (come) obstacles to progress. Again, the purpose of education is to (d) — (light) the individual and to develop his/her capacity to the limit. It also ennobles our mind and refines our (e) — (sensible). But (f) — (proper) education is not good for us. It is rather (g) —(defect) and does not bring about any social (h) — (reform). Proper education is a must for mental development. The rich and advanced countries have made tremendous (i) — (develop) because of education. So, our main pursuit should be to promote the level of (j) — (educate) if we want to make our country uniformly advanced.

47.  Money is what money does. It is the means of leading (a) — (world) life. We can lead our life well by earning money. The (b) — (short) of money makes our life deplorable and lamentable. We cannot lead our life (c) — (proper) in want of money. Parents, brothers, sisters, wives, friends may neglect one in want of money. It is the symbol of (d) — (unit). But earning money is not easy for all. Ability as well as (e) — (capable) is required to earn money. However, earning money by any (f) — (mean) should not be our mission (g) — (cause) it will make us (h) — (greed) and demoralized. Money earned in a (i) — (honest) way makes our life polluted. We always follow the saying, (j) — “(Honest) is the best policy.”

48.  Yoga is a kind of posture and (a) — (breathe) exercise. It brings together physical and mental disciplines on body and mind. (b) — (Tradition) yoga puts emphasis on behaviour, diet and (c) — (meditate). But if one looks for better stress (d) — (manage) and not an entire lifestyle change, yoga can still help. Yoga trainers gradually choose easier to complex activities for practitioners. However, all practitioners do not (e) — (necessary) need the same kind of practice. People in Bangladesh are going to be (f) — (habit) to taking yoga. (g) — (Recent) many a centre has been set up in the cities and towns in order to (h) — (motive) people towards the need for yoga. (i) — (Sound) body cannot create a sound mind. Yoga helps one to keep free from (j) — (necessary) mental agony.

49.  “Communicative Competence” refers to the (a) — (able) to use language (b) — (appropriate) in different circumstances. There are two ways of developing (c) — (communicate) competence in a language. The first is a (d) — (conscious) process and the second is a (e) — (learn) process. In order to learn English, we have to follow the second one. The (f) — (learn) themselves should practise (g) — (continue) to acquire the (h) — (compete) by overcoming the problems. In fact, communicative competence helps us become (i) — (success) in life. So, we should fully concentrate our (j) — (attend) on learning communicative competence to gain success in life.

50.  (a) — (Patriotic) means love for one’s country. It is a noble virtue. It inspires a man to shed the last drop of blood to defend the (b) — (free) of his country. A true patriot always remembers the wise saying, “Mother and (c) — (mother) are superior to heaven.” There are some traitors who always try to destroy the glory of the country for self-interest. (d) — (Real), they are the slur to the country as well as to (e) — (man). A man of (f) — (patriot) feeling can be a (g) — (traitor) one. Such a man is more (h) — (danger) than a venomous snake. To many, the life of a man having no patriotic zeal is (i) — (complete). An (j) — (patriotic) man is equivalent to a traitor.

51.  Television has become the most common source and widespread source of (a) — (entertain) of the present world. A wide range of programmes of (b) — (vary) interest is telecast on numerous channels. The programmes of television are not only entertaining but also highly (c) — (education). Television is now used for distance (d) — (learn). Several channels telecast highly informative programmes. However, watching TV has become an (e) — (addict) for many. (f) — (use) of television is not good. It is (g) — (iniury) to eyesight. Moreover, children often waste time by watching some (h) — (necessary) programmes on TV. So it can be said that television has both advantages and (i) — (advantages) in our life. But it (i) — (sole) depends on its uses.

52.  The Internet is the miraculous (a) — (invent) of science. It has brought about an (b) — (thinkable) revolution in the field of (c) — (communicate). This network is interlinked with telephone line. So, an Internet connection requires a (d) — (sophisticate) telephone set. It also requires a modem and a special kind of software. The Internet gets connection from three networking systems such as LAN, MAN and WAN. The Internet users can get any kind of (e) — (inform) very easily and (f) — (quick). Sending messages through Internet is also less (g) — (expense) than making (h) — (converse) over telephone. So, it is very popular now. People all over the world feel (i) — (comfort) in communicating with others. The quick and (j) — (economic) service of Internet has impressed its users to a large extent.

53.  Introverts and extroverts are particular types of personality. Introverts are (a) — (usual) shy. They don’t like talking too much and starting a (b) — (converse). They are also not very (c) — (noise) and prefer to stay quiet. They are not (d) — (going) in nature and feel more (e) — (comfort) in following people instead of taking the lead. An extrovert is just the opposite. People having both kinds of (f) — (character) are found in human society. In the field of literary (g) — (create) the writers also make the characterization (h) — (according). In the present day world, extroverts have (i) — (numbered) the introverts. Today it is very difficult and also (j) — (possible) for the introverts to shine in life in the context of the changed situation.

54.  Students learn lessons and keep them in memory. If the lesson is (a) — (interest), it is easy for them. If it is (b) — (interesting), they may feel it difficult. They also often (c) — (memory) answers. But (d) — (memorize) without understanding is not a good practice. They should try (e) — (repeated) for understanding. Students should be (f) — (mind). They should be (g) — (labour). They should try (h) — (frequent) if they fail to understand any lesson. (i) — (Repeat) practice with understanding is essential to make a good performance in life. If otherwise, the total activity will be (j) — (meaning).

55.  (a) — (Truth) people are honest. (b) — (Truthful) is a great virtue. One cannot have the virtue of (c) — (honest) without speaking the truth. (d) — (Honest) people tell a lie for personal interest. (e) — (Dishonest) spoils other human qualities in life. People who are (f) — (virtue), are honest and truthful. They are also (g) — (believe) in God and they fear only God. They are (h) — (loved) to all. (i) — (Honest) people are the parasites of society. This sort of people (j) — (believe) the existence of the Almighty.

56.  The National Memorial at Savar is a symbol of the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the War of (a) — (Liberate). It is an (b) — (achieve) the dimensions of which can be measured, but it stands for an attainment which is (c) — (measurable). It also stands (d) — (right) for the millions of martyrs who laid down their (e) — (worth) lives so that we may stand in honour and dignity, amongst the nations of the world. We have achieved (f) — (dependence), but we have not been able to (g) — (material) the dream of our martyrs. We can reach the goal because nothing is (h) — (achievable) in this world. The main reason of our (i) — (fail) to achieve our desired goal is illiteracy. We are (j) — (hope) that we shall be able to change our lot in near future.

57.  To become sure of doing well in the examination, you have to be attentive to studies. Regular practice can (a) — (sure) your better performance. But if you are (b) — (attentive) and (c) — (regular), you cannot expect to do so. Remember that (d) — (regularity) will result in (e) –– (satisfactory) performance. Our students know this. But still many of them fail to show better (f) —(perform) because they are (g) — (neglect) of their duties. We must believe that wilful (h) — (negligent) is a crime. Regular practice makes a man (i) — (confide) about his success in the examination. So, we must avoid (j) — (regularity) in our day-to-day activities.

58.  (a) — (Adequate) power supply is doing harm to our economy. It hampers (b) — (produce) in mills and factories. Farmers cannot get as much electricity as they need for (c) — (irrigate) purposes. Moreover, there are some areas where rural (d) — (electrify) scheme has not been (e) — (implement). Desired benefit is not (f) — (obtain) after the (g) — (implement) of the scheme unless (h) — (pilfer) of electricity is stopped. (i) — (Use) of electricity is one of the major reasons of its (j) — (short). 

59.  Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good (a) — (prepare). You should be (b) — (prepare) for it well ahead of the schedule. Some students remain (c) — (prepare) for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of (d) — (prepare) step they go to the teachers for a concise (e) — (suggest). This is not a good practice. Slow but (f) — (stead) wins the race. Students must have (g) –– (know) to understand the meaning of this (h) — (verb) in order to build up a prosperous career. Instead of running after a shortcut to pass the examination, students should get themselves (i) — (prepare) from the very beginning of the courses. If they follow it properly, they are sure to be (j) — (success) in life.

60.  Men can have (a) — (popular) by means of service to people. People in power can have honour. But this honour will not last long if their behaviour is not good. When common people are (b) — (mental) hurt by their (c) — (behaviour), usually they do not express their feeling in front of them. But they make (d) — (criticise) of their manners and (e) — (regard) them later. (f) — (Ill-manner) people cannot have respect from others. If they are (g) — (power) in society, they cannot have (h) — (popular). People hate them. A close (i) — (combine) of power and manner is a rare quality. A person having this quality (j) — (able) him/her to demand respect from the surrounding people.

61.  A book fair is a large-scale (a) — (exhibit) of different kinds of books. It is (b) — (occasion) held in our country. The bookstalls are (c) — (temporary) built and then decorated. The (d) — (publish) organize it in order to (e) — (play) the works of different authors. The (f) — (decorate) work is completed costing a lot of money. The (g) — (organize) do not worry for the (h) — (expend) because they can make profit by selling a lot of books. It is a device to spread culture and (i) — (educate). It (j) — (wide) our domain of learning.

62.  Eve-teasing is one of our social problems. It is the result of moral (a) — (degrade) of our young generation. Eve-teasing is an (b) –– (moral) activity. Laws have been (c) — (acted) to stop eve-teasing. We want the proper (d) — (execute) of the law. The steps will not produce the desired result if the (e) — (offend) come out through the loopholes of the laws. What (f) — (practical) happens is that the (g) — (use) of power makes the criminals go (h) — (punished). It is never desirable in a civilized society. Eve-teasing results in many (i) — (fortunate) events in the lives of women. Incidents of eve-teasing (i) — (permanent) damage the psyche of the victims.

63.  Trees are (a) — (use) part of human environment. They are needed to (b) — (beauty) out (c) — (surround). No one should cut down a tree (d) — (necessarily) or for any (e) — (important) reason. Let us plant more and more trees. In the USA no one living in the (f) — (local) can cut down any without the (g) — (permit) of local authority even if he is the (h) — (own) of the tree. This rule should be introduced in our country too. General (i) — (aware) about the importance of trees has to be developed to keep the earth greener, cleaner and safer for the future. Side by side, deforestation should be (j) — (courage).

64.  Bangladesh is the most (a) — (dense) populated country of the world. She is also an (b) —(populated) country. There are many countries which are small but not overpopulated. They are rather (c) — (population). We need (d) — (population) to (e) — (move) poverty, but we have no way other than birth control. In order to (f) — (popular) birth control certain steps have been taken (g) — (pragmatic), but the result is not yet upto the level of (h) — (expect). Population explosion creates (i) — (vary) problems. Of them, (j) — (short) of food is very acute.

65.  Education is (a) — (compare) to light. It (b) — (broad) our outlook. Education is the backbone of a nation. It can (c) — (noble) our mind and (d) — (fine) our (e) — (sensible). So, we should be educated. We need proper (f) — (educate) for refinement. Our education should aim at improving the (g) — (moral) of people. Lack of moral education is responsible for (h) — (moral) activities. Education is much more than the (i) —- (know) we get in books. If a man is truly (j) — (educate), he will show how to lead a happy life.

66.  A winter morning is very cold and dull. The sun is (a) — (hard) seen if the sky is (b) — (cloud). Nothing is seen at a distance and everything is hazy because of heavy fog. The (c) — (hazy) continues until the fog disperses. A winter morning is (d) — (comfort) for the rich while it is (e) — (comfort) for the poor. However, winter is (f) — (favour) for working hard. People can (g) — (go) hard labour and those who work (h) — (physical) do not get sweating and tired. When the sun rises, mist and fog (i) — (appear). In winter vegetables cooked with fishes are very (j) — (enjoy).

67.  A moonlit night comes with (a) — (end) charm and beauty. The horizon is (b) — (brighten) with (c) — (heaven) beauty. A moonlit night is very (d) — (enjoy) in rural areas. If there is the full moon, the beauty becomes (e) — (imaginable). The (f) — (imagine) people enjoy the beauty. They (g) — (real) that the beauty of the whole universe is the (h) — (glorify) of Almighty Lord. It is (i) — (differ) from any other night. The (j) — (water) places like rivers, canals and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night.

68.  March is our (a) — (Independent) Day. It is the biggest (b) — (festive) of Bangladesh. The day is celebrated every year in the country with great (c) — (enthuse) and fervour. It is a (d) — (nation) holiday. All offices, (e) — (education) institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day. Different cultural organizations arrange several (f) — (culture) programmes to celebrate the day. In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with (g) — (colour). lights, Bangla Academy, Shilpakala Academy and other (h) — (organize) hold cultural functions. The (i) — (nation) flag is hoisted in all important offices, buildings, institutions and shops. All important places are (j) — (taste) decorated.

69.  Zainul Abedin was an artist of (a) — (exception) talent and international reputation. He played a pioneering role in the modern art (b) — (move) in Bangladesh. His father was a police (c) — (office). He had a great thirst for drawing from his (d) — (child). He is the (e) — (found) of the Dhaka Arts Institute. He became (f) — (active) involved in a movement to (g) — (orient) Bengal art to the roots of Bengali culture. For his (h) — (artist) and visionary qualities, the title of Shilpacharya has been bestowed upon him. In his school days, he (i) — (liked) the hard and fast rules of the school. So, he drew pictures of (j) — (vary) things secretly.

70.  A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in the school. It is (a) — (patron) by the headmaster of the school. A student works at the (b) — (editor) desk under the (c) — (guide) of a senior teacher. A school cannot bring out an (d) — (inform) magazine if the management is (e) — (efficient). Many a good (f) — (education) institution brings out magazines (g) — (annual) focusing on the (h) — (creative) of the young learners. A school magazine is quite (i) — (use). Students with literary aptitudes find scope to express their (j) — (imagine).

71.  None but the (a) — (industry) can expect success in life. Industry is the key to success. An idle man can never be (b) — (success) in life. In fact, success in life does not come (c) — (automatic). Only by working (d) — (relentless), one can be successful in life. We must shake or our (e) — (idle) in order to succeed in life. An idle person has to depend on other’s income for his (f) — (survive). It is (g) — (doubted) very (h) — (grace). In our day-to-day life, (i) — (depend) on others conveys a negative message for all. It is also very (i) — (shame).

72.  One of the modern (a) — (communication) devices is (b) — (electron) mail. This is a (c) — (relative) cheap way to communicate with others. We need Internet (d) — (connect) for browsing email. Without (e) — (physical) going to anywhere we can send or transfer important files, documents, photos, etc. It maintains our private, (f) — (society) and official network in a (g) — (power) and (h) — (effect) way. Internet is a computerised network of (i) — (inform). It is (j) ––(practical) a network of all networks.

73.  Student life is the (a) — (gold) season of life. This is a (b) — (form) period of life. This is the time of (c) — (prepare) for future life. Students are the future (d) — (lead) of the country. They should have (e) — (patriot). They should achieve quality (f) — (educate) and build themselves as (g) — (compete) citizens. They should gain (h) — (know) and learn the art of (i) — (behave) and (j) — (interact) before others.

74.  Money cannot buy (a) — (happy). Money is a must for our life. But it is not necessary to bring happiness. Happiness is (b) — (absolute) a (c) — (psychology) thing. It is the name of a (d) — (feel). It means the (e) — (content) of the mind. He who has (f) — (satisfy) with what he has is (g) — (real) a happy one. Above all, we should keep in mind that (h) — (world) happiness is not all. If we want to be (i) — (eternal) happy and lead a (j) — (dignify) life, we have to earn money in an honest way.

75.  Trees are (a) — (use) to man in many ways. They are companion in our day-to-day life. It is (b) — (possible) to build our homes, furniture, etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (c) — (nature) calamities. It (d) — (strength) the soil. If we cut trees (e) — (discriminately) there will be ecological (f) — (balanced). So, tree (g) — (plant) programme should be extended for a better, (h) — (happy), (i) — (healthy) life and (j) — (peace) environment.

76.  Life without leisure and (a) (relax) is dull. Life becomes (b) – (charm) if one does not have any time to enjoy the (c) — (beauty) objects of nature. (d) — (Monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) — (rich) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) — (work) is (h) — (harm). Leisure does not mean (i) — (idle). It gives freshness by (j) — (create) our energy.

77.  Smoking is a (a) — (danger) bad habit. It is (b) — (harm) to health. It is also (c) — (cost). A (d) — (smoke) should not smoke (e) — (public). Smoking creates (f) — (pollute). Smoking causes many (g) — (curable) diseases. It causes (h) — (comfort) to others. It causes irritation in the eye and (i) — (settle) in the mind. But there are many people who are (j) — (aware) of the bad effect of smoking.

78.  Smoking produces (a) — (danger) effects on man. By smoking a man incurs both physical and (b) — (economy) loss. Smoking is a kind of (c) — (addict). Those who become (d) — (addict) to drug, first begin smoking which is the initial step of addiction. We should raise (e) — (aware) among our people. We should (f) — (courage) others to smoke. It is (g) — (possible) to stop smoking without (h) — (unite) efforts. (i) — (Fortunate) only the (j) — (wise) men can do such foolish work.

79.  Those who live a (a) — (luxury) life are always (b) — (different) to the miseries of the poor. They enjoy life in (c) — (amuse) and (d) — (merry). They are (e) — (centered) people. They have little (f) — (realize) of the (g) — (told) sufferings of the poor. They remain (h) — (care) to their sufferings. They feel (i) — (comfort) to work for their (j) — (better).

80.  The books of famous (a) — (write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) — (visit) buy books of different (c) — (publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d) — (buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) — (crowd). As (f) — (vary) books are (g) — (play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy their (h) — (choose) books after a long search. This facility is (i) — (available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j) — (come) to the students.

81.  Honesty is opposite to (a) — (honest). An honest man is not (b) — (harm) to anybody. He never does (c) — (just) to others. When he does anything (d) — (moral), he feels (e) — (comfortable). He never tells a lie. He is always (f) — (response) to his duty. We should follow the path of (g) — (honest) and leave the path of (h) — (honesty). In that case, you will be (i) — (love) by all and will be able to reach the path of (j) — (prosper).

82.  Man is (a) — (nature) curious to know the unknown. Newspaper is the best medium to satisfy this (b) — (curious). Newspaper is the be to know the unknown. It tells us what is (c) — (happen) around the world. It is the (d) — (supply) of all sorts of news and views. A newspaper is a (e) — (power) instrument of publicity. Government (f) — (notify) are given publicly through it. It is a good (g) — (company) in our soltary hours. It helps the (h) — (grow) of public opinion. But it is not an (i) — (mix) blessing. However, newspaper has made the world (j) — (small) and help one nation to understand the other.

83.  Food (a) — (adulterate) is a crime. Adulterated food is (b) — (poison) and causes (c) — (curable) diseases. Some (d) — (greed) businessmen are responsible for this (e) — (wicked). The steps so far taken by the government against those (f) — (honest) businessmen (g) — (real) deserve praise. (h) — (Present), the fraudulent businessmen are much alarmed. (i) — (Hopeful), we will be able to shun this (j) — (practice) very soon.

84.  Flowers are the symbol of love and (a) — (pure). They are (b) –– (know) for their beauty and fragrance. Some flowers are (c) — (note) for their fragrance and some are for their beauty. But the rose is favourite to us for its colour and beauty. Its mother place is the city of Paris. The (d) — (Japan) are exceptionally famous for its (e) — (cultivate). At present most of the countries grow rose in plenty. It (f) — (general) grows from June to November. Its scent makes us (g) — (cheer). It makes people lively, lovely, (h) — (affection) and so on. By (i) — (grow) roses in plenty. We can export them and solve our (j) — (employ) problem.

85.  Money cannot buy (a) — (happy). Money is (b) — (obvious) necessary for our life. But it is not the thing that (c) — (necessary) brings happiness. Happiness is (d) — (absolute) a psychological thing. Basically, it is the name of a (e) — (feel). It lies in the (f) — (content) of man with mental (g) — (satisfy) may become really happy in life. On the other hand, a man with a lot of (h) — (rich) may not be happy. Their wealth becomes the cause of (i) — (happy) because most of the time they suffer from (j) — (secure). So, they lead a life full of cares and anxieties.

86.  King Solomon was (a) — (fame) for his (b) — (wise). He was blessed with (c) — (ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) — (imagine). One day Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) — (nature) and the other was (f) — (artifice). As he had a close (g) — (associate) with nature, he had been (h) — (success) to differentiate them. In this way, his (i) — (repute) of (j) — (multidimension) knowledge spreads all over the world.

87.  Bangladesh is an (a) — (dependent) country, but she is still burdened with poverty, (b) — (population), (c) — (employ), corruption, food (d) — (deficient), natural calamities, power crisis, etc. Considering all these, the present (e) — (govern) has aimed at making a digital Banglades to (f) — (come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g) — (digit) Bangladesh 150 establish technology based government which will emphasize the overall (h) — (develop) of the country and the nation. The country has (i) — (ready) fixed its target of (j) — (achieve) Digital Bangladesh’ by 2021.

88.  Load-shedding is one of the most common problems of Bangladesh. Lives of our citizens are (a) — (serious) hampered for load-shedding. Students feel (b) — (difficult) in reading during load-shedding. (c) — (Industry) activities are also hampered. We should use electricity (d) — (honest) and (e) — (frugal) and should create (f) — (aware) among people to solve this (g) — (nation) problem. Besides, government should take (h) — (effect) steps to (i) — (grade) our power stations to mitigate the (j) — (advantages) of our people.

89.  Agriculture is the soul of our national economy. But the farmers of our country are (a) — (literate). They are (b) — (ignore) of the scientific methods of (c) — (cultivate). As a result, our agriculture is still a (d) — (gamble) in the hands of nature. Sometimes heavy flood damages standing crops and invites (e) — (fame) in an epidemic form. Besides, sometimes drought makes cultivation (f) — (possible). Then (g) — (poor) is seen everywhere. As a result, poor farmers cannot buy (h) — (science) tools for agriculture. Moreover, the tools are not (i) — (avail) to buy them. So, it is said that (j) — (irrigate) is really costly in our country.

90.  The other name of water is life. Clean water is (a) — (drink). Dirty water is (b) –– (safe). Clean water is (c) — (contaminate) and (d) — (suit) for drinking. Bangladesh is a (e) — (river) country. But we get (f) — (adequate) water for use. The water of our rivers is (g) — (filth) and (h) — (poison). We should keep water clean for health, happiness and (i) — (long). The government should play an (j) — (act) role to keep water safe.

91.  The aim of (a) — (educated) is to make a man fully equipped to be (b) — (use) to himself and to society. A (c) — (true) educated person should be self-reliant with regard to his (d) — (person) needs. He should be well-mannered, (e) — (thought), sympathetic and co-operative. He should be (f) — (truth), honest, punctual and (g) — (duty). Punctuality is a virtue that makes a nation (h) — (prosper). An educated person tries to (i) — (move) the sufferings of his countrymen. He also helps others in attaining (j) — (self-reliants).

92.  You should bear in mind that (a) — (confidence) assists a man to reach the goal of life. The lack of (b) — (determine) leads one to lose the confidence. You need it in order to (c) — (come) the problems of life. Fix a target and then try (d) — (sincere) to gain success. Don’t lose heart if you fail. Remember that (e) — (fail) is the pillar of success. Whereas, success without (f) — (compete) is not enjoyable. Determination keeps you (g) — (mental) strong and makes (h) — (prepare) for struggling to reach the goal. Nobody can be (i) — (success) in his mission. Failure makes him more (j) — (determine) to work hard.

93.  (a) — (Kind) is a divine virtue. So we should not be (b) — (kind) to the people in distress and even to (c) — (low) animals. Some naughty boys (d) — (joy) beating the lower animals like dogs and cats. This is an (e) — (rational) behaviour. Animals are dumb (f) — (create). They are (g) — (harm) beings. Some animals are very (h) — (faith) and they feel no (i) — (hesitate) to risk their lives for our (j) — (protect).

94.  Zahir Raihan was one of the most (a) — (talent) filmmakers in Bangladesh. He was an (b) — (act) worker of the Language Movement. He was also present at the (c) — (history) meeting at Amtala on February 21, 1952. All through his life, Zahir dreamt for a (d) — (democrat) society, a society that will (e) — (sure) freedom of speech and will. He made a (f) — (legend) film ‘Jibon Theke Neya’ based on the Language (g) — (Move) of 1952. He could see the (h) — (incept) of a tree and (i) — (dependent) Bangladesh. And it’s a pity that this (j) — (dream) was missing at such a time when his dream came true.

95.  Our (a) — (free) fighters are the real heroes of our country. We should remember them (b) —(respect) as they sacrificed their lives for the (c) — (liberate) of our (d) — (loved) motherland. It is a matter of great regret that most of them are (e) — (marked) and our young generation knows (f) — (hard) about their (g) — (chivalry) struggle. Yet today many of the real (h) — (free) fighters have not been found out and (i) — (establish). Some of them live in extreme (j) — (poor).

96.  Newspaper carries (a) — (inform) and news. Sometimes it becomes a (b) — (propaganda) and publishes propaganda. Thus it (c) — (bitter) relation among different parties. Yellow (d) — (journal) is very harmful. The journalists should be (e) — (biased) while collecting news. All journalists must maintain (f) — (honest) and (g) — (neutral). They should not try to (h) — (fool) the public by publishing false news. Any (i) — (representation) or (j) — (exaggerate) of news is not good.

97.  A good teacher acts like an (a) — (act). He is able to draw the (b) — (attend) of his students. He does not sit (c) — (motion) before his class. He (d) — (usual) makes lessons (e) — (interest). In fact, he renders (f) — (value) services to a nation. Without (g) — (qualify) teachers, we cannot hope quality education. To (h) — (sure) quality education, we should avoid appointing (i) — (competent) and (j) — (skilled) teachers in educational institutions.

98.  (a) — (Forestation) means cutting down of trees (b) — (discriminately). Bangladesh is a (c) — (dense) populated country. This huge population needs more shelter, (d) — (agriculture) land, fuel, furniture, etc. For all these reasons people cut trees. Moreover, there are (e) — (honest) people who cut trees for making money (f) — (legally). The (g) — (remove) of tree causes serious damage to the soil as trees give (h) — (protect) to soil as well. The temperature will rise and it will cause greenhouse effect. One day the country will be (i) — (suitable) for living. So, tree (j) — (plant) programme should be extended throughout the country.

99.  Newspaper plays a very important role in modern (a) — (civilize). It publishes news and views of home and (b) — (broad). Only (c) — (book) knowledge is not enough in this (d) — (compete) world. A newspaper helps him (e) — (rich) his general knowledge. But newspapers have (f) — (merits) too. They have (g) — (partial) and often (h) — (guide) their (i) — (read). This creates (j) — (rest) in the society.

100.                      In order to (a) — (material) your dream, you need (b) — (determine) and efforts. Nothing is (c) — (achieve) in this world without hard work. Nothing is (d) — (achievable) for those who are blessed with (e) — (common) abilities. They are very fortunate. But those who are (f) — (inclined) to do hard work are really (g) — (fortunate). By spending time in (h) — (idle), they only (i) — (fool) themselves and ultimately become (j) — (remorse).

101.                      Books are our best friends. They introduce us to the realm of (a) — (limited) knowledge. The books of great (b) — (write) contain noble thoughts & great ideas. We can (c) — (rich) our mind by reading books. The reading of books brings (d) — (perfect) in our life. No (e) — (spirit) progress and worldly (f) — (prosper) can be thought of without reading books. (g) — (True) speaking, reading books is such a thing that has no (h) — (alternate). So, all should read books on (i) — (vary) topics so that we may bring proper (j) — (develop) of our spirit.

102.                      Computer is a (a) — (fair) recent (b) — (invent) of modern science. Now it has (c) — (come) an integral part of our life. Computer can help us in many ways and it has relieved us of the monotony of our regular jobs. It can perform (d) — (calculate) very quickly. It can also (e) — (sure) accuracy in its work. Computer has (f) — (moved) the burden of our work. In fact, computer has (g) — (most) become a substitute for human brain. As a result, many people call computer an (h) — (electron) brain though it is (i) — (able) to think (j) — (dependent).

103.                      Good health means (a) — (sound) of body and mind. Health is the root of all (b) — (happy). One should take exercise (c) — (regular) because it is (d) — (physic) exercise which (e) — (ables) us to build a good health. He is also to observe the rules of (f) — (clean). An (g) — (healthy) man cannot enjoy life. He suffers from frustration, (h) — (hopeless), etc. On the other hand, a (i) — (health) man can enjoy his life (j) — (full).

104.                      Road accidents have (a) –– (recent) become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accidents, many persons fall a victim to (b) — (timely) death. It is reported that most of the accidents occur because of the (c) — (violate) of traffic rules by (d) — (skilled) drivers and (e) — (conscious) passers-by. Many (f) — (licensed) and (g) — (fault) vehicles run on the streets. These vehicles (h) — (danger) the (i) — (safe) of passengers and the passers-by. But many of us are (j) — (aware) of this danger.

105.                      People are (a) — (general) fond of glittering things. They are the (b) — (love) of surface. They are concerned with the (c) — (out) show of things and beings. They (d) — (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e) — (value) thing. But there are (f) — (vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become (g) — (beauty). So, the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h) — (measure). We all should be (i) — (care) about this truth. Otherwise we will have to be (j) — (repent) in the long run.

106.                      Mobile phone is a great (a) — (invent) of modern science. The (b) — (consume) of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is (c) — (fortunate) that mobile phone sometimes (d) — (comes) a cause of health hazard, especially the (e) — (child) are affected much. Scientists (f) — (belief) that mobile phones cause brain tumors, genetic damage and many other (g) — (curable) diseases. They believe that (h) — (visible) uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile phone causes (i) — (reparable) damage to human body. They say that the (j) — (govern) should control radioactive sources.

107.                      When we come across a (a) — (strange), we should not be (b) — (friendly) towards him. If the stranger is a (c) — (tour) we should receive him (d) — (cordial). If he comes to visit our locality, we should (e) — (company) him to the important spots. In order to tell him about the spots and different (f) — (enjoy) things, we must know well about the (g) — (history) spots, events and other related (h) — (inform). Besides, we should have fluency in English, (i) — (special) in speaking. Thus, we can improve (j) — (tour).

108.                      The Royal Bengal Tiger is a very (a) — (know) animal to all of us. It is our (b) — (nation) animal. It is a (c) — (ferocity) animal but (d) — (beautify) to look at. (e) — (Fortunate) some (f) — (greed) people kill them (g) — (serious). Thus it is going to be faced its (h) — (extinct). Our government should take (i) — (need) steps to save this world (j) — (fame) animal.

109.                      The true aim of education is the (a) — (harmony) development of body, soul and mind. But (b) — (book) knowledge is (c) — (sufficient) in this regard. Without (d) — (curricular) activities, the full blooming of body, mind and soul is (e) — (possible). Co-curricular activities include debate, (f) — (public) of magazine and (g) — (culture) activities. They teach students (h) — (modest), diligence and (i) — (tight) the bondage of (j) — (friend) among the students.


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