
Article Exercise for JSC Examinees


Exercise on Article for JSC

Use article where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.

1.       Truthfulness is (a) — greatest of all (b) — virtues that make (c) — person really great. If you cultivate (d) — habit of speaking (e) — truth, you cannot command (f) — confidence of others. The man whom nobody believes can never be famous in life. It may be that we may succeed once or twice by telling (g) — lie but it never brings about (h) — good results. A lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light. Then (i) — real character of (j) — liar is revealed and nobody believes him. Everybody hates him and also speak ill of him at the back.

2.       Long ago there was (a) — emperor in (b) — China. He increased (c) — taxes very severely. The people of (d) — country were very unhappy and could not afford with (e) — food to eat or tea to drink. They were in (f) — uncomfortable state. But nobody dared to complain to (g) — emperor. One day (h) — wise man was walking with the emperor in the garden of (i) — place. There were dark clouds in (j) — sky.

(a)    — True friend is (b) — asset to us. He stands by us in (c) — time of danger. He is obviously not (d) — selfish person. He always wishes for (e) — welfare of us. But it is (f) — matter of great regrets that such (g) — ideal friend is very rare nowadays. Many (h) — person may behave like (i) — friends but (j) — few of them might be genuine.

3.       There are various noble (a) — qualities which distinguish a good man from a bad man, (b) — aggregate of these qualities of (c) — head and heart constitutes character. A man of character is (d) — real prince among men. He is (e) — beacon light of the grouping humanity and its (f) — surest guide. Such (g) — man is one of the moral forces of the world and morality finds (h) — expression through his words and deeds. Blessed is the nation that possesses (i) — few such men that (j) — country depends most for its all around prosperity.

4.       English is (a) — international language. We feel (b) — necessity of learning English at every step. This is (c) — only language of international overseas business, communication, co-operation and (d) — co-existence. It is essential to receive (e) — foreign degree or higher education. All (f) — good jobs need English knowing persons. So every educated man should know how (g) — communicate in English. To learn and develop (h) — skill of English especially for (i) — students is very important .No (j) — student should be ignorant of it.

5.       Akbar (a) — Great was one of (b) — greatest emperors of India who ruled this subcontinent for more than 50 years. He was on one side a great ruler and on the other side a man of (c) — wisdom. Among all (d) — Mughal rulers he was (e) — best. As a result his name has been written in the page of (f) — history. Though he was (g) — uneducated person he had (h) — ability to rule (i) — kingdom like (j) — expert ruler.

6.       (a) — Cricket is (b) — foreign game in our country. But it is (c) — international game. After winning (d) — ICC Trophy in (e) — Malaysia in 1996 it has become more popular than football in our country. By defeating (f) — Kenya Bangladesh got (g) — first victory in (h) — ODI cricket in 1998. Bangladesh got the taste of winning (i) — test match in January, 2005 defeating (j) — Zimbabwe.

7.       A student must take care of his (a) — health because (b) — sound mind lives in (c) — sound body. Good health is (d) — key to success. In order to enjoy good health, (e) — student must observe (f) — rules of health. (g) — unhealthy man may be (h) — possessor of vast (i) — wealth; but he leads (j) —unhappy life.

8.       (a) — Discipline is seen in (b) — nature. Every morning (c) — sun rises in (d) — east, day follows (e) — night, birds sing and (f) — plants blossom. Everywhere in (g) — nature, there is (h) — harmony. If There were no discipline in (i) — nature, there would have been (j) — chaos everywhere.

9.       Though patriotism is (a) — universal human trait, it is often torn away by (b) — state her. (c) — poor people of (d) — poor country become indifferent to their state affairs and lose (e) — sense of patriotism. Such people would have become as patriotic as (f) — Simon Bolivar or (g) — Abraham Lincoln if they had a caring government or leader who would make their lives a bit easier. (h) — people of (i) — wealthy country simply love their country because the state provides them with everything like shelter, education, job and (j) — security.

10.   One day I met (a) — lame man. After talking for a while he showed me (b) — identity card. Seeing (c) — identity card I came to know that he was (d) — university student. After completing his (e) — study he joined (f) — army. During the Liberation War he fought (g) — bravely against (h) — occupied army of the then West Pakistan. But it is (i) — irony of fate that a bullet of (j) — enemies hit on his leg. Thus he lost his leg.

11.   A library is (a) — part and parcel of (b) — educational institution. It is (c) — unique place where books of different subjects are kept for (d) — reading. It enables (e) — readers to read books of their choice that create (f) — enthusiasm for learning. Students should pay (g) — visit to (h) — library regularly. They can borrow books for (i) — certain period and return them after them after (j) — given time.

12.   Money cannot buy happiness. Frankly speaking money is (b) — must for our life. But it is not (c) — necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) — psychological thing. It is (e) — name of (f) — feeling. It means the contentment of (g) — mind. He who is satisfied with what he gets and contents with his life is (h) — really a happy man. Happiness cannot be purchased with (i) — money. No doubt, money has got something to do with (j) — happiness but it cannot give us happiness.

13.   Patriotism is a noble (a) — virtue. It inspires (b) — man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his (c) — country. (d) — man without patriotism is no better than (e) — beast. A true patriot is honored by (f) — all. He thinks for (g) — welfare of his country. On (h) — other hand (i) — unpatriotic man thinks only of his own interest. Those who die for (j) — country are true patriot.

14.   Our life is (a) — sum total of ours days and years. But all days are not equally memorable to us. Most of (b) — days are forgotten with (c) — passage of time. Only (d) — few of these days ever fresh in our memory. My (e) — first day at school is such (f) — day. It is fresh in my mind even now. When I was (g) — boy of six, my father proposed that I should be admitted into (h) — school in (i) — class 1. I felt (j) — joy and fear.

15.   Unemployment is (a) — great social evil. All (b) — able-bodied persons in a society should be engaged in any occupation. (c) — unemployment man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes (d) — curse and burden to him. He has (e) — idle’s brain which very soon becomes (f) — devil’s workshop. There are many reason of (g) — unemployment in our country. Bangladesh is not (h) — industrialized country. The mills and factories that we have, can give employment to (i) — limited number of people. Similar is the case with (j) — agriculture.

16.   Punctuality is of great value to (a) — student. (b) — Unpunctual boy who is late in (c) — class will miss (d) — part of his lesson and fall (e) — behind other students. But (f) — punctual student will learn his lesson in (g) — time and do well in (h) — examination. Punctuality is (i) — key to success in life. We all should be (j) — punctual in our activities.

17.   Dowry means property or money brought by a bride to her (a) — husband. During marriage ceremony (b) — section of greedy people claim much wealth or money from (c) — guardians of the brides. (d) — Poor illiterate girls become (e) — victims of dowry. If (f) — guardians fail to fulfill (g) — demand of (h) — bridegroom, the brides are maltreated. So, the poor cannot think of marriage of their daughters. It is (i) — social curse. This can be eliminated by changing the outlook of the people specially the male (j) — members.

18.   Journey is always (a) — pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps with (b) — joy. But (c) — journey by boat gives me (d) — greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh is a land of (e) — rivers, it is (f) — easy matter to make (g) — journey by boat. Whenever I get (h) — opportunity to make (i) — journey by boat. I make (j) — best use of the opportunity.

19.   It was (a) — dark night. A blind man was walking along (b) — road with (c) — lamp in his hand. Two men laughed at (d) — blind man. One said, “What’s (e) — use of (f) — lamp to a blind man?” The other called him (g) — fool. The blind man heard this and said, “It’s for those who’re (h) — careless.”What (i) — surprise!” said (j) — others.

20.   The great ship Titanic sailed for New York from Southampton on April 1912. At that time she was (a) — largest ship. (b) — tragic sinking of this great (c) — liner will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage. Four days after sailing out, while it was across (d) — icy (e) — waters of (f) — North Atlantic, (g) — huge ice berg was suddenly spotted. After (h) — alarm (h) — had been given (i) — great ship turned sharply to avoid (j) — collision.

21.   (a) — Ant is (b) — industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) — ant. If we open (d) — pages of history, we shall see that (e) —, men who have become great were (f) — industrious. (g) — industrious are liked by all. On (h) — other hand (i) — idle are hated by all. So industry is (j) — must to prosper in life.

22.   (a) — Bangladesh is (b) — land of six seasons. Of all (c) — seasons I like (d) — spring is most. It is called (e) — queen of seasons. It comprises (f) — Bengali months of (g) — Falgoon and Chaitra. After (h) — end of (i) — winter it comes with all its beauty and (j) — charms.

23.   (a) — Student must take care of his health because (b) — sound mind lives in (c) — sound body. Good health is the key to (d) — success. In order to enjoy (e) — good health (f) — student must observe (g) — rules of health. (h) — unhealthy man may be (i) — processors of vast wealth but he leads an unhappy (j) — life.

24.   Industry is the key to (a) — success in life. The ant is (b) — industrious insect. No other insect is as (c) — industrious as the ant. If we turn over (d) — pages of history, we will see that (e) — men who have become great were (f) — industrious. (g) — industrious are liked by all. On (h) — other hand (i) — idle are hated by all. So, industry is (j) — must to prosper in life.

25.   (a) — Student must take care of his health because (b) — sound mind lives in (c) — sound body. Good health is the key to (d) —. In order to enjoy (e) — good health (f) — student must observe (g) — rules of health (h) — unhealthy man may be (i) — processors of vast wealth but he leads an unhappy (j) — life.

26.   Mr. John is (a) — European. As he is (b) — Englishman, he knows (c) — English well. He is (d) — honourable to everyone through he is (e) — one-eyed man. One day having (f) — SOS, he went to (g) — USA. His brother Jim living there, joined (h) — army 1st year. He is (i) — younger of the two brothers. When Mr. John met his brother, he could not but shed (j) — tears.

27.   Today Bangladesh faces (a) — number of (b) — problems. Of all these problems (c) — population problem is (d) — most acute. Population is no doubt (e) — great asset of (f) — country but when (g) — country fails to feed and provide these with (h) — suitable (i) — jobs they become (j) — burden.

28.   Everybody knows that industry is (a) — key to success. (b) — person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) — rules of sincerity and never go (d) — long way in (e) — world. Many (f) — man is not conscious (g) — importance of (h) — it. For which they don’t have (i) — benefit of (j) — success.

29.   Man has no escape from (a) — death. Sooner or later he will die. He dies in (b) — wars. Many die of diseases and many die by accident. Again (c) — some die from something excessive but those who die for (d) — country is martyrs. Many modern weapons can kill (e) — man in (f) — moment. Things have been discovered to keep (g) — dead body alive for long. So, (h) — man is called mortal. It is (i) — meaningless effort (j) — man tries to escape from death.

30.   Life is full of (a) — unfavorable circumstances. (b) — great men in (c) — world bravely faced (d) — adverse situations. There situations bring out (e) — man’s talent qualities. (f) — man in such circumstances learns many virtues like fortitude and bravery. Only (g) — brave men can conquer (h) — obstacles of life. (i) — adverse situation have glorified (j) —.

31.   (a) — morning walk is good for all. It is (b) — simple exercise and good for health and (c) — mentally. In the morning (d) — air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure air (e) — makes an active effect on (f) — walker’s health and mind, when (g) — man enjoys (h) — beauties and solemnity of (i) — nature in (j) — morning.

32.   Mecca is an ancient (a) — city. (b) — first mosque of (c) — world was built there. Hazrat Ibrahim built it. It is known as (d) — Kaaba mosque. Many days have passed away. Suddenly a hole was found in (e) — wall. Today people all over (f) — world go to Mecca, they spend a busy (g) — time there. They forget the activities of this (h) — world. The Muslim of (i) — whole world gather there and perform (j) — Hajj.

33.   Globalization is (a) — buzzword now. (b) — Countries of (c) — world are now considered as (d) — neighbours of (e) — village. (f) — Globalization creates (g) — borderless market. But it has many (h) — harmful effects. It makes (i) — rich (j) — richer.

34.   English is spoken as (a) — first language by over 300 million people and used as (b) — means of communication by (c) — many more worldwide . Actually (d) — English language is combination of the words of many languages. This is because (e) — English dominated many territories. In the ninth and (f) — tenth centuries, (g) — invaders occupied a large part of (h) — eastern England. When Britain was conquered by the Normans. (i) — French got the status of the language of the ruling classes. Later on (J) — Greek entered into this language to a great extent.

35.   Self control is at (a) — root of all virtues. Let a man give rein to his impulses and passions and from that moment he yields up his moral freedom. He is carried along (b) — current of life , and becomes (c) — slave of his strongest desire for (d) — time being. To be morally free, to be more than (e) — animal man can be able to resist (f) — interactive impulse and this by (g) — exercise of self control. This is the power which constitutes (h) — real distinction between physical and moral life. (i) — stronger man is he who , by discipline , exercises (j) — constant control over his thoughts , his speech and his acts.

36.   Everybody knows that sincerity is (a) — key to success. (b) — person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man who does not follow (c) — rules of sincerity can never go (d) — long way in (e) — world. Many (f) — man is not conscious of (g) — importance of (h) — sincerity for which they don’t have (i) — benefit of (j) — success. However, we should be sincere to our work.

37.   Population explosion is (a) — constant threat to our environment and existence especially in Bangladesh. (b) — Population is growing at such (c) — high rate that (d) — environment may soon fail to supply (e) — people with their minimum (f) — necessities. Unless we take (g) — immediate step to stop this rapid growth of population, our (h) — environment will once encounter unpredictable difficulty and (i) — danger, consequently, (j) — inhabitants may experience destruction.

38.   (a) — sultan wanted to find out (b) — honest man to collect taxes in his kingdom. He invited applications and a number of people applied for (c) — job. (d) — Sultan was unable to chose the right person. So he asked for (e) — advice of a wise counselor.

39.   As Mr. Patrick is (a) — European. As he is (b) — honorary (c) — English teacher, he knows (d) — English well. One day having (e) — SOS, he went to (f) — USA. His brother Milton living there joined (g) — army last year. He is (h) — younger of the two. Patrick decided to visit (i) — world Trade Centre there. It was (j) — unique opportunity for him.

40.   Once (a) — school boy named (b) — Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing the road he saw (c) — old woman lying on the road. She was (d) — senseless and it was impossible for her to cross (e) — road. People come and pass but no one looks at her. The boy felt (f) — strong sense of sympathy for her. He rushed to (g) — lying helpless woman and somehow managed to rescue her from (h) — accident. The boy also helped her to go her residence. Last but not (i) — least, the woman prayed to the almighty for (j) — his betterment.

41.   Bangladesh is (a) — land of rivers. There is hardly any country in (b) — world which has so many rivers. They provide us (c) — lot of fishes all (d) — year round. Fishing plays (e) — vital role in our national economy and helps us in (f) — various way. About half (g) — million people of our country are engaged in (h) — fishing and earn their livelihood by catching and selling fishes. It helps us to go (i) — long way to solve (j) — unemployment problem of our country.

42.   There lived a poor (a) — man named Rabby. He was (b) — honest. He would look after a large mango garden. (c) — owner of the garden was a rich man. During (d) — summer season, some of his friends paid (e) — visit to his home. It was (f) — time when mangoes ripe. The owner told (g) — caretaker to pick up some ripe mangoes. So the caretaker picked up some of the ripe (h) — mangoes. He gave them to (i) — guests to taste. The guests tasted (j) — mangoes but they tasted sour.

43.   (a) — moon awakens in our hearts (b) — feeling (c) — of love and tenderness. (d) — moon has furnished (e) — they use for poets and artists ever since (f) — stirring of (g) — poetic faculty in men (h) — soft and silvery brightness of the moon which (i) — waves her to charm us is borrowed wholly from (j) — light of the sun.

44.   Begging is not at all (a) — employment. It is (b) — charity of (c) — others. It does not give anything good to (d) — society. It does not develop (e) — man’s ability or will to be self -reliant. It makes (f) — man devoid of any sense of self-respect. Those who live by begging cannot claim any dignity in (g) — society, it is regarded as slur (j) — curse to the society. It is (j) — most disgraceful disreputable means of living.

45.   May Day is (a) — international holiday of the working class. May Day has been (b) — symbol for the workers all over (c) — world. It teaches us to establish an exploitation free (d) — society. The day reminds us of (e) — sacrifice made by (f) — workers of the city of Chicago. It is (g) — unforgettable event in the history. In our country the day is not (h) — isolated matter. It has assumed (i) — special significance in our country. (j) — unity is also noticed among the working day.

46.   Every woman is (a) — potential mother. (b) — future of a child depends on how it is brought up. In this case (c) — educated mother plays (d) — important role. So, (e) — difference between the educated and (f) — uneducated mother can never be denied. An educated mother can bring a child up better than (g) — illiterate mother. A good wife means an educated woman. She is the best friend to her (h) — husband. Her words will go (i) — long way leave (j) — indelible impression on her husband.

47.   Tea is (a) — refreshing drink. The preparation of tea however is a long but (b) — interesting process. (c) — water is first boiled in ( d) — kettle and (e) — desired quantity of (f) — tea dust is put in it . After (g) — few minutes (h) — boiled leaves are separated from (i) — liquour is poured into (j) — cup and some milk and sugar are mixed with it.

48.   (a) — idle man and (b) — active man cannot be equal. We know (c) — story of (d) — ant and (e) — grasshopper. (f) — ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) — lazy. The ant knew that (h) — industrious shine. On (i) — contrary, (j) — lazy suffers in life.

49.   Kamal is (a) — SSC examinee. He has been suffering from (b) — fever for about a week. He wants to see (c) — experienced doctor. He has heard much about (d) — reputation of Mr. Shahin who is (e) — FRCS. He is one of (f) — best doctors in our country. He had his degree from (g) — UK. So, Kamal made (h) — appointment. On (i) — appointed day, he reached (j) — doctor’s chamber.

50.   Man is (a) — social being. He is (b) — member of the society. He has (c) — freedom of choice thought and expression. But everybody should consider that he is not (d) — only person in society. There are many persons in (e) — society and they have (f) — same rights and one expects from one’s society. So to form (g) — peaceful society one should be watchful to see that other’s rights are not harmed. Every citizen must cultivate (h) — habit of obeying (i) — rules and regulations of (j) — society.

51.   Good manners form (a) — important part of our education. Our education remains incomplete if we do not learn good manners. In our behavior with (b) — other, we must show proper respect to them. We should have (c) — sense of property in our conduct. It is necessary for (d) — cultural and disciplined society. Again, good manners cost us (e) — nothing, they are often (f) — result of good sense and good nature. The importance of good manners in life is great (g) — indeed. Everyone likes (h) — man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really this kind of man is (i) — gentleman in the true sense of (j) — term.

52.   Sincerity is (a) — great virtue. A sincere man works prosperity and get (b) — desired result. (c) — rich work with sincerity and succeed in making (d) — anything a success. (e) — great people are also sincere to their work. They know (f) — importance of sincerity. As (g) — poor are insincere to their duties, they always lag behind and suffer only to perform a task property is not (h) — sincerity. Thy people of our (i) — country are not aware of its importance. So they should be aware of (j) — importance of sincerity.

53.   Good manners form (a) — important part of our education. Our education remains incomplete if we do not learn good manners. In our behavior with (b) — other, we must show proper respect to them. We should have (c) — sense of property in our conduct. It is necessary for (d) — cultural and disciplined society. Again, good manners cost us (e) — nothing, they are often (f) — result of good sense and good nature. The importance of good manners in life is great (g) — indeed. Everyone likes (h) — man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really this kind of man is (i) — gentleman in the true sense of (j) — term.

54.   Sincerity is (a) — great virtue. A sincere man works prosperity and get (b) — desired result. (c) — rich work sincerity and succeed in making (d) — anything a success. (e) — great people are also sincere to their work. They know (f) — importance of sincerity. As (g) — poor are insincere to their duties, they always lag behind and suffer only to perform a task property is not (h) — sincerity. The people of our (i) — country are not aware of its importance. So they should be aware of (j) — importance of sincerity.

55.   Truthfulness is (a) — greatest of all (b) — virtues which makes (c) — man really great. If we do not cultivate (d) — habit of speaking (e) — truth, we cannot command (f) — confidence of others. We may succeed once or twice by telling (g) — lie, but it never brings about (h) — good result. A lie never lies hidden. When (i) — real character of (j) — liar is revealed, nobody believes him. All hate him and speak ill of him behind his back.

56.   A true friend is (a) — asset. He stands by his (b) — friend in time of danger. He is not (c) — greedy man. He always wishes for (d) — welfare of his friend. But it is (e) — matter of (f) — fact that (g) — ideal friend is very rare today. (h) — selfish man cannot be (i) — true friend. He thinks of his own (j) — interest.

57.   Bangladesh is our mother land. It has thousands of villages where eighty percent of our people live. So, it is clear that (a) — welfare of the country depends upon (b) — development of these villages. There was (c) — time when the villagers were happy and self-supporting. They were (d) — simple, healthy, peace-loving, religious and hospitable. With the beginning of (e) — British rule the villages saw (f) — downfall. (g) — few cities sprang up after (h) — western fashion. Then (i) — educated and well-to-do people left the villages to enjoy (j) — modern facilities in those cities.

58.   People do not eat (a) — same food all over the world. (b) — eating habits of the people of a country depend largely on its geographical position, climate and soil. That is to say (c) — kinds of food they get easily. For instance, people in (d) —  tropical countries eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. (e) — chief food of the people of Hawaii and Polynesia in (f) — Pacific are tero roots, bread, (g) — fruits and sea-food. They also eat (h) — lot of limes. The Indians of central America eat mostly fruits and (i) — vegetables. (j) — Eskimos live on meat. 

59.   There once lived (a) — poor farmer. He was (b) — honest and hard-working. He never wastes (c) — hour time while working. He had (d) — few pieces of land, but he had to maintain (e) — large family. One day he found (f) — umbrella with a bag. In (g) — bag, he found a letter. He showed it to (h) — one-eyed learned man. The man told him that it was (i) — important letter of (j) — university.

60.   James Norman Hall was (a) — American writer. He wrote (b) — story about (c) — wonderful piece of business that took place between him and a farmer. While living in (d) — Tahiti, he was short of (e) — money and rented (f) — one room house about 22 kilometers from (g) — town. He was doing (h) — interesting writing there. To save money, he wanted to make (i) — vegetable garden in front of his house. But (j) — land was full of ants and land-crabs. They foiled all his attempts.

61.   Bangladesh is a land of rivers. It got freedom in 1971 through (a) — Liberation War. It is located in (b) — South Asia. Dhaka is (c) — capital of Bangladesh. Dhaka is also known as (d) — city of mosques. Our main food is (e) — rice and fish. It is (I) — country of beauty. It is, in fact, (g) — large village. (h) — people of Bangladesh are very hospitable. There are many beautiful things here that attract (i) — travellers and tourists. The people of Bangladesh like to lead (j) — simple life.

62.   Bangladesh is (a) — world’s most densely populated country. Our development efforts are frustrated because of (b) — enormous size of population. (c) — population explosion is (d) — constant threat to our environment and (e) — society. Population is growing at such (f) — high rate that (g) — environment may soon fail to supply (h) — people with their minimum necessities. It is indeed (i) — alarming situation. Something should be done to change (j) — situation.

63.   Money cannot buy (a) — happiness. Money is (b) — must for our life. But it is not (c) —necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) — psychological thing. It is (e) — name of (f) — feeling. It means the contentment of mind. He who is (g) — satisfied with what he gets and content with his life is really (h) — happy man. On the other hand, (i) — unhappy man finds no contentment with his things. Happiness is (j) — blessing of the Almighty.

64.   (a) — aim of every student is to do better in (b) — examination. But it is not (c) — easy task. Regular study is (d) — must. It is (e) — unique quality of a good student. He should not cram (f) — answers without knowing the meaning. He should have a good command of (g) — English too. Besides, a student should form the habit of speaking (h) — truth. He should make (i) — best use of time. But the students who are (j) — idle will suffer in the long run.

65.   English is (a) — international language. It is spoken all over (b) — world. So the importance of (c) — English cannot be described in words. All (d) — books on higher education are written in English. Today organizations need employees who speak and write (e) — standard form of English. It helps (f) — educated man to get a (g) — good job, it is (h) — official or semi-official language all over the world. Ours is (i) — age of globalization we need to learn English to join (j) — advanced world.

66.   (a) — 16th December is (b) — red letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On the day we achieved our victory at (c) — cost of (d) — bloody battle. Bangladesh came into being as (e) — independent country. It occupied a place in the world (f) — map. Every year we observe (g) — day with due solemnly we remember (h) — supreme sacrifice of our neroic sons. The day is (i) — public holyday. The day begins with gunshot. The national flag is hoisted on (j) — top of the each house.

67.   Computer is (a) — invention of (b) — modern science. It is (c) — man made machine and works according to (d) — instruction given to it. It was Pascal who invented (e) — theory of calculation. There are five components in (f) — computer. In (g) — modern world computer renders (h) — great service to civilized world. It has lessened our works lead to (i) — great extent. In fact, computer is doing a great job by substituting (j) — human brain.

68.   Money cannot buy (a) — happiness. Money is (b) — must for our life. But it is not (c) — necessary to bring our happiness. Happiness is absolutely (d) — psychological thing. It is (e) — the name of feeling. It means the contentment of mind. He who is (g) — satisfied what he gets and content with his life is (h) — really happy. Happiness cannot be purchased with (i) — money. No doubt, money has got something to do with (j) — happiness but it cannot give us happiness.

69.   It was (a) — occasion of New Year’s Day. King Arthur and his knight were sitting in (b) — court. At the same time, they heard (c) — sound of hoofs outside. In (d) — moment, a stranger appeared before them. He was a knight. He said that people called him (e) — Green Knight. He said to the knights present. “I challnge anyone of you to strike me with (f) — blow”. If survive you will meet at any place in (g) — year’s time and receive (h) — blow in return?” All (i) — knights were taken aback. No one came forward to meet (j) — challenge.

70.   The great ship Titanic sailed for New York from Southampton on April 1912. At that time she was (a) — largest ship. (b) — tragic sinking of this great (c) — liner will always be remembered for she went down on her first voyage. Four days after sailing out, while it was across (d) — icy (e) — waters of (f) — North Atlantic, (g) — huge ice berg was suddenly spotted. After (h) — alarm had been given (i) — great ship turned sharply to avoid (j) — collision.

71.   I have many (a) — friends. One of (b) — friends is (c) — news reporter. He visits (d) — nook and corner of his area. Nothing can avoid (e) — sight of his (f) — keen eyes. (g) — sense of responsibility that he has beyond (h) — description. (i) — Last but not (j) — least, he is a real patriot.

72.   The dog is (a) — extremely faithful animal. It is (b) — useful animal as well.  In western countries (c) — dogs have been used for various purposes. In (d) — ancient time (e) — dog was used for hunting. It was also kept watch on (f) — houses. (g) — dogs draw sledges in (h) — icy lands. They can also detect (i) — criminals. So (j) — RAB’s, use dog squad.

73.   (a) — educated man is (b) — asset for (c) — undeveloped country. He can teach (d) — ignorant man (e) — important matter without facing (f) — obstruction. For this there is difference between (g) — educated and (h) — uneducated. (i) — role played  by (j) — learned is beyond  description.

74.   Man has no escape from (a) — death. Sooner or later he will die. He dies in (b) — many ways. Many die of diseases and many die by accident. Again (c) — some die from something excessive but those who die for (d) — country is martyrs. Many modern weapons can kill (e) — man in (f) — moment. Things have been discovered to keep (g) — dead body alive for long. So, (h) — man is called mortal. It is (i) — meaningless effort if (j) — man tries to escape from death.

75.   Life is full of (a) — unfavourable circumstances. (b) — great men in (c) — world bravely faced (d) — adverse situations. There situations bring out (e) — man’s talent qualities. (f) — man in such circumstances learns many virtues like fortitude and bravery. Only (g) — brave men can conquer (h) — obstacles of life. (i) — adverse situation  have  glorified their (j) — life.

76.   Mecca is an ancient (a) — city. (b) — first mosque of (c) — world was built there. Hazrat Ibrahim built it. It is known as  (d) — Kaaba mosque. Many days have passed away. Suddenly a hole was found in (e) — wall. Today people all over (f) — world go to Mecca, they spend many a busy (g) — time there. They forget the activities of this (h) — world. The Muslim of (i) — whole world   gather there and perform (j) — Hajj.

77.   Globalization is (a) — buzzword now. (b) — Countries of (c) — world are now considered as (d) — neighbours of (e) — village. (f) — Globalization creates (g) — borderless market. But it has many (h) — harmful effects. It makes (i) — rich (j) — richer.

78.   English is  spoken as (a) — first language  by  over 300 million people  and  used  as (b) — means  of communication by (c) — many  more  worldwide . Actually (d) — English language is combination of the words of many languages. This is because (e) — English dominated many territories. In the ninth and (f) — tenth centuries, (g) — invaders occupied a large part of (h) — eastern England. When Britain was conquered by the Normans. (i) — French got the status of the language of the ruling classes. Later on (J) — Greek entered into this language to a great extent.

79.   Self – control is at (a) — root of all virtues. Let a man give rein to his impulses and passions and from that moment he yields up his moral freedom. He is carried along (b) — current of life, and becomes (c) — slave of his strongest desire for (d) — time being. To be morally free, to be more than (e) — animal, man can be able to resist (f) — interactive impulse and this by (g) — exercise of self control. This  is  the power which constitutes (h) — real distinction between physical and moral life. (i) — stronger man  is  he who , by  discipline , exercises (j) — constant  control over  his thoughts, his speech and  his acts.

80.   Everybody knows that sincerity is (a) — key to success. (b) — person can prosper in life by doing   hard work. The man who does not follow(c) — rules of sincerity can never go (d) —- long way in (e) — world. Many (f) — man is not conscious of (g) — importance of (h) — sincerity for which they don’t have (i) — benefit of (j) — success. However, we should be sincere to our work.

81.   Population explosion is (a) — constant threat to our environment and existence especially in Bangladesh. (b) — Population is growing at such (c) — high rate that (d) — environment may soon fail to supply (e) — people with their minimum (f) — necessities. Unless we take (g) — immediate step to stop this rapid growth of population, our (h) — environment will once encounter unpredictable difficulty and (i) — danger, consequently, (j) — inhabitants may experience destruction.

82.   A cyclone is a natural disaster. It is  (b) — kind  of  rotator  storm  that  rises  from  (c) — fixed  point  on  (d) — earth. It comes with lightning and thunder and often with (e) — heavy showers of rain. It has a circular motion which always changes its direction. It blows at (f) — rate of sixty to one hundred kilometers (g) — hour. A cyclone causes (h) — terrific havoc. Within (f) — sweep of (j) — cyclone almost everything is destroyed.

83.   As Mr. Patrick is (a) — European. As he is (b) — honorary (c) — English teacher, he knows (d) — English well. One day having (e) — SOS, he went to (f) — USA. His brother Milton living there joined (g) — army last year. He is (h) — younger of the two. Patrick decided to visit (i) — world Trade Centre there. It was (j) — unique opportunity for him.

84.   Once (a) — school boy named (b) — Ahsanullah was going home after completing his class. When he was crossing the road he saw (c) — old woman lying on the road. She was (d) — senseless and it was impossible for her to cross (e) — road. People come and pass but no one looks at her. The boy felt (f) — strong sense of sympathy for her. He rushed to (g) — lying helpless woman and somehow managed to rescue her from (h) — accident. The boy also helped her to go her residence. Last but not (i) — least, the woman prayed to the almighty for (j) — his betterment.

85.   Journey is always (a) — pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey my heart leaps with (b) — joy. But (c) — journey by boat gives me (d) — greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh is a land of (e) — rivers, it is (f) — easy matter to make (g) — journey by boat. Whenever I get (h) — opportunity to make (i) — journey by boat. I make (j) — best use of the opportunity.

86.   Bangladesh is (a) — land of rivers. There is hardly any country in (b) — world which has so many rivers. They provide us (c) — lot of fishes all (d) — year round. Fishing plays (e) — vital role in our national economy and helps us in (f) — various way. About half (g) — million people  of  our  country are engaged in (h) — fishing  and  earn their  livelihood  by catching  and  selling  fishes. It helps us to go (i) — long  way  to  solve (j) — unemployment  problem of  our  country.

87.   There lived a poor (a) — man named Rabby. He was (b) — honest man. He would look after a large mango garden. (c) — owner of the garden was a rich man. During (d) — summer season, some of his friends paid (e) — visit to his home. It was (f) — time when mangoes ripe. The owner told (g) — caretaker to pick up some ripe mangoes. So the caretaker picked up some of the ripe (h) — mangoes .He gave them to (i) — guests to taste. The guests tasted (j) — mangoes but they tasted sour.

88.   (a) — People do not eat (b) — same food all the world. (c) — Eating habit of (d) — people of (e) — country depends largely on its geographical position, (f) — climate and soil. (g) — kinds  of  food  that  people  eat depend on what  they can  grow or afford  to buy  from  other  countries. For instance people in (h) — tropical countries eat (i) — lots of fruits and vegetables which grow abundantly in these regions. The chief food of the people of (j) — Hawaii and Polynesia in the Pacific roots, bread, fruit and sea food.

(a)    — moon awakens in our hearts (b) — feeling (c) — of love  and tenderness. (d) — moon has  furnished (e) — they  use  for  poets  and  artists  ever since (f) — stirring of (g) —  poetic faculty in men (h) — soft  and silvery brightness of the moon which (i) — waves  her  to charm  us  is  borrowed wholly from (j) — light  of  the sun.

89.   More than  (a) — thousand  years  before  (b) — Christ , near  (c) — eastern end  of  (d) — Mediterranean was (e) — great city, very rich and  powerful, second  to  none  on  (f) —  crate . (g) — name of it was Troy and even today no city is more famous. (h) — cause of  this  long  lasting  fame  was (i) — war  told  of  in  one  of  the world’  greatest poems, the  Iliad , and (j) — cause of the war went  back to a  dispute  between  three jealous goddesses.

90.   There was (a) — extreme heat during the whole day. To stay in the room was also (b) — troublesome. So I went (c) — outside for (d) — breathe of cold air. There was Neela, (e) — youngest sister of mine with (f) — me. She said, “Let’s go out for (g) — walk by the side of the river.” We went to (h) — bank of the river on (i) — foot. At that time (j) — sun was about to set.

91.   Begging is not at all (a) — employment. It is (b) — charity of (c) — others. It does not give anything good to (d) — society. It does not develop (e) — man’s ability or will to be self –reliant. It makes (f) — man devoid of any sense of self respect. Those who live by begging cannot claim any dignity in (g) — society, it is regarded as slur (j) — curse to the society. It is (j) — most disgraceful disreputable means of living.     

92.     (a) — Ant is (b) — industrious insect. No other insect is as industrious as (c) — ant. If we open (d) — pages of history, we shall see that (e) — men who have become great were (f) — industrious. (g) — industrious are liked by all. On (h) — other hand, (i) — idle are hated by all. So industry is (j) — must to prosper in life.

93.   He gave me (a) — word but did not keep  it. I expected him (b) — next day but he did not come.(c) —  details  of  (d) — packing  my personal (e) — belongings and  arranging (f) —  bed  over (g) — seat occupied me  until (h) — late  in (i) — day. I started (j) — car as the sun was setting.

94.   Our school (a) — exact place of taking (b) — part in co-curricular activities. In (c) — each week competitions are arranged in (d) — auditorium. Our teachers motivate us in (e) — participating (f) — programmes. (g) — Winners are (h) — awarded by our principal. (i) — Student can easily go to (j) — hobby society.

95.   Since the creation of earth, there is (a) — strange relationship between man and animals. In (b) — recent  newspaper article, we  read  about (c) — Australian swimmer  who was  saved  from  (d) — shark by (e) — group of  dolphin s  when (f) — shark attacked (g) — swimmer, (h) — dolphins chased  it away. They saved (i) — swimmer’s life. It is believed the dolphins that are free in (j) — nature live around 40 years.

96.   May Day is (a) — international holiday of the working class. May Day has been (b) — symbol for the workers all over (c) — world. It teaches us to establish an exploitation free (d) — society. The day reminds us of (e) — sacrifice made by (f) — workers of the city of Chicago. It is (g) — unforgettable event in the history. In our country the day is not (h) — isolated matter. It has assumed (i) — special significance in our country. (j) — unity is also noticed among the working day.

97.   I am (a) — student. I have (b) — hobby. Gardening is my hobby. I have made (c) — garden in front of my reading room. I lose (d) — oil of my garden with (e) — spade and weed out with a hoe. I water (f) — plants regularly. I have  put (g) — fence  round  the garden  so that  a cow  or a goat  or (h) — naughty boy could  do  no  harm  to the plants. When flowers bloom (i) — garden looks very beautiful. The flower spread (j) — sweet smell.

98.   Moti is (a) — street boy. He is (b) — orphan. He lives in (c) — street of Dhaka city. One day he went to (d) — New Market. He saw (e) — fruit seller selling different kinds fruits. There he found (f) — old man buying some apples. (g) — apples looked very fresh. His mouth watered at (h) — sight of the apples. He wished if he could have (i) — apple. He thought for a while Feeling pity for him (j) — old man gave him an apple.

99.   Industry is the key to (a) — success in life.  The ant is (b) — industrious insect. No other insect is as (c) — industrious as the ant. If we  turn  over (d) — pages of history, we  will see  that  (e) — men who have  become  great were  (f) — industrious. (g) — industrious are liked by all. On (h) — other hand (i) — idle are hated by all. So, industry is (j) — must to prosper in life.

100.                        Hamlet, (a) — living person was (b) — Prince of Denmark. He  was (c) — greatly shocked  when his father  was  murdered  and  his  mother  hastily married  his uncle Claudius, who became (d) — king  of Denmark . He expressed his grief by saying that even (e) — animal of two reasons would have mourned longer. He grieved over these (f) — sad events day after day (g) — dreadful suspicion filled his mind. He  had  been  told that  while  his  father was sleeping  in  his  garden  he had  died  from (h) — bite  of (i) — snake . But finally Hamlet knew that (j) — real snake was Claudius.

101.                        (a) — Bangladesh is (b) — land of six seasons. Of all (c) — seasons I like (d) — spring is most. It is called (e) — queen of seasons. It comprises (f) — Bengali months of (g) — Falgoon and Chaitra. After (h) — end of (i) — winter it comes with all its beauty and (j) — charms.

(a)    — Student must take care of his health because (b) — sound mind lives in (c) — sound body. Good health is the key to (d) — success. In  order to enjoy (e) — good  health (f) — student  must  observe (g) — rules of health (h) — unhealthy man  may  be (i) — processors of vast  wealth but  he leads an unhappy (j) — life.

102.                        Every woman is (a) — potential mother. (b) — future of a child depends on how it is brought up. In this case (c) — educated mother plays (d) — important role. So, (e) — difference between the educated and (f) — uneducated mother can never be denied. An educated mother can bring a child up better than (g) — illiterate mother. A good wife means an educated woman. She is the best friend to her (h) — husband. Her words will go (i) — long way leave (j) — indelible impression on her husband.

103.                        Good manners form (a) — important   part of our education. Our education remains incomplete if we do not learn good manners. In our behavior with (b) — other, we must show proper respect to them. We should have (c) — sense of property in our conduct. It is necessary for (d) — cultural and disciplined society. Again, good manners cost us (e) — nothing, they are often (f) — result of good sense and good nature. The importance of good manners in life is great (g) — indeed. Everyone likes (h) — man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really this kind of man is (i) — gentleman in the true sense of (j) — term.

104.                        Unfair means in the examination is (a) — offence. It degrades (b) — standard of education. If the students of (c) — country do not acquire true (d) — education, there will be no development for (e) — country. (f) — Examiner should read seriously so that he can cut (g) — good figure in the examination. To acquire true education should be the only aim of all (h) — students. (i) — Educated man cannot support (j) — unfair means in the examination at all.

105.                        (a) — 21st of February is (b) — important day in our national calendar. On  this  day in 1952, valiant  youths  of (c) — soil laid  down  their  lives  to establish (d) — honour  of (Bangla, their  mother language. Their demand was to recognize Bangla as (e) — official language of state as it was (g) — language of most of (h) — population. Because of their sacrifice, we have got (i) — Bangla as our official language. Now, Bangladesh is (j) — international language.

106.                        Eid-ul-Fitr is (a) — biggest festival of (b) — Muslims. It comes at (c) — end of the holy (d) — month of (e) — Ramadan. It is (f) — occasion for thanks giving to (g) — Almighty. Eid is certainly an occasion for (h) — our Muslims who followed (i) — commandments of Allah during (j) — holy Ramadan. 

107.                        Mr. John is (a) — European. As he is (b) — Englishman, he knows (c) — English well. He is (d) — honourable to everyone through he is (e) — one-eyed man. One day having (f) — SOS he went to (g) — USA. His brother Jim living there, joined (h) — army 1st year. He is (i) — younger of the two brothers. When Mr. John met his brother, he could not but shed (j) — tears.

108.                        Today Bangladesh faces (a) — number of (b) — problems. Of all these problems (c) — population problem is (d) — most acute. Population is no doubt (e) — great asset of (f) — country but when (g) — country fails  to feed and  provide  these  with (h) — suitable (i) — jobs  they  become (j) — burden.

109.                        There was (a) — collision between (b) — van and (c) — pedestrian at the crossroads near our house last night. Both (d) —, pedestrian and (e) — van driver were  taken  to (f) — hospital  and  both  were  given  (g) — injections, (h) — witnesses said  that (i) — passer by was quite heedless while passing (j) — road.   

110.                        Tea is (a) — refreshing drink. The preparation of tea however is a long but (b) — interesting process. (c) — water is first boiled  in ( d) — kettle  and  (e) — desired quantity (f) — tea is put in it . After (g) — few minutes (h) — boiled leaves are separated from (i) — liquour is poured  into (j) — cup and  some  milk and sugar are mixed with it.

111.                        Muhammad Yunus was born in (a) — Chittagong (b) — business centre of eastern Bangladesh. He was (c) — third of 14 children of his parents. He was awarded (d) — Fulbright scholarship and received his (e) — Ph.D. from (f) — USA. He is (g) — founder and Managing Director of (h) — Grameen Bank. In 1997 he organized (i) — world’s first Micro-credit summit in (j) — Washington DC.

112.                        Sincerity is (a) — great virtue. A sincere man works prosperity and get (b) — desired result. (c) — rich work sincerity and succeed in  making  (d) — anything  a  success. (e) — great people are also sincere to their work. They know (f) — importance of sincerity. As  (g) — poor are  insincere to  their  duties , they always  lag  behind  and  suffer only to perform a  task  property is not (h) — sincerity . Thy people of our (i) — country are not aware of its importance . So they should be aware of (j) — importance of sincerity.

113.                        When (a) — great poet Ferdousi began to write (b) — Shahanama, the Sultan promised him (c) — piece of gold for gold for each (d) — verse. When(e) — epic was finished , it contained  sixty thousand (f) — verses., instead of giving gold coins , he  offered  the  poet  only sixty thousand  silver (g) — coins. The poet refused to the silver coins and left the court with (h) — broken heart. He was (i) — aggrieved man. Later on the Sultan released that he had made (j) — blunder.

114.                        Everybody knows that industry is (a) — key to success. (b) — person can prosper in life by doing hard work. The man  who does  not  follow  (c) — rules  of  sincerity  and never go (d) — long  way  (e) — world . Many (f) — man is not conscious (g) — importance of (h) — it. For which they don’t   have (i) — benefit of (j) — success.

115.                        (a) — fire man leapt from (b) — opposite doorway and (c) — driver followed. (d) — instant  later (e) — huge engine  pitched  over (f) — embankment, fell on  to  its side , and crashed  into (g) — creek with (h) — deafening  roar. (i) — roar tender  and  (j) — next  six  trucks  followed  with  a hidden  screech of metals.

116.                        I have many (a) — friends. One of (b) — friends is (c) — news reporter. He visits (d) — nook and corner of his area. Nothing can avoid (e) — sight of his (f) — keen eyes. (g) — Sense of responsibility that he has beyond (h) — description. (i) — Last but not (j) — least, he is a real patriot.

117.                        (a) — English poet was staying in (b) — Italy for the benefit of his health. He received (c) — unpaid letter from one of his friends containing nothing but a new words. He had to pay double postage for such (d) — unwise activity. He decided to teach his friend (e) — good lesson. So he collected (f) — stone and packed it up in (g) — box. He sent (h) — box to his friend. The friend fought that the contents of the parcel were valuable. So he paid the charge for carrying. He was astonished to see nothing in the box but (i) — ordinary (j) — stone.

118.                        Our school is (a) — exact place of taking (b) — part in co-curricular activities. In (c) — each week competitions are arranged in (d) — auditorium of our school. Our teachers motivate us in (e) — participating (f) — programmes. (g) — winners are  (h) — awarded by our  principal (i) — student can  face (j) — battle  of life  by  participating  different  co-curricular  activities.

119.                        John, (a) — woodcutter, worked for a company for five years but never got (b) — rise. The company hired bill and within (c) — year he got (d) — rise. Then John resented  Bill’s getting  a raise  after  only (e)  — year  and went  to  his  boss  to talk  about  it. The  boss  said, “ You are  cutting  the  number of (f) — trees  you were  cutting  live  years  ago. We are (g) — result oriented company and would be happy to give you (h) — rise if your productivity goes up.” John went back, started  hitting  harder  and  putting  in  longer  hours   but  still  wasn’t  able to  cut more (i) — trees. He went back to his boss and told him his (j) — dilemma.

120.                        People of  (a) — developing  countries  have  always  been  fascinated  with (b) — dream of  living  in (c) — some  developed countries like  America, Canada  etc. so that  they can lead a better life (d) — better civic  facilities  and (e) — earning  as well. As a result, every year a lot of people migrate to (f) — countries. In   fact people who settle there are either skilled or well educated in (g) — their respective sectors. After (h) — setting  there they are  to  abide  by (i) — rules  and  regulations  of  those  countries. These people are known as (j) — immigrants.

121.                        You are (a) — students of class ten (b) — highest class of the school. To come to this stage you had to undergo a lot of hardships and to make (c) — effort. None of you can deny (d) — fact of getting help from (e) — so many dedicated and friendly teachers. This is however, (f) — usual process. What (g) — tremendous job (h) — teachers shouldered to bring you at this stage? All these have been done to your to help you in becoming (i) — unique person, having (j) — ability and integrity for your own excellence.

122.                        Energy is (a) — life blood, so to say of (b) — civilized society. The richer (c) — country in energy resources. (d) — greater is  its progress and prosperity. Bangladesh is a t least developed (e) — country. The reason is that it has (f) — poor energy resource. In Bangladesh (g) — most easily available material for producing heat is (h) — wood. In the village, wood is still the only natural used for lighting fires for cooking. With the increase of population (i) — demand for firewood has been increasing. And people are cutting down (j) — trees at random.

123.                        (a) — idle man and (b) — active man cannot be equal. We know (c) — story of (d) — ant and (e) — grasshopper. (f) — ant was industrious. On the other hand, the grasshopper was really (g) — lazy. The ant knew that (h) — industrious shine. On (i) — contrary, (j) — lazy suffers in life.

124.                        In (a) — morning of July 16, 1969, (b) — Apollo 11 was launched from (c) — Cape Kennedy for (d) — journey to (e) — moon with three astronauts Neil A Armstrong, Edwin E Adrian Michael Collins. It flew at (f) — speed of 6000miles per hour. It was piloted by Colonel Michael Collins. After travelling (g) — distance of 240 thousand miles it reached (h) — moon on (i) — 21 July, 1969 (j) — whole world saw the scene on TV.

125.                        Harun is (a) — SSC examinee. He has been suffering from fever. He wants to see (b) — experienced doctor. He has heard much about the name and (c) — fame of Mr. Zaman. Mr. Zaman is (d) — FRCS. He is one of (e) — best doctors in our country. He had his degree from (f) — USA. So Harun made (g) — appointment. On (h) — fixed date he reached (i) — doctor’s chamber was (j) — spacious room.

126.                        It was Monday in (a) — month of July. The sky was cloudy at (b) — night. It was drizzling since morning. I got up (c) — little bit late and looked out through (d) — window. My mother asked me to get ready for (e) — school. So  after breakfast  I came  to  the road with my books  in ( f) — bag  and opened  my (g) — umbrella over the head . I did not find any   rickshaw. I went on foot. No sooner had I gone (h) — half of (i) — way than it began to rain in torrents. I go t drenched and took shelter in (j) — roadside shop.

127.                        Education means to change (a) — behavior of human nature. So we receive education to adapt ourselves to (b) — new and changing situation. (c) — purpose  of education  is to energies our minds  so that  we can  enable  them  to draw  conclusion, make  judgment and decision. It is only given in schools and colleges. One can also take education from (d) — nature and experiences. Abraham Lincoln spent less than (e) — year at (f) — school yet he was (g) — great orator who made (h) — famous ‘Gettysburg Speech’ nature is (i) — best master, (j) — school of experience is the most effective school.

128.                        Iran is an old (a) — country. Many (b) — poet was born in that country. They were famous all over (c) — world. Saudi was such (d) — poet.  He got (e) — invitation from the king. He started for (f) — capital. He was in a very simple (g) — dress. On his way to (h) — court he took shelter in noble man’s house to pass (i) — night. This noble man took him for an ordinary (j) — man. 

129.                        a) — village market is held in (b) — open space in (c) — centre of the surrounding village. The paths of (d) — villages lead to (e) — market place. There is a daily market there. Of course, there is (f) — difference between a ‘hat’ and a market. A hat is not helpful like (g) — market daily. It is held only once or twice a week and it is more crowded than a market. However, there are (h) — various kinds of shops in (i) — village market. (j) — villagers get  rice, dal, oil, vegetables, fish, meat and  all other necessaries  of  their  daily  life  from  the market.

(a)    — beautiful garden surrounds the Tajmahal. (b) — green trees of (c) — garden make the  Tajmahal’s  marble look  even (d) — white . There is a long narrow pool in (e) — front of (f) — main entrance to (g) — building. If you look in this pool, you can see all (h) — beauty of the Tajmahal in (i) — reflection in (j) — water. 

130.                        Bakhtiyar Khalji was (a) — Turkish adventure and soldier of fortune. By dint of (b) — luck as well as his organizational capacity heat(c) — first opportunity, conquered Bihar from (d) — Palas. At that time (e) — octogenarian Bengal King Lakshman Sen was physically weak. He was neither (f) — physically nor mentally  able  to resist  any  sudden (g) — onslaught  from  outside. Yet  he apprehended  Muslim  attack and  posted  some  of his troops  at (h) —– Western  border of his kingdom as (i) — cautionary  measure . But clever as he was Bakhtiyar led (j) —– cavalry  force  through unfrequented hills  and  jungles  of Jharkhand.

131.                        Travelling is always pleasant and (a) — instructive. To make (b) — journey is also (c) — pleasure to me. Whenever I go on a journey  my heart  leaps  with  (d) — joy . But (e) — journey by boat gives me (f) — greatest pleasure. Since Bangladesh is a land of rivers. It is (g) — easy to make a journey by (h) — boat. Whenever I get (i) — opportunity  to  make  a journey, I try to make  (j) — best  use  of  the  opportunity.  

132.                        (a) — morning walk is good for all. It is (b) — simple exercise and good for health n and (c) — mentally. In the morning (d) — air is fresh and free from any kind of noise and pollution. This pure air  (e) — makes  an active  effect on  (f) — walker’s  health and mind, when (g) — man  enjoys  (h) — beauties  and solemnity  of  (i) — nature  in  (j) — morning.  

133.                        No civilized society can live without (a) — press. (b) — press has in fact (c) — excellent influence on our daily social and (d) — political life. The source of it power lies in (e) — principle of democracy. In (f) — unique democratic system everybody is free to express his/her honest opinion through this media. The newspaper is (g) — mouth .piece of public opinion. No (h) — popular government came afford to ignore it. This media therefore, wields (i) — great influence on (j) — masses.

134.                        There are various   noble (a) — qualities  which  distinguish a good man  from  a bad man. (b) — aggregate of these  qualities  of  (c) — head and heart  constitutes  character. A man of character is (d) — rear prince among men. He is (e) — beacon light of the groping humanity and its (f) — surest guide. Such (g) — man is one of the moral forces of the world and  morality finds (h) — expression  through his  words and deeds. Blessed  are  the nations that  possess (i) — few  such  men (j) — countries  depend  most  for  their  all round  prosperity.

135.                        Kamal is (a) — SSC examinee. He has been suffering from (b) — fever for about a week. He wants to see (c) — experienced doctor. He has heard much about (d) — reputation of Mr. Shahin who is (e) — FRCS. He is one of (f) — best doctors in our country. He had his degree from (g) — UK. So, Kamal made (h) — appointment. On (i) — appointed day, he reached (j) — doctor’s chamber.

136.                        Abu Bib Adham was (a) — pious man. One night he saw (b) — angel in his room. He saw (c) — angel writing something in a book of (d) — gold. He asked the angel what he was writing. The angel replied in (e) — sweet tone that he was writing the names of (f) — persons who love Allah most. Abu made (g) — appeal to the angel to write his name. The angel wrote something and vanished. (h) — Next night he come again and showed Abu names of (i) — God-fearing people. Abu’s name topped (j) — list.

137.                        The invention of computer is one of (a) — greatest advance in (b) — modern technology. It is (c) — fairly recent invention. Computer is (d) — substitute for (e) — human brain. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. In a few minutes (f) — computer can perform calculation that trained mathematians would need years to complete. (g) — fastest computers can handle millions problems in (h) — few seconds. It can perform many operations at (i) — time and (j) — same time and same time without any confusion.

138.                        Bangladesh is no doubt one of (a) — poorest countries in the world having (b) — few enemies (c) — few countries encircling her are not much richer than she. They have (d) — little to do about our mental affairs. Our large population is rather (e) — burden than (f) — asset. But it is (g) — fact that (h) — days are not very far when we will be (i) — able to win in (j) — race with many other countries.
93. Baul Samrat Shah Abdul Karim was buried beside (a) — grave of his wife Aftabunnesa Sarola in their village (b) — home at Ujandhol. Thousands of mourning admirers of (c) — legendary poet attendant (d) — burial. Baul Abdul Karim wrote and composed over (e) — 1600 songs.

139.                        (a) — Teacher is often compared with (b) — architect. He is called the architect of a nation. He is (c) — light of learning and makes (d) — illiterate people worthy literate citizens of our country. But is (e) — great regret that (f) — teachers are not held in due respect in our society. They lead (g) —humble life in (h) — midst of (i) — wants. Still they keep the light of (j) — education burning in order to remove the darkness of illiteracy and superstations from the society.  

140.                        What is secondary language? (a) — language learnt in school or in job in addition to (b) — one’s first language is called a second language. People master (c) — second language for various reasons. You may be interested in (d) — Greek to enjoy (e) — great literature writer in that language. You may learn (f) — Arabic in order to get (g) — job in (h) — Arabic speaking land. If you want to make business with (i) — French, you have to learn French. You learn English as (j) — second language since you can use it and be used almost everywhere on the earth. 

141.                        An Ifter party was held in our school campus on (a) — 15th instant. (b) — Chairman of Comilla Education Board who has been newly appointed was (c) — chief guest of the Party. There   was (d) — good number of elite persons in (e) — party. Our honourable (f) — headmistress presided over (g) — short meeting before the ifter mahfil. About three hundred people including 129 teachers of the school were present in the party. The chief guest made (h) —- good speech about (i) — new principles of education taken by the education ministry of (j) — govt. and on the duties of a teacher.

142.                        Man is (a) — social being. He is (b) — member of the society. He has (c) — freedom of choice thought and expression. But everybody should consider that he is not (d) — only person in society. There  are many  persons in (e) — society  and  they have (f) — same  rights  and  one  expects  from  one’s society. So to form (g) — peaceful society one should be watchful to see that other’s rights are not harmed. Every citizen must cultivate (h) — habit of obeying (i) — rules and regulations of (j) — society. 

143.                        Water is (a) — scientific combination of Hydrogen and oxygen. It is (b) — element of nature. It is (c) — gift of Allah. Pure water is (d) — precondition to life. (e) — other name of water is life. If (f) — rainy season, we get water naturally. But sometimes we failed to get (g) — natural help. Water is (h) — essential for human life. Polluted water is very harmful for (i) — human. So, step should be taken to save (j) —- water from pollution.

144.                        A teacher is (a) — noble person in our society. He imparts education and enkindles (b) — light of (c) — knowledge (d) — among the students. He is really (e) — very important person in any society or country. He is called (f) — architect of (g) — nation. He dispels  (h) — darkness of ignorance  from  (i) — mind  of  the students He stirs up  the spirits  of  curiosity  and (j) — creativity  among  students.

145.                        (a) — Olympic Games started (b) — long before  (c) — Christian era. There is (d) — village in Greece named (e) — Olympia. This has   been named after (f) — Olympia. Today the Olympic Games have become (g) — extraordinary events in the world. This year Olympic Games were held in Beijing, China bagged (h) — highest gold medals in various events. This is to be (i) — usual thing for (j) — host country. However, for the first time the USA failed to bag the highest gold.

146.                        Flowers are (a) — most beautiful object of nature. They lend colour, smell, beauty and charm to (b) — land. Bangladesh is (c) — land of flowers. The best known flowers of (d) — Bangladesh are the rose, the lotus, the marigold etc. (e) — rose was not originally (f) — native of Bangladesh. But it is now largely grown in (g) — all parts of (h) — country. It is called (i) — queen on (j) — account of its beauty and scent.

147.                        Think only of the crowd at (a) — cricket. The crowd matters (b) — deal to (c) — game and to one’s love to (d) — game. And  it  really  is  part and parcel of (e) — cricket, you  will find  nothing  like it at (f) — other  games. It sits  for so  long (g) — time in one  place  that (h) — personal reserves cannot exist in it., in a  cricket-crowd (i) — intimacy it bred  which  breaks  down  all class distinctions. And become cricket frequently takes (j) — placid course the crowd has liberty  for  self –expression. 

148.                        On  31 January 1912, (a) — deputation  of Muslim  leaders  of East Pakistan  led by  Nawab Salimullah, Nawab  Ali Chowdhury and A.K. Fazlul Haq met Viceroy lord Harding to voice their (b) — demand for  (c) — university in Dhaka. This was vigorously opposed by (d) — other leaderships. A Calcutta Commission charged with (e) — task of preparing (f) — scheme for establishing (g) — university in (h) — Dhaka also opposed it. The government however ignored these objections and had (j) — Dhaka University Act passed by (j) — Indian legislative council in 1920. 

149.                        Though newspaper is not always (a) — unmixed blessing, yet it is (b) — most useful thing in modern life. We can’t think of (c) — day without it. To read newspaper is (d) — habit. (e) — more we read (f) — more we can acquire knowledge. If we don’t read it, we shall be (g) — frogs in (h) — dark well. It is (i) — looking glass of (j) — modern life and world.

150.                        The other day Mita met with an accident and was taken to (a) — hospital. Where she was placed was too small (b) — room. Even none was there encircling to take care (c) — neglected. Utmost care was taken to transfer her in (d) — isolation ward for better care. But frustrating all our sincere efforts she breathed her (e) — last. (f) — inquiry committee was  formed  to  gauge (g) — depth of   indifference  shown  to (h) — victim dragging  her  to (i) — jaw of death  through (j) — consequence  is  a  foregone  conclusion to  many.

151.                        (a) — angry man is  not  liked  even  by (b) — idiot. There is difference between (c) — educated and (d) — uneducated. Again there is difference between (e) — rich and (f) — poor. (g) — Educated man should come forward to educate (h) — uneducated man. On the other hand, (j) — rich man should have sympathy for (j) —- poor man.  

152.                        (a) — history of civilization shows how man always has to choose between making  (b) — right   and  wrong  use  of (d) — discoveries of science . This has  never been  more  true  than  in our own (e) — age. In (f) — period  amazing  discoveries  have  been made  and  applied  to  practical purposes. It  would  be (g) — ungrateful  not  to recognize  how immense are (h) — boons  which  sciences has  given  to  (i)  — man kind. It has brought within (j) — reach only a short time ago.  

153.                        People think of poverty(a) — as (b) — great evil and it seems  to be  (c) — accepted belief that  if people  had (d) — plenty  of money . They would be happy and (e) — useful and more out of life. As  (f) — rule there  is more  genuine  satisfaction in life and more obtained  from  life in (g) — humble cottage  of (h) — poor  men  than  in  (i) — place of (j)  — rich.

154.                        At present day (a) — world (b) — English has become (c) — more widely used international language. Now it is not only (d) — language of (e) — English as people all (f) — over (g) — world uses it. But (h) — condition of this language in our country is not (f) — satisfactory. (j) — well-planned education system can improve the situations.

155.                        Do you know about (a) — Gypsies? They are (b) — tribe of (c) — strange people. They have no fixed place, but wander about (d) — place to place and live in tents. They were originally (e) — natives of India. But as they reached (f) — English from (g) — Egypt. (h) — English look them for Egyptians. That is why they came to be ‘Gypsies’. There were believed to possess (i) — strange powers. They could tell your fortune by reading (j) — palm of your hand.


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