
Correct form of verbs, Exercises for HSC


A farmer (a) — (take) some sacks of wheat to a mill. The mill (b) — (be) a few kilometers ways. On the way the horse (c) — (stumble) and one of the sacks fell to the ground. It (d) — (be) too heavy for the farmer to lift and there was nobody around to help him. He (e) — (wonder) what to do. Meanwhile, he saw a horseman (f) — (come) towards him. As the rider (g) — (come) nearer, the farmer recognized him. It was no other than the nobleman who (h) — (live) in a grad house at the top of the hill. The poor man (i) — (think) of approaching the rider. He was at a complete loss. But the nobleman (j) — (stop) in front of the farmer and got off the horse to help the poor man.

(a) was taking (b) was (c) stumbled (d) was (e) wondered (f) coming (g) came (h) lived (i) did not think (j) stopped

Education (a) — (mean) mental and moral training. It is the light that (b) — (clear) off the darkness of ignorance from our mental horizon. The development of a nation totally (c) — (depend) on its system of education. The percentage of literacy of our country (d) — (be) 52 plus. But it is very painful that though the government (e) — (take) steps to increase the development of education, it gradually (f) — (decrease). The students do not concentrate their mind on studies. Violence takes place in the educational institutions. Those who have passed the exam during this critical period (g) — (be) not well educated. There is lack of proper planning in our education system. The educational institutions are planless. The teachers not (h) — (give) proper attention to their classes; rather they give more attention to coaching center. As a consequence, the students (i) — (become) derailed to get rid of his indiscipline. To improve the standard of education in our country, the students as well as the high officials of government (j) — (shall) come forward and work heartily to achieve the desired goal.

(a) means (b) clears (c) depends (d) is (e) takes (f) decreases (g) are (h) do not give (i) become (j) should

Set- 3
Robin and Hafiz (a) — (be) good friends. Robin (b) — (leave) for Dhaka. There he (c) — (try) hard, but could not find a suitable job. So he (d) — (to have) to come back to his village. Hafiz (e) — (be) not highly educated. He (f) — (know) that he could not find a good job. So he (g) — (join) a youth training course. There he (h) — (learn) how to be self-employed. He took a bank loan of Tk. 1,00,000 and (i) — (start) a dairy farm. Now he has three cows and five claves. His average monthly income is Tk. 8,000/-. His bank loan (j) — (repay) soon.

(a) were (b) left (c) tried (d) had (e) was (f) knew (g) joined (h) learnt (i) started (j) will be repaid

Long, long ago there (a) — (be) a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He was a very good king. He (b) — (love) his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects also (c) — (have) a great love and respect for him. Once his enemies (d) — (make) a plan against him. They (e) — (fight) against him and (f) — (drive) him away. The king (g) — (go) to a forest and took shelter in an old fort. Many of his faithful subjects joined him there. The king (h) — (sit) idly there. He formed a troop. He attacked his enemies again and again. But every time he (i) — (defeat). He had no hope of getting back his kingdom. One day the king was lying in the floor and saw a spider (j) — (try) to reach the roof and succeeded on the eighth attempt.

(a) was (b) loved (c) had (d) made (e) fought (f) drove (g) went (h) did not sit (i) was defeated (j) trying

For three years now Dhaka (a) — (ranked) 2nd from bottom in the Economic Intelligence Unit’s survey of 140 cities under The Global Liability Index. The scores (b) — (base) on five major criteria — health care, culture, environment, education and infrastructure. That Dhaka tops only Damascus, (c) — (be) no comfort for the million residents of Dhaka. However, we are not altogether (d) — (surprise) by the results; we (e) — (downgrade) our environment by its systematic destruction. There is lack of proper public transportation, and the horrendous traffic system and poor management (f) — (cost) the GDP 1-2 percent in annual growth according to Asian Development Bank’s latest estimate. Our score of 29.2 on a scale of 100 is identical with Damascus and we (g) — (be) aghast to learn that Dhaka (h) — (lag). Damascus (i) — (experience) siege and bombardment over the last four years whereas Dhaka (j) — (have) at peace for over four decades since independence.

(a) has been ranked (b) are based (c) is (d) surprised (e) have downgraded (f) is costing (g) are (h) is lagging (i) has experienced (j) has been

Real Estate groups and various private organizations as well as some influential persons (a) — (encroach) the lakes and canals in Dhaka city and built huge installations. Thus they (b) — (change) city’s landscape and posed dangers and miseries for the city dwellers during rainy season. Illegal concrete structures (c) — (build) by occupying many wet lands and low-lying lands though they (d) — (protect) by law. But these grabbers show their thumbs to law and by (e) — (bribe) the corrupt officials of RAJUK. manages to occupy them for years. City planners and urban experts (f) — (express) their concern over these illegal structures by (g) — (grab) wetlands and low-lying lands but things go on (h) — (unchanged). The remaining canals and lakes (i) — (die) slowly as grabbing (j) — (increase) more rapidly.
(a) have encroached (b) have changed (c) have been built (d) are protected (e) bribing (f) have expressed (g) grabbing (h) unchanged (i) are dying (j) is increasing.

Dengue fever (a) — (be) a virus fever. No other fever is so dangerous as dengue fever. Aedes, a kind of mosquito and the monkey carry this virus. This sort of mosquito (b) — (find) in Africa. It (c) — (lay) eggs on standing or stagnant water. This germ (d) — (spread) all over the world through the sea vessels from Africa. Aedes also lays its eggs on the standing water on the plastic bottles, plastic container, tyres, green coconut plates, polythene etc. If Aedes mosquito (e) — (bite) a healthy man, virus may get into his body or blood. The man (f) — (attack) with dengue fever (g) — (feel) severe pain in the whole body, dizzy headache, red spots at different parts of the body and unnatural stools (h) — (find). The Aedes mosquito’s biting causes troubles in the bowel movement of a person. If the symptom of this disease (i) — (find), we must consult with a doctor at once and take medicine as per his advice. In Bangladesh, this dengue fever (j) — (break out) in an epidemic form. So, we need to be very much cautious about this disease.

Answer: (a) is (b) is found (c) lays (d) spreads (e) bites (f) attacked (g) feels (h) are found (i) is found (j) has broken out.


 express — make — accept — change — orbit — find — observe — want — declare — leave

Galileo was born in Italy in 1542. His father (a) — him to study medicine. But he became a professor of mathematics (b) — his medicine course. Galileo observed the solar system with a telescope (c) — by him and came to the conclusion that the earth and other planets orbit the sun. Previously Copernicus (d) — the same view which went against the Bible. The Church forced Galileo to disown his views publicly but he did (e) — his real belief till his death in 1942. Thought his view was not (f) — them, he was right in his observation. Later, the church (g) — him right. Nowadays, people of all classes can easily (h) — with more powerful telescope that the earth and the planets (i) — the sun as seen and (j) — by Copernicus and Galileo.

 Answer-8: (a) wanted (b) leaving (c) made (d) expressed (e) not leave (f) accepted (g) declared (h) observe (i) orbit (j) found.


 protect — travel — invent — find — modernize — appear — light — feed — keep — escape

Men have travelled ever since they first (a) — on earth. In primitive times they did not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds (b) — or to (c) — from hostile neighbours or to (d) — more favourable climates. Their journeys were long and tiring. They (e) — on foot. They (f) — themselves with simple handmade weapons, and by (g) — fires and above all by (h) — together. Now, they are using modern transports. They are still trying to (i) — all (j) — things and objects.

 Answer-9: (a) appeared (b) fed (c) escape (d) find (e) travelled (f) protected (g) lighting (h) keeping (i) invent (j) modernized.


 need — learn — go — modify — design— understand— improve — talk — speak — teach

Communicative competence in English is urgently (a) — in our country. The present world (b) — fast and developing by leaps and bounds. In order to keep pace with the present world we cannot help (c) — English. But the present system of teaching and learning English is not up to the mark. The textbooks (d) — for the classes IX-X have to (e) — and made updated. The learners of our school and colleges (f) — and write English fluently. They can’t even (g) — their listening skill. As a result they fail to (h) — when the native speaker (i) — to them in English. The teachers also don’t (j) — methodically.

 Answer-10: (a) needed (b) is going (c) learning (d) designed (e) be modified (f) can not speak (g) improve (h) understand (i) talks (j) teach.


 come — compare — start — distinguish — enlighten —limit — get — say — dispel — make

 Education (a) — mankind. It (b) — to light which (c) — the darkness of ignorance and helps us (d) — between right and wrong. Ex-president Julius Nyerere of Tanzania way back in 1947 (e) — in an international conference that the primary purpose of education was the liberation of man from the restrictions of habits and attitudes which (f) — his humanity. In our country the Govt. (g) — “Food for Education” programme so that all children can (h) — proper education. So, we (i) — forward with a view to (j) — this attempt a success.

 Answer-11: (a) enlightens (b) is compared (c) dispels (d) distinguish (e) said (f) limit (g) has started (h) get (i) should come (j) making.


spread — keep — protect — look — grow — be — bellow — communicate — have — sing

 Whales have a way of (a) — with their own kind. They (b) — in contact with one another through snores and groans. A herd (c) — over several square miles almost certainly knows where everybody (d) —. Whales have loud voices. A blue whale can (e) — as loud as a lion. Mother whales (f) — strong feelings for their young ones. They (g) — after them until they are (h) — up enough to swim and (i) — themselves. It is learnt that whales can (j) — in chorus to enjoy themselves.

 Answer-12: (a) communicating (b) keep (c) spreads (d) is (e) bellow (f) have (g) look (h) grown (i) protect (j) sing.



The transport problem in Dhaka has (a) — growing more quickly than in other cities of Bangladesh because there (b) — too many people in Dhaka and not enough space. The population has been (c) — very quickly in recent years. Dhaka has now become very (d) — city. Very few cities in the world (e) — as crowded as Dhaka. Moreover, there are 25% slum-dwellers who are (f) — here and there and occupying a lot of space in the roads and streets. They are also responsible for traffic jam. However, the government has not been (g) — idle and doing nothing about this growing problem. They (h) — building new roads and (i) — narrow roads wider. New double deckers have also (j) — imported to lessen the problems of the people.

Answer no-13: (a) been (b) are (c) increasing (d) crowded (e) are (f) living (g) sitting (h) are (i) making (j) been



The world (a) — gloomy in the absence of a true friend. A man who (b) — alone is either an angel or a beast. Thus, arises the need for a true and honest friend. True friends, no doubt, (c) — rare in this world. Mr. rifat is my best friend. He has (d) — my class fellow since my early days. He (e) — of a very good and respectable family. His parents (f) — well-to-do. He (g) — all the qualities of head and heart. Devotion to duty, obedience to elders and love for youngers (h) — his gerat ideals. As a matter of fact, I (i) — lucky that a person like Rifat is my best friend. These qualities (j) — tempted me to call him my true friend.

Answer no-14: (a) looks (b) lives (c) are (d) been (e) comes (f) are (g) possesses (h) are (i) am

(j) have.

Robin and Hafiz (a) — (be) good friends. Robin (b) — (leave) for Dhaka. There he (c) — (try) hard, but could not find a suitable job. So he (d) — (to have) to come back to his village. Hafiz (e) — (be) not highly educated. He (f) — (know) that he could not find a good job. So he (g) — (join) a youth training course. There he (h) — (learn) how to be self-employed. He took a bank loan of Tk. 1,00,000 and (i) — (start) a dairy farm. Now he has three cows and five claves. His average monthly income is Tk. 8,000. His bank loan (j) — (repay) soon.

Answer-1 : (a) were (b) left (c) tried (d) had (e) was (f) knew (g) joined (h) learnt (i) started (j) will be repaid

Long, long ago there (a) — (be) a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He was a very good king. He (b) — (love) his country and his subjects very dearly. His subjects also (c) — (have) a great love and respect for him. Once his enemies (d) — (make) a plan against him. They (e) — (fight) against him and (f) — (drive) him away. The king (g) — (go) to a forest and took shelter in an old fort. Many of his faithful subjects joined him there. The king (h) — (sit) idly there. He formed a troop. He attacked his enemies again and again. But every time he (i) — (defeat). He had no hope of getting back his kingdom. One day the king was lying in the floor and saw a spider (j) — (try) to reach the roof and succeeded on the eighth attempt.

Answer-2 : (a) was (b) loved (c) had (d) made (e) fought (f) drove (g) went (h) did not sit (i) was defeated (j) trying

For three years now Dhaka (a) — (ranked) 2nd from bottom in the Economic Intelligence Unit’s survey of 140 cities under The Global Liability Index. The scores (b) — (base) on five major criteria — health care, culture, environment, education and infrastructure. That Dhaka tops only Damascus, (c) — (be) no comfort for the million residents of Dhaka. However, we are not altogether (d) — (surprise) by the results; we (e) — (downgrade) our environment by its systematic destruction. There is lack of proper public transportation, and the horrendous traffic system and poor management (f) — (cost) the GDP 1-2 percent in annual growth according to Asian Development Bank’s latest estimate. Our score of 29.2 on a scale of 100 is identical with Damascus and we (g) — (be) aghast to learn that Dhaka (h) — (lag). Damascus (i) — (experience) siege and bombardment over the last four years whereas Dhaka (j) — (have) at peace for over four decades since independence.

Answer-3 : (a) has been ranked (b) are based (c) is (d) surprised (e) have downgraded (f) is costing (g) are (h) is lagging (i) has experienced (j) has been

Real Estate groups and various private organizations as well as some influential persons (a) — (encroach) the lakes and canals in Dhaka city and built huge installations. Thus they (b) — (change) city’s landscape and posed dangers and miseries for the city dwellers during rainy season. Illegal concrete structures (c) — (build) by occupying many wet lands and low-lying lands though they (d) — (protect) by law. But these grabbers show their thumbs to law and by (e) — (bribe) the corrupt officials of RAJUK. manager to occupy them for years. City planners and urban experts (f) — (express) their concern over these illegal structures by (g) — (grab) wetlands and low-lying lands but things go on (h) — (unchanged). The remaining canals and lakes (i) — (die) slowly as grabbing (j) — (increase) more rapidly.
Answer-4 : (a) have encroached (b) have changed (c) have been built (d) are protected (e) bribing (f) have expressed (g) grabbing (h) unchanged (i) are dying (j) is increasing

Set- 19

gather, give, offer, lead, know, fall, render, have

The Man who (a) — medical treatment to the village people (b)__ as a village doctor. The village doctor is a man of great importance in society. He is well known to the villagers. He (c) __ great service to the villagers when they (d)__ ill. He is not well-qualified. He (e)__ not a good schooling. He (f) __ experience by working under a qualified doctor or in a medicine shop. His dispensary (g)_ a poor show with one or two worn out almirahs, an old wooden chair, a broken table and one or two benches. The village doctor (h) __ a very hard and busy life.


(a) gives; (b) is known; (c) renders ; (d) fall; (e) does have; (f) gathers; (g) offers; (h) leads.



load, can, demand, bear, wear, become, carry, fall

A railway porter is a person who (a)__ goods in a railway station. A railway porter is quite a known figure in the railway station. He (b) __ on his arm a brass plate given to him by the railway authority. The brass plate (c) __ his number. He carries luggage. He (d)__ and unloads the goods train. A railway porter is very clever. He (e)__ easily exploit the passengers. When a passenger (f) __ into trouble and (g)__ helpless for his heavy luggage, a porter (h)__ a higher charge.


(a) carries; (b) wears; (c) bears; (d) loads; (e) can; (f) falls; (g) becomes; (h) demands.



wants, be, Hankers, make, play, dispel, have, discover

A teacher (a)__ an architect of a nation. He (b)__ an important role in building up an educated nation. He (c)__the darkness of ignorance from the lot of a nation. He is an actor, so to speak. He (d)__ to suit his act according to the need of his audience which is his class. He (e) __ lessons interesting to the students. A good teacher (f) __ the treasure hidden inside each student. He also (g) __ the students happy and for this he keeps them busy. A good teacher never (h)__ after money.


(a) is; (b) plays; (c) dispels; (d) has; (e) makes; (f) discovers; (g) wants; (h) hankers.


give, make, enable, lie, get, think, improve, mean

Physical exercise (a) __ the regular movement of the limbs of our body according to rules. There (b)__ a close connection between body and mind. We (c) __ of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which (d)__ us to build a good health. Physical exercise (e) __ our body active and the muscles strong. It also (f)__ our power of digestion and blood circulation. It (g)__ strength to our brain. A machine (h)__ rust for want of proper use. Human body is also a machine.


(a) means; (b) lies; (c) can not think; (d) enables; (e) make; (f) improves; (g) gives; (h) gets.


buy, be, have, sit, save, sell, divide, sell

A village market (a) __ much importance in the life of the villagers. It generally (b)__ in an open place of the village. Usually a village market (c) __ into three sections-open space, temporary shops and permanent shops. Vegetable, milk, fish, fruit, curry and other essential things (d) __ in the open space. From the grocers people (e) __ oil, salt, onion, garlic, ginger, pulse etc. A village market (f) __ very useful and important in the life of the villagers. The villagers (g) __ their surplus products and buy their daily necessaries. It (h) __ time and money of the villagers.


(a) has; (b) sits; (c) is divided; (d) are sold; (e) buy; (f) is; (g) sell; (h) saves.


gather, remind, widen, visit, hold, set, become, display

In a book fair a lot of pavilions (a) __ up. All sorts of books-fictions, text books, dramas, children books, reference books etc. (b) __ . A book fair (c) __ crowdy specially in the evening. Both male and female customers (d) __ in a book fair. The writers also (e) __ the fair regularly. Seminars and cultural programmes (f)__ also. A book fair (g)__ us that books are our best companions. They are always at our side when we are in danger. They change our outlook on life and (h) __ our domain of knowledge.


(a) are set; (b) are displayed; (c) becomes; (d) gather; (e) visit; (f) are held; (g) reminds; (h) widen.

(a) live; (b) has made; (c) can not think; (d) has linked; (e) are; (f) have brought; (g) send; (h) have conquered.


run, have, enjoy, invite, accept, serve, procure, pass

My friend Sohel (a)-in Khulna. He (b)-me to pay a visit to Khulna. I (c)-the invitation gladly. On 5 September, I got upon Dhaka-Khulna coach at Gabtali bus stand. I (d )-a ticket the day before. Luckily I (e)-my seat by the window. It was a sunny morning. The bus started (f)-at a good speed and soon we were far from the din and bustle of the city. Our bus (g)-the road Savar. We (h)-beautiful green fields, orchards, and trees on the both side of the highway.


(a) serves; (b) invited; (c) accepted; (d) procured; (e) had; (f) running; (g) was passing; (h) enjoyed.


be, find, take, misbehave, receive, suffer, rush, take

Rafiq (a)-from typhoid for a long time. Suddenly his condition deteriorated. So he (b)-to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. (c)-this news I (d)-to the hospital to see him. I (e)-him seriously ill. To my utter surprise I saw that the doctors (f)-not cordial at all. They (g)-any care of him. Even they (h)-with his parents.


(a) had been suffering; (b) was taken; (c) Receiving; (d) rushed; (e) found; (f) were; (g) did not take; (h) misbehaved.


send, bring, conquer, be, think, link, made, live

We (a)-in an age of science. We can see the wonders of science around us. Science (b)-our life easy and comfortable. We (c)-of our modern life without science. Science (d)-up the distant parts of the world. Telephone, telex, fax, wireless, telegram (e)-great wonders. They (f)-the world closer to us. We can (g)-news from one corner of the world to other within a moment. They (h)-space.



depend, take, go , be, regain, wait, recover, make

A proverb (a)-that time and tide (b)-for none. Since the dawn of civilization time is moving. It goes on and on. It (c)-not any rest. Lost health may be (d)-by medicine and proper caring and nursing, lost wealth by dint of hard labour but lost time cannot be (e)-by any means. Success in life (f)-on the best use of time. If we (g)-a proper division of our time and do our duties accordingly, we (h)-sure that we would be able to march in life and reach the cherished goal of our life.


(a) goes; (b) wait; (c) does take; (d) regained; (e) recovered; (f) depends; (g) make; (h) are.


cultivate, buy, change, love, increase, attract, buy, see

A flower is a symbol of beauty and purity. Its sweet smell (a)-one to all. There is hardly any person who (b)-flower. We all like flowers but most of the people of our country are very poor. So they (c)- flowers. Only a particular section of people (d)-flowers on various occasions. But this attitude (e)-day by day. Nowadays many flower shops (f)-in the towns and cities in our country. Many people (g)- flowers and sell them. Today solvent people buy flowers. Their sense of beauty is (h)-.


(a) attracts; (b) doesn’t love; (c) can’t buy; (d) buy; (e) is changing; (f) are seen; (g) cultivate; (h) increasing.


help, be, have, take, read, play, publish, make

Newspaper (a) __ a vital role in modern civilization. It (b) __ important news and views of home and abroad. A student must (c) __ the habit of reading newspaper everyday. Mere bookish knowledge (d)__ not sufficient in this competitive world. A newspaper (e) __ him enrich his general knowledge and (f) __ him aware of the burning issues of both inside and outside the country. A man who (g) __ newspaper is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of the current affairs, he (h) __ part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and thus he feels like a fish out of water.


(a) plays; (b) publishes; (c) have; (d) is; (e) helps; (f) makes; (g) does not read; (h) not can take.


enter, live, loss, be, know, walk, go, notice

There (a) __ two close friends in a certain village. They (b) __ very fond of travelling. One day they (c) __ to a forest to see the natural beauty. They (d) __ along the path of the forest. They were so spell bound by the excitement of the forest that they even did not notice that they (e) __ into the deep forest. After that, they (f) __ that they (g) __ their way. They (h) __ it very well that the forest was the abode of various wild animals.


(a) lived; (b) were; (c) went; (d) were walking; (e) had entered; (f) noticed; (g) had lost; (h) knew.


pay, have, become, be, make, quarrel, get, try

There was an old farmer. He (a)__four sons. They were all grown up. But they had no good relation with one another. They (b)__disobedient and always (c)__among themselves. The old man was very much dissatisfied with them and (d)__to make them united. But they (e)__any heed to him. As he (f)__old and weak day by day, he (g)__very anxious about their future. At last he (h)__a plan to teach his sons how to live in unity.


(a) had; (b) were; (c) quarreled; (d) tried; (e) didn’t pay; (f) was getting; (g) became; (h) made.


catch, kill, began, play, wake, sleep, beg, run

One day a lion (a)__in its cave. A mouse (b)__ nearby. While playing, it by chance (c)__over the lion’s body. At this, the lion (d)__up and became very angry. With a terrible roar he (e)__the mouse and said, “You tiny creature, how dare you tease me? I (f)__you.” The mouse (g)__to tremble in fear and (h)__for its life.


(a) was sleeping; (b) was playing; (c) ran; (d) woke; (e) caught; (f) will kill; (g) began; (h) begged.


try, give, lay, become, draw, crawl, think, drop

One day the king (a)__in the cave. He (b)__and thought over his misfortune. At that moment, he found a spider (c)__to reach the ceiling. His attention (d)__to the repeated efforts of the spider. It was trying hard again and again. The spider (e)__ up a few inches and then (f)__on its silken thread. But it (g)__give up its attempts. It tried again and again and in the seventh time it (h)__successful.


(a) was lying; (b) thought; (c) trying; (d) was drawn; (e) crawled; (f) dropped; (g) did not; (h) became.


An ideal teacher knows the art of (a) —— (teach). He (b) —— (make) his lessons interesting. His methods (c) —— (be) convincing and inspiring. An ideal teacher (d) —— (treat) his students like his own children. He (e) —— (praise) the good work done by them. If anyone of students (f) —— (commit) some mistakes, he is not very harsh to him. He tactfully makes the students (g) —— (realize) his mistakes. An ideal teacher is never angry with his students. He (h) —— (behave) well with all. He (i) —— (interest) in simple living and high thinking. He never (j) —— (set) a wrong example before his students. 


Nowadays civilized life (a) —— (mean) life on the lap of science. Life in towns and cities is like life in a science laboratory. Cities and towns are now (b) —— (plan) and (c) —— (make) with the help of science. Science makes it, feeds it, guards and (d) —— (protect) it. We owe greatly to science for the comforts of our daily life. Electricity (e) —— (light) the streets and houses. Machine (f) —— (filter) water and (g) —— (supply) it. Trams and buses (h) —— (run) through the streets and (i) —— (carry) people from one place to another place at a nominal cost. Taxies and cars (j) —— (reach) their destination very quickly.


The 16th December (a) —— (be) a red-letter day in the history of Bangladesh. On this day, we (b) —— (achieve) the freedom at the cost of a bloody battle. Thus Bangladesh (c) —— (come) into being and (d) —— (make) a place in the world map as an independent country. Every year this day (e) —— (celebrate) in an enthusiastic atmosphere. We (f) —— (remember) the great sacrifice of our heroic sons who (g) —— (dedicate) their lives for the sake of the country. The President and the Prime Minister of the country (h) —— (place) wreaths on the National Mausoleum on this day. Those who (i) —— (die) for the country are the golden sons and we all (j) —— (pay) great tribute to them.


A proverb goes that time and tide waits for none. None (a) —— (call) it back. A man (b) —— (get) back his lost money and health but cannot get back his lost time. Time once lost (c) —— (lose) forever. So, we (d) —— (make) the best use of our time. We (e) —— (do) our work in time. If we put off our work for tomorrow, we do not get time to do it at all. There are some people who waste time for nothing. They cannot prosper in life. They (f) —— (depend) on others. If we read the biography of the great men, we (g) —— (realize) it. They (h) —— (not, waste) a single moment uselessly. They (i) —— (be) very industrious from their childhood. We can prosper in life only by (j) —— (follow) their life.


Man (a) —— (be) the architect of his own fate. If he (b) —— (make) the proper use of time and (c) —— (do) his duties accordingly, he (d) —— (prosper) in life. But if he does otherwise, he (e) —— (drag) a miserable existence. In youth, the mind is pliable and can (f) —— (mould) in any form we like. If we (g) —— (lose) the morning hours of life, we (h) —— (repent) afterwards. It (i) —— (call) the seed-time of life. If we fail to sow good seeds, we (j) —— (not get) good harvest.


One evening I went (a)—— (have) dinner with my uncle and aunt. They also (b) —— (invite) another person, a young man. So, there (c) —— (be) four people at table. The young man’s face was familiar, but I (d)—— (not remember) where I had seen him. I was quite sure that we (e)—— (not meet) before. In the course of conversation, however, the young man happened to remark that he (f) —— (lose) his purse that evening. I at once remembered where I (g) —— (see) his face. He (h) —— (be) now much older. Of course, he (i)—— (surprise) when I was able to describe his purse to him. Then I explained that I recognized his face (j) —— (find) the photograph in the purse.


There are many reasons for which many students in our country (a) —— (fail) in English. That English is a foreign language is main reason. English is as if it (b) —— (be) a language (c) —— (mean) for a particular class of people. It (d) —— (regard) as a sheer wastages of time. They (e) —— (begin) to cram English as though they (f) —— (consider) cramming is the only way to learn English. But (g) —— (have) they been earnest in learning English, they could have (h) —— (learn) it easily. Moreover, they are not (i) —— (motivate) properly. In addition the textbooks (j) —— (not write) according to the need of the learners.


Food (a) —— (require) for the survival of every living being on earth. But the food we eat today is hardly safe for us. The issue of food adulteration has (b) —— (draw) the attention of general people at present. There (c) —— (be) hardly any food in our country today which is not (d) —— (adulterate) in one way or another. Standard foods (e) —— (sell) in most of the hotels. Very recently government (f) —— (direct) the mobile court (g) —— (look) into the horrible pictures of adulteration. They (h) —— (catch) the dishonest hoteliers red handed for (i) —— (use) unhygienic food ingredients. Government alone cannot solve this problem. If the common people work with the government, this inhuman activity will (j) —— (disappear) from our society soon.


Students are the future leaders of a country. Besides (a) (be) regular students, they can (b) (take) part in a lot of welfare works for the development of a country. Particularly in developing countries students have to (c) (render) a great service. Students are, no doubt, conscious citizens and it (d) (be) their foremost duty (e) (make) the people conscious. Student politics (f) (be) very common in the educational institutes. Very often they go for mass meetings, chant slogans in the national interest. Since the students are very handy, the main political parties (g) (use) them as their tools. So, sometimes student politics (h) (bring) about unexpected consequences. Many students, (i) (be) influenced by the evil motive of the political leaders, (j) (destroy) their lives. They can not fulfill their main objectives.


Dhaka University is (a) ——(treat) as an old educational institution in Bangladesh. It is (b) —— (situate) on the centre of Dhaka city. Last year I (c) ——(pay) a visit to Dhaka with a view to (d) ——(see) the Dhaka University. My elder brother (e) ——(read) in D.U in the department of English since 2014. He (f) ——(show) me a series of books on different writers like Shakespeare, John Milton and T.S. Eliot, in the library. Besides (g) ——(go) to the D.U campus I (h) ——(move) to other places. In fact, Dhaka city (i) ——(fill) with a cluster of eye catching buildings. I (j) —— (not forget) what I observed.


Rony is 12 years old and (a) ——(live) in Chittagong. He (b) ——(come) from Feni. He (c) —— (have) a brother who works as a bus helper. He (d) ——(come) with his parents and other family members to Chittagong in search of a living. His father (e) ——(work) as a rickshaw puller and mother as a domestic worker. Rony (f) ——(collect) polythene bags, scrap paper and other materials from the Agrabad area and (g) ——(sell) at a shop for Tk. 5 to 10 a bag. He (h) —— (earn) Tk. 30 to 40 a day, which he (i) ——(give) to his mother. Rony and his family (j) ——(live) in a slum near to Pahartali Railway Station.


In the year 1793, William Wordsworth (a) ——(return) to England. In February that year, England declared war on France and Wordsworth (b) —— (be) unhappy. When he was completely upset, he (c) ——(bring) back to normally by his sister Dorothy, by his friend and by nature. Sometime in August 1795, Coleridge and Wordsworth (d) ——(meet). In April 1796, Coleridge publicly (e) ——(express) his admiration of Wordsworth’s poetry. In 1797 the two friends (f) ——(meet) frequently. These meetings (g) ——(result) in the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1978. It (i) ——(mark) a new strain not only in Wordsworth’s poetry but also in English poetry. It (j) ——(herald) the revolt against the literature popular in the eighteenth century.


A proverb (a) ——(go) that a man without an aim (b) ——(be) like a ship without a rudder. Similarly, a man without an aim (c) ——(can) reach his goal. He (d) ——(stumble) in his way of life. So, every man should (e) ——(have) a definite aim. But nothing is more difficult than the choice of profession. Students (f) ——(find) it very difficult (g) ——(choose) a suitable profession. Choosing profession (h) ——(become) very difficult because there (i) ——(be) many paths and courses open to them. So, students (j) ——(should) be more careful here.


The house hasn’t yet shed its festive look, which (a) ——(start) with my sister’s marriage. Since Auntie’s baby (b) ——(be born), we have (c) ——(have) streams of guests (d) —— (visit) the house. I’m really (e) —— (worry) about my coming exams. There’s so much noise and confusion in the house that I can hardly (f) ——(concentrate) on my studies. You (g) ——(imagine) how difficult it is (h) ——(study) in a large family. Even I have (i) ——(share) my room with my younger brothers and sisters and at times, with my cousins. I wish I (j) ——(be) in a small family. Tell me what I should do.


Rokeya is a Bangladeshi girl who is about to (a) —— (finish) school but she has no hopes of (b) —— (go) on to college. Like millions of other parents, Rokeya’s parents (c) —— (think) that educating a girl is mere waste of time and money. They (d) ——(decide) that they will now marry her off and use their scarce resources for their son’s education. Rokeya used to (e) —— (worry) about lessons and tests but now she (f) —— (worry) more about getting (g) —— (marry) and having children. She used to dream about (h) —— (be) a doctor but now faces a life of household chores and (i) —— (bring) up children. She was happy being a girl but now wishes she (j) —— (be) a boy.


Natural disaster (a) ——(recur) throughout the world in recent years. The main reason behind this (b) ——(be) greenhouse effect or warming of air (c) ——(surround) the earth. Global warming (d) ——(melt) the huge ice of polar regions and of the peaks of high mountains. Consequently the level of sea water has alarmingly (e) ——(increase). Cyclones and tidal bores (f) ——(inundate) and (g) ——(destroy) the coastal regions to a large extent. Climatologists (h) ——(predict) that in the last 185 years 99 cyclones (i) ——(hit) the coastal areas and offshore islands of our country (j) ——(cause) irrecoverable loss of life and properties.


Money is what money (a) ——(do). It is the means of (b) ——(lead) worldly life. We (c) ——(lead) our life well by earning money. Shortage of money (d) ——(make) our life deplorable. We (e) —— (not, lead) our life properly in want of money. Parents, brothers, sisters, wives, friends (f) —— (neglect) one in want of money. One’s wife and children get (g) —— (separate) from one in want of money. It (h) ——(be) the symbol of unity. But to (i) ——(earn) money is not easy for all. Ability as well as capability (j) —— (require) to earn money. Money is also the symbol of fall and downfall.


Truth always (a) ——(reign) in the world although falsehood may triumph for the time being. Those who are always in the habit of (b) ——(speak) the truth are respected by all. But those who are involved in (c) ——(tell) lies cannot shine in life. They may (d) ——(prosper) seemingly. But the prosperity does not (e) ——(last) till the end. We see that Socrates used to (f) —— (preach) the truth among his countrymen. He tried to make people (g) ——(understand) what was actually good for them. The powerful people of his country felt (h) ——(disturb) by him.They told him to (i) ——(stop) preaching people. Socrates did not pay any heed to them and the angry men (j) ——(sentence) him to death.


Cricket is an international game (a) ——(play) all over the world. Indeed, it is (b) ——(rate) as one of the most popular games. A cricket team (c) ——(consist) of players, who (d) ——(to have) many admiring fans. The game (e) ——(play) between two teams, each with eleven players. These teams may (f) ——(belong) to the same country or two different countries. When matches (g) ——(be) played between two countries, they are (h) ——(call) test matches or one day matches or T20 matches. Test matches are played for five days each. Each match (i) ——(have) four innings. The team which (j) ——(score) more runs, wins the match.


No other word is so sweet as the word ‘Mother’. It (a) —— (connect) with our existence. Everyone (b) ——(start) his life first by the word, “mother”. This word (c) ——(last) to the child till death. It is mother, who first becomes (d) ——(touch) with our happiness and sorrows. We (e) ——(know) about the mother of Bayazid Bostami and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. In every religion the position of mother is (f) ——(consider) the highest place. Our great Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Sm.) (g) ——(say) that “Heaven (h) ——(be) at the feet of mother”. So, when I (i) ——(think) of my mother, my head (j) ——(bow) down.

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