
Right form of Verbs , Practice


Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.



  1. If all the children of Bangladesh (a) — (go) to school, the country (b) — (get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. To boost up education, the government (c) — (spend) more money. Subsidies must (d) — (give) in the education sector. Teachers (e) — (need) to (f) — (train) for good teaching. The poor students can (g) — (bring) under “Food for Education” programme. We (h) — (take) care that no institution (i) — (close) down due to political clashes. All concerned (j) — (be) conscious about it. [Dhaka Board; Dinajpur Board; Jashore Board; Sylhet Board-2018]
  1. Trees contribute a lot to maintain ecological balance. A month-long tree fair (a) — (begin) in Kurigram stadium recently. It (b) — (organize) by the local administration and the Department of Social Forestation. The fair (c) — (inaugurate) yesterday by the DC of Kurigram. It was also addressed by other speakers who (d) — (emphasize) the need for planting more trees. The chief guest in his speech (e) — (put) importance on planting trees so that we (f) — (save) our environment from other effects of climate change and natural disasters. A huge procession (g) — (parade) through the streets of the town after the inaugural session. Various government and nongovernment organizations (h) — (set) up stalls displaying saplings of different varieties. Cultural functions (i) — (arrange) every night (j) — (inspire) people to plant trees. [Rajshahi Board; Cumilla Board; Chattogram Board; Barishal Board-2018]
  1. English (a) — (be) the most widely used international language. It (b) — (learn) to communicate with the foreigners for various purposes such as (c) — (maintain) co-operation, co-existence and exchanging business information. There are also certain jobs which (d) — (require) a good functional knowledge of English. The jobs of a pilot, a postman, a telephone operator, a tour guide, a mechanic, a receptionist of an international hotel, an executive of a multinational firm, etc. (e) — (be) a few of them. Besides, a student (f) — (wish) to go for higher studies must learn English because the books on advanced education are mostly (g) — (write) in English. So, the importance and demand of learning English in our country can, in no way, be (h) — (ignore). Rather, we should (i) — (put) high importance on (j) — (learn) English to make room for ourselves in the competitive world. [Cumilla Board-2017]
  1. Air (a) — (be) an important element of the environment. But it is constantly being (b) — (pollute) in many ways. We make fire to cook food and (c) — (do) many works. This fire emits smoke which (d) — (contaminate) air. Vehicles pollute air to a great extent by (e) — (burn) fuel. Air pollution also (f) — (happen) when coal and oil (g) — (burn). Mills and factories can be (h) — (hold) responsible for this pollution. It is high time we (i) — (check) air pollution. Otherwise, we (j) — (suffer) a lot. [Barishal Board-2017]
  2. Idle brain is devil’s workshop. If we (a) — (waste) our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will crowd in our brain. Idle persons who (b) — (kill) their time are burdens of society. They (c) — (sit) idle and cherish no high ideal and lofty ambition in life. They (d) — (not support) themselves. They (e) — (lead) an unhappy life and (f) — (suffer) in the long run. There should be time for reading, for office or other work, time for physical exercise, time for recreation and time for prayer. This (g) — (indicate) that we should do everything at the right moment. We (h) — (lead) a healthy and prosperous life only when we (i) — (follow) the routine which we (j) — (make) for our guidance. [Jashore Board-2016]
  3. The Liberation War of Bangladesh inspired many artists, singers and cultural activists. Eminent artiste Shaheen Samad (a) — (join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha during the Liberation War. She along with others (b) — (inspire) millions with her voice (c) — (raise) funds for the refugee camps. The.cultural troupe used to (d) — (travel) to refugee camps and different areas in Mukta’ Anchal. They (e) — (perform) patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows, besides, (f) — (stage) dramas. Shaheen Samad said, “Liberation War always (g) — (be) an inspiration for me.” She sang a lot of songs during that time and now (h) — (feel) honoured to have been able to inspire the freedom fighters. She has the memorable harmonium with which she sang in 1971. Now she (i) — (wish) to hand it over to Liberation War Museum. This eminent artiste wants live performance of those moving songs on TV channel, at least one song in a week and thus (j) — (cover) all the year round. [Chattogram Board-2017]
  4. To err is human. If a man commits crime anytime and repents truly for his misdeed, he may (a) — (forgive). But the man who (b) — (not, give up) the wrong, (c) — (suffer) surely. In the long run, he (d) — (will take) to the land of death. The old sailor (e) — (be) a wrong-doer in his long journey. He committed a crime (f) — (kill) a sea bird (g) — (call) Albatross. That crime ultimately (h) — (bring) bad luck to them. The ship (i) — (leave) in the icy sea. The sun shone over their head. The wind (j) — (drop) down. It was a great disaster. [Chattogram Board-2016]
  5. Road mishap (a) — (happen) in our country almost every day. Recently it (b) — (rise) to an alarming rate (c) — (take) a heavy toll of human lives. The members of a family remain anxious if someone (d) — (travel) in a bus. In most cases, reckless driving (e) — (cause) road accidents. The drivers are in the habit of (f) — (violate) traffic rules. Road accidents can be (g) — (lessen) if the drivers drive their vehicles carefully. People should be conscious in this respect. While (h) — (cross) the road, they should be careful. Some people travel (i) — (climb) on the roof of the buses and trains. Traffic rules must be maintained strictly with a view to (j) — (control) road accidents. [Dhaka Board-2017]
  6. Jerry is an orphan. He (a) — (come) to the orphanage at the age of four. He (b) — (lose) his parents in his infancy. Then, he (c) — (commit) to the care of the orphanage. He could hardly (d) — (recollect) his parents’ memory. In spite of (e) — (be) an orphan, he had developed a strong fabric of morality. His inimitable morality (f) — (draw) him close to the writer. The writer (g) — (impress) with him. She started (h) — (show) affection for him. Jerry (i) — (take) her for his mother. He fabricated a lie (j) — (win) her heart. [Sylhet Board-2017]
  7. Many events of great importance (a) — (take) place during the last century. Significant advances (b) — (make) in the field of science and technology. Many European colonies (c) — (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) — (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two World Wars (e) — (break) out in this century. It also (f) — (witness) the misuse of atomic energy. Two cities of Japan were completely (g) — (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs. However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) — (be) a momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh (i) — (bear). Now we (i) — (hold) our heads high in the community of nations. [Dinajpur Board-2016]
  1. There are many people who (a) — (not take) physical exercise. They can hardly (b) — (realize) that they themselves (c) — (ruin) their health. They (d) — (fall) victim to many diseases. Life (e) — (become) dull to them. They (f) — (remain) always ill tempered. We (g) — (build) good health and sound mind through physical exercise. Physical exercise (h) — (make) our body active and the muscles strong. It also (i) — (improve) our power of digestion and blood circulation. It (j) — (give) strength to our brain. [Barishal Board-2016]
  2. It has been over three hundred years since emperor Shah Jahan of Delhi (a) — (build) the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife in Agra. Architecturally, it (b) — (be) one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. The building (c) — (make) of fine white marble with inlays of coloured marble. It (d) — (have) eight sides and many open arches. It (e) — (rest) on a platform of terrace of red sandstone. Four slender white towers (f) — (rise) from the corners of the terrace. A large dome (g) — (stand) above the centre of the building. Around this large dome there (h) — (be) four smaller domes. Just inside the outer walls, there is an open corridor from which the visitors (i) — (look) through carved marble screens into a central room. The bodies of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz (j) — (lie) in two graves below this room. [Rajshahi Board-2017]
  3. Most of the people who (a) — (appear) most often and most gloriously in the pages of history (b) — (be) great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really (c) — (help) civilization forward are often never (d) — (mention) at all. We do not know who first (e) — (set) a broken leg, or launched a sea worthy boat or (f) — (calculate) the length of a year, but we (g) — (know) all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in great cities of the world you (h) — (find) figures of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think that most people (i) — (believe) that the greatest countries are those that (j) —(beat) in the battle the greatest number of countries and ruled over them as conquerors. [Jashore Board-2017]
  4. In the last autumn vacation I (a) — (get) sufficient time. So I (b) — (make) up my mind to make a journey by an rom Dhaka to Chattogram. I (c) — (reach) the station about half an hour before the departure of the train. It (d) — (be) then a very busy time. Rickshaw, motorcars and other vehicles (e) — (come) to the station with passengers. Coolies (f) — (run) behind them. There (g) — (be) shouts and rush of the passengers and the coolies. After some time hearing a whistle, the passengers (h) — (stand) in a queue before the ticket counter. I also (i) — (stand) in the line and (j) — (buy) a second class ticket. [Dinajpur Board-2017]
  1. Parents (a) — (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b) — (bear), their joys (c) — (know) no bounds. They (d) — (start) (e) — (think) of (f) — (nurse) and (g) — (bring) up their children. They (h) — (remain) safe under the custody of their parents since birth. Parents never mind (i) — (take) pains for the upbringing of their off-spring. We (j) — never (offend) our parents. [Cumilla Board-2016]
  2. Football is a favourite game in our country. It (a) — (arrange) between two teams (b) — (contain) eleven players each. The captains of both teams (c) — (lead) their groups. This is the most exciting and enjoyable game ever (d) — (play) across the world. It (e) — (run) for an hour and a half with an interval after half of the time (f) — (be) over. Any football tournament (g) — (arrange) between two strong teams can be exciting. The result (h) — (remain) almost unpredictable till the end because any team might win the other team (i) — (score) a goal within seconds. The referee is to see whether rules and order (j) — (maintain) by the players. [Dhaka Board-2016]
  3. Once there (a) — (live) an idle king. He (b) — (not undergo) physical labour. As a result, he (c) — (get) bulky and could not move from one place to another. He (d) — (call) in a doctor The doctor (e) — (be) clever and wise. He did not (f) — (prescribe) any medicine for the king He asked the king to buy a club and (g) — (move) it in the air till his hands (h) — (get) moistened. The king started (i) — (follow) the prescription. Thus, the king (j) — (relieve) of his problem. [Rajshahi Board-2016]
  4. One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in study. His mother (a) — (sleep). Suddenly she woke up and (b) — (feel) thirsty. (c) — (call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water and (d) — (fall) asleep again. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) — (come) back home with water and found his mother (g) — (sleep). Then he waited (h) — (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) —(wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw him with the glass of water. At once she (j) —(understand) what was the matter. [Sylhet Board-2016]
  5. A freedom fighter is (a) — (honour) in all lands and in all times, because he (b) — (fight) for a noble cause which is the freedom of the motherland. Freedom is the birthright of man, but sometimes this right (c) — (deny) to a nation by foreign rulers. As a result, armed conflict (d) — (take) place between the freedom-loving people and the occupation forces. Sometimes the war (e) — (continue) for years and if the people (f) — (unite) and (g) — (determine), then the freedom fighters (h) — (win). Our country achieved independence against the Pakistan occupation forces in 1971. In this great war the Bengali members of the armed forces, the students and the people from all walks of life took part. They (i) — (fight) for long nine months and (j) — (defeat) the well-trained Pakistani force.
  6. The first peace movement (a) — (to appear) in 1815-1816. The first such movement in the United States was the New York Peace Society (b) — (to found) in 1815 by the theologian David Law Dodge, and the Massachusetts Peace Society. It became an active organization, (c) — (to hold) regular weekly meetings, and (d) — (to produce) literature which (e) — (to spread) as far as Gibraltar and Malta, describing the horrors of war and (f) — (to advocate) pacifism on Christian grounds. The London Peace Society (g) — (to form) in 1816 to promote permanent and universal peace by the philanthropist William Allen. In the 1840s, British women (h) — (to form) Olive Leaf Circles’ groups of around 15 to 20 women, to discuss and promote pacifist ideas. The Peace Movement began (i) — (to grow) in influence by the mid-nineteenth century. The London Peace Society (j) — (to convene) the First International Peace Congress in London in 1843.
  7. Parents and children (a) — (constitute) a family. They (b) — (connect) with one another by blood, love and affection. The children (c) — (live) through the days of infancy without the loving care of their parents. It is the parents who (d) — (bring) them up, nourish them, nurse them in sickness, give their proper educational help to get (e) — (settle) in life. Parents have to (f) — (discharge) their duties so that children (g) — (can) prosper. But children have certain duties to (h) — (perform) by them for (i) — (attain) prosperity. They must (j) — (obey) their parents.
  8. Time is compared to a gypsy who (a) — (stay) anywhere for long. The poet (b) — (welcome) time to be his guest for a day. He (c) — (offer) time many valuable gifts and honor. He offers bells (d) — (make) of the best silver for his horse and a golden ring for himself. He will (e) — (arrange) a peacock dance in honor of time. But time is a thing that never stays. The greatest tragedy is that it never (f) — (come) back. It never (g) — (wait). Man has been able to (h) — (conquer) the world but he (i) — (chain) the time. He (j) — (be) nothing but the puppet to the power of time.
  9. Today women are (a) — (play) important roles in all spheres of life. They are no longer (b) — (confine) within the four walls of their parents or their husbands’ house. They have come out of their kitchens and (c) — (work) hand in hand with men in all the development programmes of the government. By (d) — (receive) higher education, they are (e) — (become) pilots, doctors engineers teachers, administrators, etc. Their worth (f) — (have) already (g) — (prove) by them. They are (h) — (contribute) much to the economy of the country. Now, it has come to the realization of the men that true development of the country (i) — (be) never possible (j) — (keep) half of the population idle.
  10. Nobel Prizes (a) — (award) every year for outstanding achievements in the fields of science, literature and for (b) — (promote) world peace. Under this prize, the prize winner (c) — (get) à gold medal, a certificate and a large sum of money. This prize (d) — (give) to persons with most outstanding contributions in six fields, namely, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Physiology on Medicine, Peace and Economics. Economics (e) — (add) in the list in 1969 for the first time. One prize is awarded in each field. If there are more than one recipient of the prize in one field, the prize money is equally (f) — (distribute) amongst all the winners. The prize was (g) — (institute) by a man who (h) — (be) the inventor of the science of destruction. This scientist was Alfred Nobel. He (i) — (bear) in Stockholm on 21 October 1833 and (j) — (die) on the 10th December 1896.
  11. It was twenty years ago and I (a) — (live) in Paris. I had a tiny apartment in the Latin quarters (b) — (overlook) a cemetery, and I (c) — (earn) barely enough money (d) — (keep) body and soul together. She had read a book of mine and (é) — (write) to me about it. I answered (f) — (thank) her, and presently I (g) — (receive) from her another letter (h) — (say) that she (i) — (pass) through Paris and (j) — (like) to have a chat with me.
  12. Man (a) — (be) the architect of his own fate. If he (b) — (make) the proper use of time and (c) — (do) his duties accordingly, he (d) — (prosper) in life. But if he does otherwise, he (e) — (drag) a miserable existence. In youth, the mind is pliable and can (f) — (mould) in any form we like. If we (g) — (lose) the morning hours of life, we (h) — (repent) afterwards. It (i) — (call) the seed-time of life. If we fail to sow good seeds, we (j) — (not get) good harvest.
  13. Patriotism is a very noble virtue. It (a) — (inspire) a man to do everything just and fair for the well-being and betterment of the country. It (b) — (be) the quality that impels a man to sacrifice his own interest, comfort, pleasure and even his life for the sake of his country. Patriotic zeal (c) — (make) a man dutiful, energetic and enthusiastic. He (d) — (obey) the laws, pays taxes and (e) — (think) for the country. Patriotism (f) — (teach) a man fellow-feeling, fraternity and love and sympathy for the countrymen. A patriot is also (g) — (praise) and (h) — (honour) by his countrymen. An unpatriotic man, on the other hand, is an ignoble person. He is self-centred. He (i) — (engage) all his time in achieving his mean end. He (j) — (cause) harm to the country by his unyielding and reckless activities.
  14. Computer (a) — (bring) about a revolutionary change in the world. But it was not (b) — (invent) overnight. It (c) — (take) a long time to invent computer. Many votaries of science (d) — (work) hard for years and finally (e) — (come) out successful. At present, almost every work (f) — (depend) on computer. The countries of the world are (g) — (get) closer because of computer. In our country, people have started (h) — (use) computer. But it is very costly and all people cannot afford to (i) — (buy) a computer. Besides, all people are not capable of (j) — (operate) computer.
  15. According to Newman, education (a) — (give) a man a clear conscious view of his own opinion and judgements, a truth in (b) — (develop) them, an eloquence in (c) — (express) them and a force in (d) — (use) them. So, it is often (e) — (compare) to light which (f) — (remove) the darkness of ignorance and helps us (g) — (distinguish) between right and wrong. Julius Nayarere, the ex-president of Tanzania, (h) — (say) at an international conference that the primary purpose of education (i) — (be) the liberation of man from the restriction of habits and attitudes which (j) — (limit) his humanity.It is popularly (a) — (believe) and (b) — (appreciate) that no nation can think of its development without (c) — (involve) women in development process. Women of our country (d) — (constitute) the 50% of the total population. So there is no denying that they (e) — (play) a significant role in the development of the country. Just a few years ago, women (f) — (be) not allowed to come outside and (g) — (participate) in the economic affairs. Society could only (h) — (allow) them in the role of a primary level teacher and a nurse. Now, educated women have (i) — (prove) their ability as well as talent. Illiterate women are also (j) — (make) their contribution to the development of the country.
  16. Friendship (a) — (be) a divine thing. A kind of heartiest relationship (b) — (develop) between human beings. It is a blessing for us. It (c) — (bring) happiness, peace and harmony among us. It (d) —  (initiate) helpfulness, gratitude and peaceful atmosphere to our life. It can (e) — (ensure) in many ways. When a person (f) — (become) intimate with another person, he (g) — (help) him in his need. Thus a good friendship (h) — (form). A pure relationship (i) — (show) a pure friendship between two persons. Nowadays, true friendship rarely (j) — (find).
  17. You can’t take a good book as if it (a) — (be) medicine. It is rude to the book and very silly from our own point of view. By approaching it is that way, you make sure of loosing anything it (b) — (give) you. You (c) — (meet) it as a friend and actively like it if any good is to pass between you. A reason why people at school read books (d) — (be) to please their teacher. The teacher (e) — (say) that this, that or the other is a good book and that it is a sign of good taste to enjoy it. So a number of boys and girls who (f) — (be) anxious to please their teacher, get the book and read it. Two or three of them (g) — (like) it genuinely for its own sake. They also become grateful to the teacher for (h) — (put) it in their way. But many (i) — (like) it honestly or will persuade themselves that they like it. And that (j) — (do) a great ideal of harm to them.
  18. My 17th birthday ceremony (a) — (hold) yesterday. On the occasion, the whole house (b) — (decorate) very nicely. All the rooms (c) — (clean). A dining table (d) — (set) in the middle of the dining room. Various delicious items of food (e) — (cook) by my mother. An order (f) — (give) for a birthday cake. The guests who (g) — (invite) started to come. They (h) — (welcome) by my parents. They (i) — (tell) to sit in the drawing room. The cake (j) — (bring) in time.
  19. Last week, we (a) — (go) to Bagerhat with my friend and (b) — (have) the opportunity to see the Shatgombuj Mosque’ which (c) — (be) one of the most famous architectural beauties of Bangladesh. The mosque (d) — (build) by Khan Jahan Ali in 1440. It (e) — (stand) on sixty pillars with its seventy-seven domes and not ‘shat’ or sixty as the name (f) — (suggest). Its walls (g) — (be) two metres thick and the interior Western wall (h) — (decorate) with terracotta flowers and foliage. There (i) — (be) also a ‘dighi’ by the side of the mosque. It (j) — (say) that a horse was made to run before digging the ‘dighi’.
  20. Since people (a) — (not, prevent) earthquake from (b) — (occur), policies, guidelines and plans must (c) — (develop) in such a way that it (d) — (ensure) the most effective response to the natural disasters. Earthquakes (e) — (threaten) as they (f) — (strike) with little to no warning Adequate precautions can be taken (g) — (minimized) losses. Earthquake resistant building coat (h) — (develop) that should (i) — (follow) and it (j) — (be) mandatory.
  21. It is high time we (a) — (use) our brain about the curse of dowry. The issues of dowry (b) — (shave) be considered in view of country’s socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) — (require) to put an end to violence against women. A specific framework must be (d) — (draw) up to be (e) — (implement). Anyway, we can hope that dowry (f) — (come) to an end in the time to come. We dare to (g) — (hope) so because our girls are being (h) — (educate) day by day. Parents’ mentality (i) — (change) gradually. People (j) — (be) more conscious.
  22. Nature has (a) — (give) her wealth to us more generously than to many other countries of the world. Our land (b) — (be) soft and fertile. Our farmers who (c) — (to have) only simple handmade tools, can easily dig and (d) — (plough) the soil with them. Whereas, the soil which (e) — (be) hard and rocky cannot be so easily (f) — (dig) and prepared. We have a great natural advantage too. We can (g) — (cultivate) most of our land. Many countries in the world cannot. They have big mountains, many big cities, deserts and waters which have (h) — (occupy) much of their cultivable land. But we do not have them. Furthermore, ours (i) — (be) a tropical country. As a result, our soil (j) — (get) enough sun, air and water which make it grow better crops.
  23. If all the children in Bangladesh (a) — (go) to school, the country (b) — (get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. To boost up education, the government (c) — (spend) more money. Subsidies must (d) — (give) in the education sector. Teachers (e) — (need) to (f) — (train) for good teaching, The poor students can (g) — (bring) under “Food for Education” programme. We (h) — (take) care that no institution (i) — (close) down due to political clashes. More co-curricular activities are to (j) — (organize) to enable the students to develop their non-academic skills like debate, creative thinking and cultural events, etc.
  24. A mother (a) — (exercise) an undeniable influences in (b) — (mould) the character of her children. The things that they learn at home (c) — (take) a firm root in them. And it (d) — (go) without saying that this learning they (e) — (get) mostly from their mother as they live under her direct supervision and constant care. This is why a child (f) — (learn) the language first from its mother. The culture of the family also (g) — (influence) the children’s habits and manners. So, a mother should (h) — (teach) her children how to (i) — (form) the habit of good manners to (j) — grow up in a gentle environment. 40. A good student always (a) — (learn) his lesson. Generally, he (b) — (sit) in the first bench. He normally (c) — (maintain a daily life. Usually, he (d) — (avoid) bad company. Everyday he (e) — take part in games and sports. He hardly (f) — (remain) absent. He often (g) — (take) suggestions from his teachers. He (h) — (not, keep) late hours at night. He (i) — (get) up early in the morning and (j) — (say) his prayers.
  25. Man (a) — (to have) no escape from death. Sooner or later he (b) — (die). He (c) — (die) in many ways. Many die of diseases and many die by accident. Again some (d) — (die) from something excessive but those who die for the country (e) — (be) immortal. Many destructive weapons can (f) — (kill) man in a moment. Medicines (g) — (discover) to keep an almost dead body alive artificially. However it (h) — (be) a fruitless attempt if man (i) — (attempt) to (j) — (escape) from death.
  26. Communicative competence in English is urgently (a) — (need) in our country. The present world (b) — (go) fast and developing by leaps and bounds. In order to keep pace with modern world, we cannot help (c) — (learn) English. But the present system of teaching and learning English is not up to the mark. The textbooks (d) — (design) for the classes X-X have to (e) — (modify) and made updated. The learners of our schools and colleges (f) — (speak) and write English fluently. They can’t even (g) — (improve) their listening skill. As a result, they fail to (h) — (understand) when the native speakers (i) — (talk) to them in English. They don’t (j) — (teach) methodically.
  27. The world (a) — (produce) millions of tons of domestic rubbish and toxic industrial waste each year and it (b) — (become) increasingly difficult (c) — (find) suitable locations to get rid of all the refuse. The disposal of various kinds of waste (d) — (be) seriously polluting the environment. We (e) — (know) that air (f) — (be) an important element of our environment and air (g) — (pollute) by smoke. Man (h) — (make) fire to cook food, make bricks, melt tar for road construction and to do many other things. Fires (i) — (create) smoke and (j) — (pollute) the air.
  28. In a dark night of March, 1971 Pakistani Army (a) — (attack) the innocent Bangladeshi. They did it with a view to (b) — (stop) our movement for democracy. But our brave people protested against them (c) — (save) the honour of our motherland. Many of our freedom fighters (d) — (kill) and injured but they (e) — (not give) up fighting. At last after a blood shedding war of 9 months, we managed (f) — (achieve) independence on 16 December 1971. Therefore, this day (g) — (observe) as the Victory Day with great enthusiasm. Independence war (h) — (consider) as the greatest incident in our national life. If we did not get independence, we (i) — (exploit) by the Pakistani ruler. So, it is high time we (j) — (ensure) the privileges of independence in all spheres of life.
  29. Corruption (a) — (be) like an infectious disease. If a corrupt man (b) — (go) unnunished he (c) — (commit) to (d) — (dare) another corruption. Measures have been (e) — (take) against corruption but what we (f) — (need) most is social awareness. We should (g) — (remember that a country can (h) — (reach) at the peak of its development if it (i) — (be) corruption free. So, men in position are (j) — (expect) to be honest. This is because power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  30. A proverb (a) — (go) that water (b) — (call) life. Actually, the importance of water cannot be (c) — (describe) in words. The existence of any living thing (d) — (not imagine) without water. We cannot do a single day without it. It (e) — (use) for various purposes. Our agriculture which (f) — (say) to be blood of our economy fully (g) — (depend) on water. Sometimes, water (h) — (bring) untold sufferings for our farmers. If the rainfall (i) — (be) timely and moderate they (j) — (get) bumper crops.
  31. Children (a) — (be) very fond of festivals. They (b) — (become) very joyous on a day of festival. If it is their birthday, their joys (c) — (know) no bounds. They (d) — (be) very eager to have wishes from their beloved persons. The whole day they (e) — (love) to spend times in joy Usually, a child on its birthday, (f) — (get) up from sleep early and (g) — (try) to remain close to their parents. On this special day, children (h) — (present) with various gifts. The children (i) — (invite) their friends and relatives on this day for (j) — (make) the day joyful.
  32. Food adulteration has (a) — (become) a subject of great concern nowadays. In spite of the government’s sincere efforts, this evil practice has (b) — (curb) yet. Still the act of (c) — (adulterate) foods is (d) — (go) on. Adulterated foods are (e) — (be) taken by people everyday. Consequently the poison is (f) — (accumulate) in our bodies day by day and it (g) — (be) very dangerous. The businessmen who (h) — (hanker) after only money are (i) — (commit) this heinous deed. The govt. should (j) — (take) immediate steps in this regard.
  33. A teacher is often (a) — (compare) with an architect. He (b) — (call) the architect of a nation. He plays an important role in (c) — (build) a nation. He (d) — (make) the illiterate people worthy citizens of our country. But it is a matter of regret that the teacher are not (e) — (hold) in high respect in our society. They (f) — (lead) a humble life in the midst of want. Still they (g) — (keep) the light of education (h) — (burn) in order to (i) — (remove) the darkness of illiteracy and superstition from the society. It is high time we (j) — (change) our attitude towards the teacher.
  34. Courtesy is a virtue in man. It goes without (a) — (say) that courtesy costs nothing but (b) — (give) a lot. So you (c) — (be) courteous. That is you (d) — (have) politeness. People (e) — (disrespect) and dislike you if you are discourteous. Nobody likes discourtesy. Try to be gentle from your student life. You (f) — (win) the heart of your enemy by (g) — (be) courteous. You (h) — (ensure) the removal of hatred and anger by (i) — (embrace) your enemy. Courtesy (j) — (remove) the bitter relationship and improve mutual understanding.
  35. During the last autumn vacation, I (a) — (get) such an opportunity to visit Bagerhat, a great historical place. There I (b) — (see) the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. It is a fine one storeyed building. It has a beautiful dome. Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali (c) — (bury) there. The tomb (d) — (make) of cut out stones. It cannot be accurately (e) — (say) where from these (f) — (bring). On the tomb, there (g) — (be) inscriptions in Arabic. An inscription (h) — (say) that he (i) — (die) on 25th October 1459. There is a small mosque nearby. A close associate of Khan Jahan Ali (j) — (bury) outside the tomb.
  36. Most of our students (a) — (not write) out their examination papers fairly. Sometimes they fail (b) — (arrange) their answers neatly, clearly and systematically. Although the teacher suggests that their answers (c) — (be) brief and precise, they often lengthen unnecessarily where size does not matter at all. They have a silly notion that the more they write, the more (d) — (be) their marks. The reality is just opposite, their long answers generally (e) — (be) disgusting. Such answers always earn unhappy marks. In order to get expected marks, all you (f) — (do) is to understand the question well and answer them just to the point. If the answers are big, they (g) — (sound) discordant. Above all, you need a neat presentation. To answer the short comprehension questions, you (h) — (not copy) anything blindly from the passage. You (i) — (try) to answer the questions more or less in your own English. You have to frame your answer exactly in the same tense and aspect so that these (j) — (not be) irrelevant.
  37. Human life (a) — (be) not static but dynamic. A man (b) — (reach) the highest peak of success if he (c) — (participate) in extra-curricular activities. Travelling (d) — (be) also an important part of extra-curricular activities. It (e) — (be) travelling which (f) — (enrich) our knowledge and (g) — (promote) our attitudes. Therefore, travelling (h) — (provide) knowledge and practical experience. It can be clearly (i) — (say) that our knowledge can be (j) — (mobilize) by travelling the different corners of the vast globe.
  38. The pyramids in Egypt (a) — (build) out in the deserts. These pyramids which still (b) — (see) today (c) — (make) of stone. There (d) — (be) secret doors inside the pyramids. The doors (e) — (lead) to secret path and then to a secret chamber. The Pharaoh’s body (f) — (preserve) so that it (g) — (go) on (h) — (look) the same for thousand years. These preserved bodies (i) — (call) mummies. The mummy (j) — (pack) in the secret chamber.
  39. Man is a social being and a member of society. He (a) — (have) freedom of choice, thought and expression. But everybody should (b) — (consider) that he is not the only person in a society. There (c) — (be) many persons in the society and they (d) — (have) the same right that one (e) — (expect) from one’s in the society. So, to (f) — (form) a peaceful society one should be watchful to see that other’s rights are not violated. Every citizen must (g) — (cultivate) the habit of obeying the rules and regulations of the society. Selfishness (h) — (not help) the society. Rather it (i) — (destroy) the peace and happiness of others. So, we all (j) — (think) of the greater interest of the society.
  40. A mother is a supreme gift (a) — (bestow) upon us by Allah. She (b) — (exercise) an undeniable influence in (c) — (mould) the character of a child and also in (d) — (shape) its future destiny. A mother (e) — (regard) as the best teacher, guide and protector. An educated mother can manage the family in a far better way than a mother who has (f) — (have) no schooling. She (g) — (be) more interested in (h) — (get) her children educated. So, it is often said that the hand that (i) — (rock) the cradle, (j) — (rule) the world.
  41. Tigers (a) — (know) as ferocious animals. But they hardly (b) — (kill) any animal when they are not hungry. Usually the tigers (c) — (reside) in the deep forest. They are hardly (d) — (see) in the open unless there is a strong necessity. They often remain (e) — (hide) under the deep green in search of their prey. Whenever they (f) — (discern) any prospective prey, they take a pose to (g) — (fall) upon it. Tigers often (h) — (unite) themselves to (i) — — (attack) their prey from different directions. An adult tiger (j) — (devour) 20 to 30 kilograms of meat at a single meal.
  42. The presence of working women outside the home (a) — (be) a very conspicuous change nowadays Of course it (b) — (acknowledge) that women always (c) — (work) within the house. This commonly (d) — (not count) as work. Even agricultural societies (e) — (not recognize) their roles there. So, (f) — (establish) individual identity, many of them are (g) — (enter) outside workforce now. They (h) — (join) wide range of professions. Not only educated women but also women with little education or no education (i) — (opt) to work and (i) — (come) out of their cocoons.
  43. We cannot change our society overnight. It is true that there are many problems but things are now (a) — (change). We notice a great change in our economy. It (b) — (get) better day by day. But it to be (c) — (note) here that corruption (d) — (be) the main obstacle of progress. Despite this, government (e) — (try) hard (f) — (run) the wheels of development. The first visual development (g) — (notice) in the agriculture sector. Education system is also in a change but still there are problems. The courses (h) — (select) for different classes need to be made adjustable to the students. Sometimes courses create pressure on the students. It is very hopeful that Bangladesh (i) — (advance) much in infrastructural development. The long awaited Padma Bridge (j) — (start) its functioning at last.
  44. Most of the students of our country (a) — (be) experts in memorizing their answers. They (b) — (prepare) notes themselves. They get them (c) — (prepare) by their tutors. Their tutors (d) — (exercise) their brain for the students. As a result, the (e) — (think) power of the students (f) — (develop). They (g) — (have) any command over the language. They, sometimes, (h) — (do) well in the examination. But for this they can (i) — (claim) no credit of their own. This result (j) — (help) them in their later life.
  45. Dowry (a) — (regard) as a great curse in our society. It may (b) — (compare) to cancer that is (c) — (increase) in our society at a great speed. The fathers of the brides (d) — (victimize) for dowry. If steps (e) — (take) against those greedy people, it (f) — (grasp) our society. It is mainly (g) — (see) in the rich and educated society who (h) — (take) dowry as their right. So, we have to (i) — (develop) morality. The culprits should (j) — (punish) to control it. Otherwise, it will be a society of torture and exploitation.
  46. English is an international language. It gives us easy access to the ever (a) — (expand) knowledge of science and technology, arts and education, innovations and discoveries. All the books, journals, reports, research findings (b) — (be) available in English. Important books, papers, etc. are either written in English or (c) — (translate) into English. We can read and earn knowledge from them immediately after they (d) — (publish). You easily (e) — learn about them if you have acquired the reading skills in English. If anyone wants to go to any foreign country he (f) — (know) English. Many international meetings and seminars (g) — (hold) in English. Proficiency of English (h) — (ensure) good jobs and better salaries. Specialists say learn English lest you (i) — (miss) the opportunity of getting good jobs. It is time we all (j) — (acquire) the skills of English.
  47. By the rear 2019, we (a) — (appear) at almost all the admission tests. What we (b) — (tell) from our seniors is that we have to read between the lines of all the textbooks. We have been doing so since (c) — (leave) school. We have also been obligated to (d) — (study) rigorously since we (e) — (admit) ourselves into Notre Dame College. Had we not been in such an environment. We (f) — (not school) ourselves with in-depth studies. We (g) — (commit) to excellence. We will not stop until our goals (h) — (reach). We (i) — (see) many misfortunes in the lives of many students. However, we are working hard lest failure (j) — (not taste) in our life.
  48. Congratulation for (a) — (score) a good result in the examination. I (b) — (be) now in Chattogram Next week I (c) — (go) to Dhaka. Then I (d) — (meet) you. You (e) — (choose) your career? I think you should (f) — (depend) on yourself for your own choice. If I were you, I (g) — (like) to be an agriculturist. Ours (h) — (be) an agricultural country. Most of the farmers (i) — (educate). They do not know how to cultivate good crops. They still depend on the plough. If they are given scientific instruments, they can grow more crops. Then our country (j) — (become) self-sufficient in food.
  49. A proverb goes that time and tide wait for none. Since the dawn of civilization, time is (a) — (move). It (b) — (take) any rest. It is never constant. Time once gone is (c) — (go) forever. Lost health may be regained by medicine and proper caring and nursing. Lost time cannot be (d) — (recover) by any means because nobody can stop the ceaseless onward march of time. Life (e) — (be) nothing but the sum total of some moments. So, everybody should (f) — (utilize) every moment of his life. But everyone (g) — (do) so. Only a few people (h) — (make) proper use of time and they can (i) — (rise) to the pinnacles of glory by (j) — (overcome) the problem in this world. We should follow them.
  50. Queen Victoria, when a little girl, (a) — (teach) economical habits by her excellent governess. The princess (b) — (have) a set allowance for pocket money and (c) — (not permit) to exceed. Once at the bazar at Twinbridge, she (d) — (expend) all her supply of money in (e) — (buy) a number of presents for relatives and friends. As she (f) — (leave), she (g) — (remember) another cousin to whom she (h) — (think), she (i) — (will) like to (j) — (make) a present with a gift box.
  51. Blue economy (a) — (mean) extraction of the resources of seas for the growth of an economy. Bangladesh has (b) — (settle) maritime/sea boundary dispute with the neighboring countries through an arbitral method. It (c) — (estimate) that Bangladesh has acquired 118813 square kilometers of the Bay of Bengal. The resources from the sea of Bangladesh (d) — (constitute) 81 percent of the resources existing in its land territory. Sea resources (e) — (offer) a new window of opportunity for Bangladesh. Every year, the use of wind from the seas (f) — (increase) and Bangladesh can (g) — (use) wind power for various purposes to strengthen its economy. To (h) (feed) people from the sea resources Bangladesh is required to formulate policies. We (i) — (need) to preserve the ecosystem of the sea. Experts have been looking forward to (j) — (set) up organizations and institutions to acquire the resources from the sea.
  52. A man (a) — (live) alone. He always (b) — (need) companion. He has to (c) — (express) his thoughts, ideas and feelings to others while the others (d) — (be) of the same needs. They are also in need of others for (e) — (ensure) their safety and mutual help. So, human beings are bound (f) — (live) together (g) — (make) an institution that (h) — (call) society. Society is the first organization that (i) — (make) by our primitive ancestors. They were the first to contribute to (j) — (build) up the civilization.
  53. I am a first year college student and my annual exam (a) — (be) close at hand. I need (b) — (study) a lot. However, conditions in my house (c) — (be) at all favourable. My elder sister (d) — (marry) last month and since then her share of the household chores (e) — (fall) on my shoulders. On top of that, my aunt just (f) — (have) a new baby boy. He (g) — (scream) all the time and keeps everyone up late into the night. He keeps aunt so busy that she (h) — (help) with any of the housework. So mother now relies a lot on me and so (i) — (do) my grandparents. It (j) — (seem) that I am at everybody’s beck and call.
  54. Hamlet was the prince of Denmark. He was a brave and noble young man who was interested in games and sports. But suddenly, he (a) — (change) totally. The change happened because of a great sorrow that (b) — (fall) upon him. In a mysterious way, his father, old king Hamlet (c) — (die). Hamlet’s best friend Horatio one day (d) — (come) to him with a strange story. The soldiers on guard on the castle (e) — (see) the ghost of the old king. At midnight, it (f) — (appear) in the armour of the king. Hamlet (g) — (not rest) till he saw the ghost himself and (h) — (speak) to it. He thought that the ghost (i) — (have) some message for him. He felt perhaps it (j) — (tell) him the truth about his father’s death.
  55. Socrates (470-399 BC.), a great truth seeker was born in Greece in 470 BC. He worked hard to (a) — (gain) knowledge. His method of teaching (b) — (be) asking questions and (c) – (try) to give the answer to find out the truth. Plato (447-327 BC) (d) — (know) to be the most famous disciple of Socrates. Plato (e) — (write) “The Dialogue’ and ‘The Republic’ – two world famous books. Aristotle (384-322 BĆ), who (f) — (call) the father of both the arts and science was Plato’s disciple. Aristotle (g) — (write) hundreds of books including ‘Poetics’ and ‘The Politics’. He (h) — (teach) prince Alexander as his tutor. Alexander (356-323 BC), the king of Macedonia and a scholar, was deeply respectful to his teacher Aristotle. He (i) — (become) the world’s greatest conqueror. He is (j) — (know) as “Alexander the Great” and “the Conqueror of the World”.
  56. An idle brain is devil’s workshop. If we (a) — (waste) our time in idleness, all sorts of evil thoughts will crowd our brain. Idle persons who (b) — (kill) their time are burdens of society. They (c) — (sit) idle and have lofty ambition in life. They (d) — (not support) themselves. They (e) — (lead) an unhappy life and (f) — (suffer) in the long run. There should be time for reading, for office or other work, time for physical exercise, etc. This (g) — (indicate) that we should do everything at the right moment. We (h) — (lead) a healthy and prosperous life only when we (i) — (follow) the routine which we (j) — (make) for our guidance.
  57. After (a) — (stay) in England for two months Gulliver (b) — (undertake) his next sea voyage which (c) — (take) him to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. Here he (d) — (discover) by a field worker who (e) — (sell) him to the queen. The queen (f) — (entertain) by his musical talent. The physicality of the Brobdingnagians (g) — (repulse) Gulliver. The ignorance of the people (h) — (startle) him. Even the king (i) — (not know) anything about politics. Many insects endangered his life here. Gulliver left Brobdingnag when his cage was plucked up by an eagle and (j) — (drop) into the sea.
  58. It was quite long since we (a) — (receive) any letter from you. It seems to us that you (b) — (forget) us. Though you are busy (c) — (prepare) for your examination, you must keep contact with us. We feel (d) — (worry) for you. How is your preparation going on? It is high time you (e) — (become) serious for your examination. You have to keep in mind that a stitch in time (f) — (save) nine. If you waste time aimlessly, you (g) — (suffer) in the long run. You have to work hard (h) — (sure) your success. If you became successful, your family (i) — (be) happy. The whole nation (j) — (benefit)
  59. Courtesy is, undoubtedly, a significant virtue. It goes without (a) — (say) that courtesy costs nothing but (b) — (give) a lot. So you (c) — (be) courteous. That is you (d) — (have) politeness. People (e) — (disrespect) and dislike you if you are discourteous. Nobody likes discourtesy. Try to be gentle from student life. You (f) — (win) the heart of your enemy by (g) — (be) courteous. You (h) — (ensure) the removal of hatred and anger by (i) — (embrace) your enemy. Courtesy (j) — (remove) the bitter relationship and improves mutual understanding.
  60. Education is often (a) — (compare) to light and (b) — (consider) as the pillar of human civilization. So, it is only education which can (c) — (make) a nation (d) — (rise) to the level of standard development. From this point of view, it (e) — (become) quite clear to us that if a country (f) — (provide) its people with time-befitting education (g) — (require) for the modern aspects of life, it (h) — (be) able to (i) — (achieve) an all-out prosperity to the betterment and welfare of the nation. Otherwise, the nation (j) — (remain) in darkness of ignorance.
  61. One night the whole village (a) — (sleep). The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in study. His mother was sleeping. Suddenly she (b) — (wake) up and felt thirsty. (c) — (call) her son, she told him to (d) — (give) her a glass of water and fell asleep again. Bayazid went to the pitcher with a view to (e) — (bring) some water but found it empty. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a while he (f) — (return) home with water and found his mother (g) — (sleep). Then he waited (h) — (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i) — (wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke and saw him with the glass of water in his hand. At once she (j) — (understand) what the matter was.
  62. There was once a slave in Rome. His name was Androcles. His master was unkind to him. So he (a) — (flee) away from his master’s house and (b) — (hide) himself in the forest. One day he (c) — (creep) into a cave and (d) — (lie) down and soon fell asleep. After a while, a lion entered the cave. It (e) — (roar) loudly. He was sure that the beast (f) — (kill) him. The lion was no angry but (g) — (cry) for pain in his leg. Androcles (h) — (lift) the paw from the ground, (i) — (give) a strong pull and a thorn was pulled out. They (j) — (become) friends from that day.

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