
Completing Sentences Exercises for SSC



 Completing Sentences Exercises for SSC

  1. Dhaka Board-2020

(a) No sooner had we reached the school —.

(b) Unless you study attentively —.

(c) Scarcely had the party begun —.

(d) If I had known his mobile number, —.

(e) Work hard provided that —.

  1. Mymensingh Board-2020

(a) It matters little to me whether —.

(b) He pretended as if —.

(c) If I had the wings of a bird, —.

(d) Take your umbrella lest —.

(e) Hardly had he started for school —.

  1. Rajshahi Board-2020

(a) But for your timely intervention –

(b) Many days passed —.

(c) A child — is afraid of fire.

(d) Work hard provided that —.

(e) Blessing is not valued —.

  1. Cumilla Board-2020

(a) Unless you study attentively —.

(b) It is a long time since —.

(c) If I had seen you, —.

(d) 1971 is the year when —.

(e) Danger comes where —.

  1. Chattogram Board-2020

(a) He asked me whether —.

(b) Had I the wings of a dove —.

(c) He could help you provided that —.

(d) Hardly had the bell rung —.

(e) We must look before we leap lest —.

  1. Sylhet Board 2020

(a) There are many stars in the sky —.

(b) Rukab will swim after —.

(c) A graveyard is the place —.

(d) — cannot be blotted.

(e) The answer that he —.

  1. Barishal Board-2020

(a)I am looking for Raihan. If I had seen him, —.

(b) Shila seemed upset. She talked as if —.

(c) Yesterday we were at our office. Scarcely had we finished our duty —.

(d) We are not free from danger. Danger often comes where —.

(e) Restless life is risky. We have to take rest —.

  1. Dhaka Board 2019

(a) Where there is a will, —.

(b) If a man does not work hard, —.

(c) As the people of Bangladesh are hard-working, —.

(d) But now she has made a remarkable development in her GDP —.

(e) So, it is our bounden duty to —.

  1. Chattogram Board 2019

(a) Acid rain is harmful because —.

(b) The wind was so strong that —.

(c) Had he been a little careful —.

(d) They were frightened when —.

(e) Take your umbrella lest —.

  1. Rajshahi Board 2019

(a) We should keep in mind that —.

(b) If we are not healthy —.

(c) We must eat balanced diet so that —.

(d) We should wear socks and shoes when —.

(e) Nobody likes a man who —.

  1. Barishal Board 2019

(a) There is a proverb that —.

(b) — know this wise saying?

(c) Unless you have good health —.

(d) You may have a lot of wealth but —.

(e) It is high time —.

  1. Sylhet Board 2019

(a) Acid rain is harmful because —.

(b) The wind was so strong that —.

(c) Had he been a little careful —.

(d) They were frightened when —.

(e) Take your umbrella lest —.

Dinajpur Board 2019

(a) Leisure means the time when —.

(b) As we live in a materialistic world, —.

(c) But it should be kept in mind that —.

(d) If a man does not take rest after a work, —.

(e) So, we should take a rest so that —.

  1. Cumilla Board—2019

(a) Books are our best friends because —.

(b) A man who reads books regularly —.

(c) By reading books —.

(d) We can learn moral values if —.

(e) We should inspire the students —.

  1. Jashore Board-2019

(a) The mango is a fruit which —.

 (b) It is so delicious that —.

(c) Rajshahi is the place where —.

 (d) If you visit Rajshahi, Bogura and Dinajpur —.

(e) People of this area produce a huge amount of mangoes and —.

  1. All Boards 2018

(a) It is English which ……

(b) But most of the students don’t know how …..

(c) If a student wants to do well in English …..

(d) Unless he/she practices it, …..

(e) It is high time ……..

  1. Rajshahi Board 2017

(a) Books are our best friends because —

 (b) A man who reads books regularly —

 (c) By reading books —

 (d) We can learn moral values —

 (e) We should inspire the students —

  1. Dhaka Board 2017

(a) There goes a proverb that — .

(b) Though lost wealth can be regained by hard work, lost time — .

(c) Time is so valuable that — .

(d) Those who — cannot shine in life.

(e) —, you must be successful.

  1. Dinajpur Board 2017

(a) It is said that —.

(b) In youth the mind is soft that —. 

(c) If we lose the morning hours of life —.

(d) We will reap good harvest —. 

(e) On the other hand, if we remain lazy —.

  1. Cumilla Board 2017

(a) This is Bangladesh —.

(b) The people of Bangladesh are friendly though —.

(c) When anyone falls in danger, others —.

(d) We love and help one another as if —.

(e) We work seriously in order that Bangladesh —.

  1. Chittangong Board 2017

(a) He pretends as if —.

(b) It is high time —.

(c) Walk slowly lest —.

(d) — cannot succeed.

(e) Had I seen you before —.

  1. Sylhet Board 2017

(a) Cricket is a game —.

(b) Boys and girls of our country —.

(c) Though cricket is a costly game, —-.

(d) Bangladesh is a test playing country —.

(e) — to upgrade the standard.

  1. Barishal Board-2017

(a) Slum dwellers are so poor —.

(b) As they live there in an inhuman condition, —.

(c) Although they do hard labour from dawn to dusk, —.

(d) Come forward to help them lest —.

(e) Only then they will be able to —.

  1. Jashore Board 2017

(a) Five years have passed since —

(b) Hardly had the assembly began —

(c) — lest you should miss the plane.

(d) Danger often comes —

(e) The lady speaks as if —

  1. Dhaka Board-2015

(a) Many people cut trees —.

(b) Trees cause rainfall which —.

(c) If we cut trees at random, —.

(d) Trees supply oxygen —.

(e) Since trees help us in many ways —.

  1. Chittagong Board-2015

(a) As a flower is a symbol of love, beauty and purity, it is —.

(b) There is hardly any person —.

(c) We can turn enemies into friends if we —.

(d) It is said that those who do not love flowers —.

(e) Many people cultivate flowers because —.

  1. Rajshahi Board-2015

(a) If you do not waste time —.

(b) This is the boy —.

(c) — I were a child.

(d) United we stand, —.

(e) The boy is so weak in mathematics —.

  1. Barisal Board-2015

(a) We must work hard in order that —.

(b) A man who — cannot shine in life.

(c) It is hard labour that —.

(d) The idle cannot reach their target because —.

(e) — unless you work hard.

  1. Sylhet Board-2015

(a) Yesterday I did not get up early from bed because, —.

(b) As soon as I got up from bed, —.

(c) As I could not hire a rickshaw, —.

(d) On the way to school I walked fast lest —.

(e) If I reached late, —.

  1. (a) We should say ‘no’ to corruption because —.

(b) Corrupt persons are not only dishonest but also —.

(c) It is high time govt. —.

(d) We should work together if —.

(e) But we are so self-centered that —.

  1. (a) Early rising means —.

(b) One who gets up early —.

(c) If a man rises early, —.

(d) An early riser gets enough time to —.

(e) It is a habit that —.

  1. (a) There is a proverb that —.

(b) Though one can get his lost money and health back, —.

(c) — it is lost forever.

(d) If you leave your work for tomorrow, —.

(e) Man who wastes time idly —.

  1. (a) Honesty is the best policy that —.

(b) An honest man is —.

(c) He may not be rich but —.

(d) Only the honest way one can lead the country, —.

(e) Everybody should try —.

  1. (a) We should learn English because —.

(b) Our students are afraid of learning English as —.

(c) Unless we learn English, —.

(d) If we don’t learn English, —.

(e) It is time we —.

  1. (a)King Robert Bruce lost all hopes because —.

(b)He fled away in order that —.

(c) One day while he was lying in a cave, he —.

(d) Suddenly, he saw a spider —.

(e) It fell down again and again but —.

  1. (a) Bangladesh is one of the most resourceful countries —.

(b) It is a matter of irony that —.

(c) There are many reasons —.

(d) — we have to make the best use of our resources.

(e) — we cannot make our country advanced in the world.

  1. (a) Unemployment is a state —.

(b)It is a social evil —.

(c) — the development of the country will be accelerated.

(d)This is the reasonable income —.

(e) — unless unemployment problem can be removed.

  1. (a) Everybody wants friends —.

(b) The heart formed for love cannot be happy without —.

(c)You cannot receive affection if —.

(d) You cannot find others to love you unless —.

(e) —, everybody wants it.

  1. (a) There is a proverb that —.

(b) Unless you have good health, —.

(c) A healthy poor man is happier than —.

(d) You may have a lot of wealth but —.

(e) In order to have good health, —.

  1. (a) It is price hike which is considered to —.

(b) — lead a miserable life.

(c) The government has taken necessary steps to —.

(d) The people who are greedy —.

(e) Day-to-day life in the city is going out of the capacity of —.

  1. (a) Truthfulness is one of the greatest virtues —.

(b) The person who is truthful —.

(c) —, we cannot shine in life.

(d) It is better —.

(e) A truthful person is so bold in his spirit —.

  1. (a) 1971 is the year when —.

(b) Bangladesh gained her freedom after —.

(c) Many sacrificed their lives so that —.

(d) We should pay tribute to those heroes who —.

(e)Unless we work hard unitedly, —.

  1. (a) It is Gulliver who —.

(b) He lay down on the grass —.

(c) — it was daylight.

(d)He attempted to rise —.

(e)He was fastened to the ground lest —.

  1. (a) Child labour is considered as —.

(b) Poor parents send their children to work in order that —.

(c) — they are ill paid.

(d) —, we stood against child labour.

(e) But nothing can be done unless, —.

  1. (a) That time and tide wait for none —.

(b) A man will shine in life —.

(c) But if he does otherwise —.

(d) The more you utilize time —.

(e) So, we should make the best use of time so that —.

  1. (a) A proverb goes that —.

(b) Everybody respects the man —.

(c) Honesty gives courage to a man because —.

(d)Though an honest person does not have riches —.

(e) An honest man is respected even by those —.

  1. (a) Though our life is short, our art —.

(b) He is a wise man who never puts off —.

(c) We have to finish our duties in time —.

(d) We should not put off work for tomorrow because —.

(e) He who spoils time, will —.

  1. (a) As an SSC candidate, you should read properly so that —.

(b) Make proper use of your time lest —.

(c)You ought to read your texts again and again with a view to —.

(d)If you memorize the answer without knowing the meaning, —.

(e) It is high time you —.

  1. (a) Truthfulness is a great virtue because —.

(b)One cannot command the respect of others unless —.

(c)One may succeed once or twice by telling a lie but —.

(d) — if you are a liar.

(e) So, it is a wise decision —.

  1. (a) A book fair is an affair which —.

(b) It is a fair where —.

(c) When it is the evening, —.

(d) Book lovers gather in the fair so that —.

(e) Some come to the fair to buy books and —.

  1. (a) We work hard so that —.

(b) If we are not industrious, —.

(c) A man who leads an idle life —.

(d) An idle man can never help people and so —.

(e) We know the proverb that —.

  1. (a) Since Bangladesh is an agricultural country, —.

(b) As her economy depends on agriculture, —.

(c)We have to develop cultivation scientifically so that —.

(d)Though our farmers work hard, they do not get what —.

(e)They cannot improve their condition because —.

  1. (a)It is newspaper which is called —.

(b)A student must have the habit of —.

(c) A newspaper helps him to —.

(d) — newspaper is like a frog in a narrow well.

(e)Being ignorant of the current affairs, —.

  1. (a) 1952 is the year when —.

(b) Our language martyrs sacrificed their lives so that —.

(c) They protested bravely against Urdu —.

(d) Then some students were killed who —.

(e) If they did not do that, —.

  1. (a) Once time is lost —.

(b) If every student used time properly, —.

(c) It is high time, every student —.

(d) A little learned man speaks as if  —.

(e) There is a proverb – “A stitch in time —.

  1. (a)We live in Bangladesh —.

(b) Here all the people are friendly, —.

(c) If anyone falls in danger, —.

(d) We love and help one another as if —.

(e) We also work together so that —.

  1. (a) Morning walk is such a form of exercise that —.

(b) —, you will get a sound body and mind.

(c) As air in the morning is fresh, —.

(d) Besides, nature in the morning remains calm and quiet, —.

(e) — if you are late in bed.

  1. (a) To walk in the morning —.

(b)It is better than any other exercise because —.

(c)It is in the morning when —.

(d) In the park we see that —.

(e) — we formed this good habit.

  1. (a)A Tokai is a small boy who —.

(b) Since he is shelterless, —.

(c) He undergoes hard work so that —.

(d) He may have parents but —.

(e)He cannot go to school because —.

  1. (a) As a student you should read properly so that —.

(b) Make proper use of time lest —.

(c) You ought to read your textbook again and again with a view to —.

(d) If you memorize the answers without knowing the meaning, —.

(e) It is high time you —.

  1. (a) It is price hike which —.

(b) People of low income don’t know how —.

(c) The businessmen who are greedy, —.

(d) It is really difficult to —.

(e) If the government does not take steps, —.

  1. (a) Leisure means the time when —.

(b) Since we live in a materialistic world, —.

(c)But it should be kept in mind that —

(d) If a man does not take rest after work, —.

(e) So, we should take rest so that —.

  1. (a) There goes a proverb that —.

(b) Lost health can be regained but —.

(c) Time is so valuable that —.

(d) A person cannot shine if —.

(e) It is high time —.

  1. (a) It was high time —.

(b) Scarcely had we finished our duty —.

(c) —, he would have passed the examination.

(d) Check the beast in you lest —.

(e) If I had so much wealth, —.

  1. (a) If he had walked fast, —.

(b) The weather being rough, —.

(c) Walk fast lest —.

(d) Danger often comes —.

(e) He acted as though —.

  1. (a) Besides studies students need recreation as —.

(b)For this students need playground or open space so that —.

(c) But these are so insufficient in Dhaka city that —.

(d) As a result, most of the students —.

(e) If the authorities concerned do not take proper steps, —.

  1. (a) It is study which —.

(b) If a student neglects his study, —.

(c) But those who are sincere to their studies, —.

(d) They never put off today’s work for tomorrow lest —.

(e) It is high time every student —.

  1. (a) It is illiteracy —.

(b) — are very poor.

(c) It is so poor —.

(d) It is the duty of the educated people to teach the illiterate people in order that —.

(e) The government has taken necessary steps so that —.

  1. (a) Chikungunia is not a fatal disease —.

(b) It is such a disease that —.

(c) The first Chikungunia patient was found in Dhaka where —.

(d) The doctors suggest that —.

(e) There is no further fear that —.

  1. (a) If we invest in education for girls, —.

(b) It is education which —.

(c) Educated women have higher income potential than those who —.

(d) The mothers who are educated, —.

(e) It is important to realize that —.

  1. (a) Many dishonest people cut trees so that —.

(a) But if we cut trees at random, —.

(c) Besides, trees bring rainfall which —.

(d) Trees supply oxygen without which —.

(e) Since trees help us in many ways, —.

  1. (a) Historical places help us —.

(b) Man is curious —.

(c) — he can know many things.

(d) We should pay a visit to a historical place —.

(e) It is high time —.

  1. (a) Exam strategy is such a thing which —.

(b) When an examinee gets the question paper, —.

(c) An examinee should attempt to answer all the questions or —.

(d) Though the question seems difficult at first glance, —.

(e) Keep your exam script clear lest —.

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